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Free Cities of Doronuma (Doh-roh-noo-muh)

Verdant lowlands criscrossed with rivers, Doronuma has a proud heritage of ingenuity and ruthlessness. They were founded by pirate fleets who broke away from or subsumed their draconic overlords.


Doronuma has much lower elevation than most of Kizudo, covered in wetlands, rainforests and rivers. In the west there is the Gakuyou or Sea Jaws region, a series of peninsulas leading out to the sea. The Jaws have many Mangrove forests, tidal swamps with salt resistant trees that connect to the seafloor with networks of roots. As you head east you'll reach the Nekogawa or Cat Rivers region, riverlands saturated by various rivers flowing from the nearby Dosan chain of mountains to the north. The area around the Dosans, the Kumori Foothills, is covered in rainforests and is a much higher elevation than the rest of Doronuma. There is also Mount Kabuto to the far east, a massive snow capped mountain.


The Sea Jaws
Cultivated mangrove forests along the coasts to act as storm barriers, locals use water bending to desalinate the water inland so they can use it for farming. In the canopy, ants, spiders, moths, termites, and scorpions feed and nest in hollowed twigs. Monkeys, snakes and lizards crawl along tree limbs. Frogs cling to bark and leaves. Crocodiles laze in the salt water. Man eating tigers stalk through marshes and bats fly through the sky. There also bees. In areas where roots are permanently submerged, the organisms they host include algae, barnacles, oysters, sponges, and bryozoa, which all require a hard surface for anchoring while they filter-feed. Shrimp and mud lobsters use the muddy bottoms as their home. Mangrove crabs eat the mangrove leaves, adding nutrients to the mangal mud for other bottom feeders.   The Cat River Deltas
The floodplain forest is dominated by cottonwood, hackberry, pecan, elm, and willow. The bluffs along the upper river are dominated by trees like oak, hickory, and walnut. Otters, coyotes, deer, beaver, black bears, muskrats and other mammals live along the banks as well as a lot of fish. There are also sharks and aligators.   Kumori Foothills
Mainly broadleaf evergreen in lower elevations and deciduous in higher elevations, with many beech, cedar, cypress, fir, hemlock, oak and tsuga trees. There are many animals such as black woodpeckers, black bears, dormouses, giant salamanders, serows, macaques, golden eagles, sika deer, grass lizards, and rat snakes. There are several vampire strongholds here, using the constant mists and mountainous terrain to ambush travelers and maintain castles hidden deep in the mountains.

Ecosystem Cycles

Seasons are normal, with hurricane season starting in June and ending in November.

Localized Phenomena

There is a massive trench where Yukora, the capital city used to be. It is occupied by great terrible beasts of the abyss
  Use water wheels for power.
  Not many roads, lots of canals and rivers navigated by rowboats. Fan boats are required in denser areas of vegetation.
  Many ghost towns are mostly occupied by spirits that only manifest at night
  The climate of Doronuma is particularly friendly to dragons, with it's mild winters and pleasant climates. Dragons that are particularly common here are Black, Blue, Green, Amethyst, Crystal, Emerald, Topaz, Deep and Moonstone dragons.


Climate is stable, staying relatively warm and rainy year round.

Natural Resources

Salt: Sea salt is extracted from the water in massive quantities as a byprouduct of farming.
  Wood:Mangrove, cottonwood, hackberry, pecan, elm, willow, beech, cedar, cypress, fir, hemlock, oak and tsuga.
  Food: Rice, fish particularly tilapia, catfish, carp, barramundi, freshwater prawns, salmon, perch, bass, trout, guppies, and crayfish as well as tortoise and sea turtles. For vegetables there are cabbage, Asparagus, Watercress, Cauliflower, Celery, Water spinach, Taro, Water Mint and Arugula. Fruit that grows here is Asian pears, apples, Guava, citrus trees, Sapodilla ,Mango, Surinam cherry, Cainito, Persimmon, Coconut, Mulberry, Camu Camu, and Jaboticaba (whatever that is).


Time of Myth
Rising from the riverlands along the coast, Isamaru's people are shaped by O-Nanami and O-Namazu's influence. O-Nanami shaped the fishfolk while O-Namazu shaped others such as birdfolk, Grung, tortles, vedalken and yuan-ti. Many amphibious and aquatic First Beasts. As The Blight devestated the Gods, O-Nanami and O-Namazu changed in very different ways. O-Namazu became more worldly, indulging in mortal vices and becoming more grounded while O-Nanami became wrathful, ruthless and distant from mortals. Demons roamed the land, although the usual warbands didn't. Dragons rose across the land.
  Time of Kings
Various Dragonlords gained dominion over the people and creating the Dragonborn and Kobolds in their image. The dragons fought bitterly amongst themselves. The people chafed at their rule and various pirate fleets formed, both against their rule and as brutal enforcers of their Dragonlords. Captain Izumi of the Crane Fleet called a meeting of the fleets, extolling them to fight for their own interests instead of that of the Dragonlords. She persuaded them and they rose against the Dragonlords, several Dragonlords joining the Fleets instead of fighting them. The others fell to their blades and trickery. Izumi filled the power vacuum the Dragonlords left behind, taking over their tax network and establishing the capital at Yukora. After Terashi and the Kumori Foothills were brought into the fold the nation of Doronuma began to settle and expand their power, eventually discovered the World Cradle, seeking to take it for themself. Captain Norika of the Crocodile Fleet went to O-Nanami and asked for a way to defeat the God of the Forest. They gave him a blade soaked in darkness from the deepest trench in the sea, Keimusho the Fathomless Blade. They descended on the World Cradle and fought O-Moriko, wounding them with the vile blade. The wound weakened it until they were able to bring them down. The world fell silent, all the animals, plants, and the wind stopped. They realized their dire mistake and fled in shame and guilt. This ignited the Sundering War, as the various nations scrambled to take the remaining pieces of the Cradle. The mechanized assualt of Kazanshiro was catastrophic, many died and the desperate Captain Jushi, leader of Doronuma, entered a pact with O-Nanami to enlist the power of leviathans of the deep in return for bringing the head of O-Saruyama's champion and the roots of the World Cradle. The Leviathan's were able to stabilize the war, and it dragged on, O-Nanami feeding off the death and destruction they wrought. The war was eventually ended with the Sundering Squall, the champion of O-Saruyama still alive and the roots unclaimed. O-Nanami took Yukora, the surrounding countryside and all the people down into the deep with them and transfigured them into gruesome servants. There was no clear heir to the throne, and so the succession crisis began.
  Time of Shards
The various fleets compete for influence and seek to claim relics to cement their legitimacy. The civilians seek to simply rebuild their lives and live peacefully, but many threats rise to challenge them including several new Dragonlords.

Native Sapient Species

  1. Birdfolk (Aaracockra, Kenku, Owlin)
  2. Dhamphir
  3. Dragonborn
  4. Fishfolk (Locathah, Sea Elves, Triton)
  5. Frogfolk (Githyanki and Grung)
  6. Humans
  7. Kobolds
  8. Lizardfolk
  9. Tortles
  10. Vedalken
  11. Yuan-ti.


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