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The Fleets of Doronuma

The Fleets of Doronuma, fractured after the Drowning of Yukora, have split into three different organisations from it's past.   The Pearl Pact follows Dragonlord Sachi the Pearl Prince, a male Crystal Dragon. The organisation is known for their dedication to order and honor. Amethyst, Crystal, Topaz, Sapphire and Moonstone Dragons are affiliated with them, as are the Crocodile and Moth Fleets. They have been endorsed by Shogun Hiraku of Kazanshiro.
  The Emerald Alliance serves Dragonlord Ayaka the Fourth, a female green dragon. They were the foremost among the dragons before being deposed by Izumi. Black, Blue, Deep, Green, and Emerald dragons are affiliated with them, as are the Bat and Salamander Fleets.
  The Crane Concord follows no Dragonlord, with the greatest claim to the crown of Doronuma. The fleets under them are Crane, Frog, Fairy and Tiger Shark.
      Hebi, the Hydra Fleet: Very active throughout Kizudo, has alliances with various fleets and serves as an intermediary between the fleets. Isn't counted among the Fleets but is respected, as they are the last remnants of the court.

Crane Fleet: Famous for sailing under High Captain Izumi, founder of Doronuma. Commanded by Admiral Arata Aoi, a nonbinary vedalken wizard with ties to the Seizan Spires.
  Crocodile Fleet: Famous for Captain Meishin who killed the God of the forest. Commanded by Admiral Kota Kei, a male amethyst dragonborn titan who harnesses the power of the void.
  Tiger Shark Fleet: Famous for Captain Noriko who brought Terashi into Doronuma. Commanded by Admiral Kanako Hina, a yuan-ti bard well versed in the way of dance.
  Frog Fleet: Commanded and founded by Admiral Glep, the First Frog, who has great and sinister psionic abilities. He baptises all his followers in his tadpole water, granting them psionic abilities but slowly transforming them into froggy forms. Famously during a battle with the Dragonlord Obunan he paralyzed the dragon and then ate him whole in front of all his men, ending the battle on the spot.
  Bat Fleet: Crewed by vampires and active throughout the Kumori Foothills. Founded by members of the Yoru Dynasty that were driven out of Isamaru. Commanded by Admiral Yoru Fuyuko, a Vampire Blood Hunter.
  Moth Fleet: Commanded by Admiral Mosura, the First Moth, who has been reborn numerous times.
  Fairy Fleet: Formerly two seperate fleets, the Bears and Otters, but the captains fell in love and got married, combining their fleets under one banner. Commanded by Admiral Kawauso Minoru, a swashbuckling rogue.
  Salamander Fleet: Founded by followers of Dragonlord Jiwari, still commanded by his descendents. Particularly Admiral Kokoro Koharu, a topaz kobold draconic sorcerer.


Admiral: The leader of the Fleet, commanding the flagship and assigning squadrons to various missions.
Squadron Commander: Commands a squadron of 3-10 ships, leading them directly and coordinating missions.
Squadron Quartermaster: In charge of supplying ships and personel within their squadron with the neccessary equipment, munitions and supplies. Responsible for sending ships to be repaired and kept up to date. Also responsible for treasure management and reallocation.
Captain: Captain of a ship, in charge of the crew and the ship in battle. Arbiter of all immediate disputes.
Officer: Various specialists of a ship
  • Helmsman: The person sailing the ship. They not only had to be adept at reading maps, but also the stars and the winds.
  • Gunner: Ships weapons, both mundane and magical.
  • Healer: Keeping the crew healthy and aiding the wounded.
  • Navigator: Maps and assisting the captain in plotting out their journey
  • Spotter: Surveiling the nearby area for hazards and monsters, often serving as a sniper or long range magic expert.
  • Quartermaster: Manages supplies for the ship.
  • Chef: Manages food and drink for the crew, makes meals with the assistance of various sailors.
  • Mage: An arcane specialist in identifying magical items and phenomenon.
Enlisted Sailors: Basic grunts who do the manual labor on the ship, often apprenticing under various officers.
Legislative Body
The Structures that govern Doronuma are as follows:

Dragons of the Emerald Alliance and Pearl Pact

Dragon Monarch: The leader of the Alliance or Pact respectively. Traditionally either a green or crystal dragon as appropriate. They serve as the figurehead and visonary for their alliance, and seek to one day unite Doronuma under their banner.
  Dragonlords: The rulers of various areas within their alliance as well as commanders of independant militaries, Dragonlords are the wisest and most cunning of their kind. They oversee specific regions within their territory and are resoponsible for governing it and defending it.

Crane Concord

The High Table: A council of representatives from the four fleets and the Hydra Fleet, the members of the High Table rule as a unit.  


Viziers: The Vizier rules over a large region for their superiors, similar to a Governor of a state. Exceptional performance as a Vizier will often lead to promotions to higher offices. 
  Dukes: Dukes rule over an individual city or village, maintaining an orderly, productive and peaceful existence for their citizens. Heirs of the Dragonlords and High Table alike let their promising heirs try being Dukes to test their skills at leadership and organization.
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles


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