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The Assault on Dralgus

On 12th of Ny, 395 Aurleen decided to strike back at Dralgus. The red planet could be seen in the sky for over a year, sending Daemons of Khorne to Aurleen to harvest a mysterious crystal called Lenium.  

Weakening the Enemy

In order to be able to attack Dralgus efficiently, the participating adventuring parties split up with different objectives.  

Freedom Fighters

The Freedom Fighters were tasked with the destruction of Production, a facility in which the souls of humans were torn from their bodies in horrible ways. Those souls were minted into Soul Coins and then turned into demons.   Favoring infiltration over brute force, the Freedom Fighters used Seeming to appear as demons and made their way to the facility. Using a combination of stealth and deception, they managed to infiltrate and made good use of charms and illusions to either mislead or charm demons to give them the information they needed. The facility was split in 4 tunnels, one of which was locked by a huge door. The first led into a prison/holding area, where the warden was taken down in its sleep and taking its keys while the Freedom Fighters made sure the prisoners would be able to escape when the time came to blow up the facility.   The Freedom Fighters now had the key to the tunnel in which they knew the leader of this facility stayed but decided to clear our the other tunnels, the second of which led into a room with potions beyond number and a large cauldron bubbling in the center. Here, the party found the information on how demons were created in a dark tome. And collected a few thousand potions while misdirecting a few elite demons.   After being slightly confused by a mute hag without a torso, the Freedom Fighters made their way into the third tunnel, where demons were teleported into the facility in great numbers. Waiting for the right moment, they tried to destroy the crystal, but a group of demons including a huge Bone Demon appeared to stop them. After slaying the fiend, the party managed to stop more demons from making their way into the facility.   Finally, it was time for the Freedom Fighters to make their way into the fourth and final tunnel, moving through the crowds of demons as they had many times before, they finally came upon the room where humanoids were turned into demons through terrible ways. In the last room, they were caught by the mad doctor who ran the facility and sent his strongest demons towards the Freedoms Fighters. After these were disposed of, he himself joined the fight, chugging potions and being a general nuisance. After he fell, the freedom fighters destroyed the facility and together with the freed prisoners they made their way towards the portal, as Production exploded behind them.

The Obisdian

Under the direction of Gustav Wintertoe, The Obsidian was transported to Dralgus. Their mission was to go to the capital to destroy the Soul Beacon. Before they could do that, they had to wreak havoc by blowing up one of the lenium storage facilities.

On their way to the facility they had to stay hidden from the Daemons of Khorne. They came across the skeleton of a destroyed titan and being the professionals they are, The Obsidian (for once) stayed focussed on their mission. But the sight of a coffin sticking out of the ground caught their attention. It was only when they took some of the stuff, that the human skeleton inside came to life. He introduced himself as Calvin Lawhill, a noble from Asmakbar, and asked them what had happened to his planet. Oblivious to the existance of Dralgus, he tried to make a deal with the obsidian. This however, didn't go as planned, as Ozzo took his head and they went on with their journey.

Soon they arrived at the capital. Before going in, however, Gustav cast a spell on them to give them the appearance of Daemons. As they walked into the facility, they immedeately scanned for guards. With the help of Penny they soon had eyes on all of their enemies and the red lenium. Because they knew they'd never be out before the explosion, Harriette ''Harrie'' Graythorn created a safe haven by casting rope trick. As the rest of the party created a distraction, Azrallean destroyed the lenium with a fireball. They were just quick enough to get back into the extradimensional space before everything got blown up.

After that, they started making their way towards the Soul Beacon and while making their way towards the Beacon, they came across a group of dwarves in distinctive Redmond uniforms. They decided not to intervene to ensure the success of their mission. During their travels, Gustav started explaining the rest of the plan. Using a blue gem, they had to signal a laser in Bright Keep. The laser would then fire to the point of the gem, destroying the Soul Beacon.

When they arrived at the Beacon, the Daemons and dwarves had already entered the hall. Next to them was someone bigger and more gruesome: The Baron of Hell. A huge fight ensued, during which Azrallean sent Ollovar to complete their mission. The familiar sacrificed himself and doing that blew up the Soul Beacon.

The Daemons were shocked, and more of them were coming from all angles. That's when a passageway opened underneath the Beacon. The party ran as fast as they could, only to find a large room with many gold pillars. The floor was made of marble and had not withstood the test of time. There were large cracks in the grey walls. That's when they heard a deep, echoing voice: "I... can... hear... you..." There wasn't anyone to be found so, the group traversed their way through the building. Meanwhile Lillith stole the skull off of Ozzo to have a little chat. She asked him questions about Asmakbar and the Daemons and learned of a war long ago.

