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The Hydra Fleet

Founded by the First High Captain to serve Doronuma above the ambitions of the various fleets, The Hydra Fleet maintains cooperation within the fleets and brokers contracts and missions with other entities. They seek knowledge and to uncover ancient secrets.


Admiral: The leader of the Fleet, commanding the flagship and assigning squadrons to various missions.
Squadron Commander: Commands a squadron of 3-10 ships, leading them directly and coordinating missions.
Squadron Quartermaster: In charge of supplying ships and personel within their squadron with the neccessary equipment, munitions and supplies. Responsible for sending ships to be repaired and kept up to date. Also responsible for treasure management and reallocation.
Captain: Captain of a ship, in charge of the crew and the ship in battle. Arbiter of all immediate disputes.
Officer: Various specialists of a ship
  • Helmsman: Sailing the ship. Adept at reading maps, the stars and the winds.
  • Gunner: Ships weapons, both mundane and magical.
  • Healer: Keeping the crew healthy and aiding the wounded.
  • Navigator: Maps and assisting the captain in plotting out their journey
  • Spotter: Surveiling the nearby area for hazards and monsters, often serving as a sniper or long range magic expert.
  • Quartermaster: Manages supplies for the ship.
  • Chef: Manages food and drink for the crew, makes meals with the assistance of various sailors.
  • Mage: An arcane specialist in identifying magical items and phenomenon.
Apprentice Sailors: Basic grunts who do the manual labor on the ship, serving under and learning from various officers. The most competent are promoted to Temporary Officers with the death, illness, or abscence of their commanding officer


The Hydra fleet is very focused on improvement for it's members and collaboration between them. Even it's lowest ranking sailors are taught marketable and useful skills so that they can ascend to greater roles within the organization. Your crewmates are your family, and you are to help them improve at all times, offering constructive criticism and holding them accountable to their ideals and ambitions. They are pragmatic, result driven and inventive.


  • Ambition: Seek to better yourself and those close to you, have goals and move towards them.
  • Knowledge: Knowledge is power, you must always be curious, observant and open minded. When you stop learning you will stagnate and die.
  • Power: Always seek to grow in strength and influence. Seek out powerful spells, relics and techniques.

Relationships to Governments

  • Shogunate of Kazanshiro: They maintain a polite but increasingly distant relationship with Kazanshiro that has soured harshly after Shogun Hiraku's endorsement of the Pearl Pact, which they view as extremely disrespectful. At best it was catastrophically ignorant, at worst it was a calculated effort to shift the balance of power into Kazanshiro's favor.
  • Council of Isamaru: They are very friendly, working against the shared threat of the Yoru Dynasty. The Hydra Fleet also works to facilitate and safeguard trade with the struggling nation, using their authority to protect Doronuman trade goods flowing into Isamaru from the civil war.
  • Pearl Pact: They maintain a tense but cordial relationship with the Pearl Pact. They know the Pearl Pact resents their authority and views them as traitorous for helping their enemies and circumvent them whenever possible, but that doesn't change that they need to work together to reach a conclusion to this messy grinding conflict and if they forsake neutrality they lose their influence over the conflict.
  • Emerald Alliance: They maintain a friendly relationship, especially now that Kazanshiro has shifted balance towards their draconic rivals in the Pact. There is some tension with the Fleet's insistence on neutrality, but they understand and respect that they do so for pragmatic reasons not idealistic ones. They also appreciate that they help them get work and extend their influence outside Doronuma.
  • Crane Concord: They maintain a polite relationship that has only improved as their mutual displeasure with Kazanshiro has grown. Many in the Hydra Fleet sympathise with the Concord the most but recognize that they aren't in a position to win the war. Their relationship has been mutually beneficial, helping the Concord form alliances with various factions throughout Doronuma and beyond while the Hydra Fleet gets capable merceneries throughout a majority of fleets.
  • Chamber of Five: They maintain a friendly but distant relationship, as they are far from Doronuma and mostly trade with Isamaru and Kazanshiro.
  • Court of Crows: They maintain a very friendly relationship, as the Vulture King knows that controlling The Morass would shift the Doronuma Civil War drastically and that the Hydra Fleet's authority is vital to maintaining independence from Doronuma. The Hydra Fleet allows them to hire the fleets when convenient without being beholden to them and serves as an important intercessor between them and their neighbors.
Minoru Masami is a genderfluid gith who is a rising star challenging Admiral Takumi, an outspoken critic of the Hydra Fleet's neutrality who advocates for uniting against the Pearl Pact by forcing the Emerald Alliance to work with the Crane Concord and elevate the High Table to replace the Coral Throne.

Public Agenda

Kingmaker: Determine which Fleet of Doronuma is worthy to rule the land. Then bring Doronuma under one rule and restore the power we once held.
Liason:The Hydra Fleet helps organize jobs for the fleets, both giving the fleets jobs and contracting work the fleets need .


In 145 AD when Izumi Eiko established Doronuma she began cultivating her court from various members of the fleets, seeking only the most competent who would serve this fledgeling nation with the utmost efficiency and cleverness. She left the Crane Fleet to a successor and oversaw the early Hydra Fleet, a core of diplomats, spies, and infiltrators that would be essential to maintaining power over the disparate fleets and gaining influence over the lands beyond. They were to serve Doronuma, the nation and it's people, above their own interests, to safeguard this nation and ensure the ambition of it's people didn't tear it apart. But they were not allowed to hold the throne, only safeguard it. In 318 AD with the fall of Yukora, the Hydra Fleet lost many of it's members and Doronuma lost it's leadership. There were decades of chaos, confusion and bloodshed as they grappled with the surge of monsters and ecological disasters caused by the Sundering Squall and it's aftermath. Various fleets established centers of power and alliances, but were unable to solidify power over the entire nation of Doronuma. The Hydra Fleet is divided over who should hold power, as various fleets are locked in stalemates and no clear heir has appeared. The Hydra Fleet maintains balance between them, but that balance has been usurped by Emperor Hiraku's controversial endorsement of the Pearl Pact.

Many Heads, One Purpose

Color Alignment:
  Dimir (Blue Black)
Founding Date
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Power Structure
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Associated classes
  1. Bard
  2. Blood Hunter
  3. Demon Hunter
  4. Witch
  5. Rogue
  6. Warlock
  7. Wizard
  8. Titan

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