
Strathford is a small village bordering the Sprick in northern Ilyria. Known for its prosperity, its residents are very wealthy, benefiting from timber and fur sales to lands in the south.


The population of Strathford are human. Compared to other settlements, some visitors have noted a very high mortality rate for newborns, with around half of pregnancies ending in miscarriage or death shortly after birth.


Strathford is led by a mayor.


Elven Era

During the Orcish Migration, a band of roving orcs threatened to destroy the town. In desperation, the Mayor at the time made a bargain with Zokus, a minion of Zezgomon. In exchange for protection and prosperity, the souls of some of the townsfolk's children would be claimed by Zezgomon and the Seven Hells. This deal continued to be renewed yearly, taking a toll on the townspeople whose very essence became corrupted by the fiend.  

Post-Elven Era

By the 1430s, half the children born in Strathford displayed outward signs of the fiendish corruption, being born as tieflings, with dark skin, red eyes, and horns. In an attempt to prevent Zokus from claiming their souls, the townsfolk would kill these tieflings shortly after birth. Unknown to the residents, the killing of the children corrupted the parents souls, leading to them being claimed by the Seven Hells.

Natural Resources

Strathford is renowned for its timber harvested from the Sprick. Following the Great Revolt, rebuilding and expansion of human towns across Khalon needed building material. Strathforders capitalized on this, shipping timber south throughout Ilyria and Gaul.   The second major export from Strathford is furs. Beavers, martens, wolves, and foxes are found commonly throughout the Chamer Forest, with Strathforders trapping and skinning these animals for profit. While a small village, Strathford has outsized influence in Calydon, with many of the Pelletiers, a prominent Calydonian guild of fur-traders, hailing from Strathford.
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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