
The Sprick is a vast forest located in northeastern Khalon. Marking the northern border of Ilyria, it remains largely untouched by humanoids. While some Ilyrians log and trap in the southern portions of the forest, its interior remains nearly untouched by humanoids.


The Sprick is a large temperate mixed forest consisting of deciduous and coniferous trees. Stretching from the Anchorage to the Tarum Mountains, the Sprick is very difficult to navigate due to an overgrowth of plant life.

Fauna & Flora

While most trees in southern portions of the Sprick are oaks and alders, pines become much more common in the north. A wide variety of animal life exists in the Sprick, ranging from deer, wolves, and grizzly bears to more sinister creatures. Many who journey to deep into the woods never return, leaving much of what lives in the Sprick to the imagination of those left behind.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under


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