After walking through the palace like building, they came out in a large throne room. On the throne they find a skeleton, who they later find out is Lord Menwyr, the former king of Asmakbar. In his rage he mistakes the group for Daemons and summons his soldiers, but during this fight he's not fighting his enemy's but some possible allies. That's when he took them to his armory to help them prepare for their final battle. His people had prepared for this calamity and had created a specialized defence mechanism: a rod that absorbs a part of the fire damage. He hands it to Astrid d'Arcy and summons the earth worms, who create a safe passage towards the Dark Portal.    

Team Treebark

The task for Team Treebark was to attack the Dark Portal in a city at the center of Dralgus. To do this they got the help of Thane Kor' thazz. This portal allowed the Daemons to teleport to Thes' Ax in Aurleen. In and around the city a lot of patrols could be found, consisting of Lesser Daemons, Elite Berserkers, Mawrippers and Golobuals.   After some close encounters and disguising themselves as Daemons of Khorne, the party met a Daemon shaman named Galdur. He told them about seeing everyone in his visions, which speak of a burning Dralgus. Galdur offered to help Team Treebark in the fight against Dralgus, in exchange for allowing him safe passage off of Dralgus. While somewhat sceptical, the party accepts his information.
He explains that the Dark Portal is powered by Red Lenium, but its direction of teleportation could be reversed by using the "source" of the Dralgus inhabitants. One soul large enough to do this can be found in the Portal Guardian, which (as the name suggests) guards the Dark Portal. The guardian, designed by Galdur, is also powered by Red Lenium and is connected to the source of the Dark Portal. By converting the Red Lenium to Prime Lenium, the reversal process of the portal could be started. Finally, two floating orbs grant the Portal Guardian resistance when trying to fight it.   In order to convert the main source of Red Lenium, Gudrun Inamenor and Valí the Restless had to climb to the top of the massive Dark Portal. While climbing up N'emundill Twinsoul, Pethorn and Cordell Steelheart encountered the Portal Guardian for the first time, which left quite a mark on some of them (some even ended up 3kms away).
After an impressive climb and converting the Red Lenium into Prime Lenium, Team Treebark took on the Portal Guardian. After a tough fight they managed to defeat it, but this seemed to be just the start of the battle. As a new horde of Daemons of Khorne appeared together with a familiar face. Now controlled by the daemons after being capture, the party was attacked by Grimlock.   A long and bloody fight ensued, with Thane Kor' thazz falling in battle. As he was defeated, the curse put upon Grimlock finally was removed. This made him realize what he did: kill his old Dwarven friend. In his guilt he decided to use a Moon card he had been keeping for a long time, wishing for Thane to be revived again.
Now that Grimlock was back on the side of Aurleen, another fight ensued. After having to battle a legendary fighter, defeating a hold of Lesser Daemons proved to be remarkably easy!   Shortly after battling the horde the reversal process on the Dark Portal finished, causing the portal to strongly pull people toward it. Before being pulled through the portal, Grimlock told Team Treebark that he was giving the Fighting Arena in Torda.
As the party arrived back in Aurleen, they informed King Graham of what happened and charged back through the portal with a giant army. This army consisted of the Redmond Army, Dwarf Army (in Redmond armor), the Cracked Banshee Crew and a Fey army lead by Titiana.   In the calm before the storm, Team Treebark headed back to Galdur. While they were away he had brewed a powerful concoction for them as thanks for their help, giving them a boost for the fight ahead (despite some scepticism from the party)...    

All-Out Battle

After allowing an army led by King Graham to travel to Dralgus itself, an assault was launched on the planet as a whole. However, early on in the attack The Freedom Fighters, The Obsidian and Team Treebark got separated from the main army by an explosion. After the explosion they found themselves on small platforms floating on a massive lava lake, eye-to-eye with the Daemon Prince Masxrox.   After a fight of truly epic proportions, a defeated Prince Masxrox fell to the ground. At the same time the red planet Dralgus started to crack open to reveal a glowing red light, requiring the parties and remaining army to rush back to the Dark Portal. As they all arrive safely in Thes' Ax the planet suddenly implodes, causing the red mist lying over Aurleen to disappear in a bright flash of light.
A long moment of silence is finally broken by the realisation that Aurleen has been victorious in the fight against an enemy they had been fighting for over a year. Many people present will attest that the ear-shattering sound of victory is a memory they will never forget.   The victory was extensively celebrated back in Heaven's Rise, previously known as Heaven's Keep. After a long night of good food, mead, wine and music and some well-earned rest, everyone is starting to realize the influence of their victory...
Also known as The Mega Session in other languages.   Date
12th of Ny, 395   Participants  


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