Varan I

Varan I was the first Monarch of Ilyria. Following the great revolt, Varan became the Duke of Thorns. When Ilyria founded in 1361, he was elected to be the first king. His reign was prosperous and peaceful, with Calydon undergoing massive growth.  

Great Revolt

Born to a prosperous family in Sibreach, Varan was middle-aged by the time of the Great Revolt. He was an early supporter of the revolution, organizing and leading a cavalry division in central Khalon. Fighting alongside Lysander, Varan and his son (Varan II) were at the Battle of Thal’Narius when Lysander ascended.   Following the war, Varan expanded his control in central Khalon, ruling over the Duchy of Thorns. While not one of the most powerful dukes, Varan was widely respected as a reasonable voice among the post-war leaders. Following the Davenport Charter, he was chosen by the electoral college to serve as the first king of Ilyria in 1361.  

King of Ilyria

During his ten year reign, Varan focused on developing Ilyria. Calydon grew massively during this time, with a multitude of public works being built in the city. He also encouraged trade within the kingdom. New roads were built across Ilyria, with ports being expanded in Oakecross and Tunstead. The most famous of these was completed after his death, connecting Calydon to Weix in Trelios. It soon became the central artery of trade in eastern Khalon.  


Dying at 72, Varan has been remembered for his steady hand and thoughtful rule. His reign is remembered for its prosperity and for midwifing the birth of Ilyria. Following his death, his son, Varan II, took the throne after being chosen by the electoral college.
1299 EE 1371 EE 72 years old
Aligned Organization


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