Bantok (BAHN-tawk)

"You haven't known horror until you've slain a warrior and his weapon continues the attempt on your life."   ~Archmage Dulacar, of the Brass Tower

Basic Information


Bantok are amalgamations of flesh in metallic chitin. To one who has only heard a rough description, they may actually be mistaken for weapons made from Nork. They typically sport one to eight eyes, four legs, and a damaging implement. They all have tentacles that plunge into the flesh of their wielders to perfect the man-weapon connection with a direct nervous link.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bantoks are bred and altered with Biomancy for the purpose of creating living weapons. After a breed has been created, it reproduces in much the same way as the Brain Grubs from which they were birthed.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once birthed, the Bantok will grow. It will attain adulthood (and therefore full usefulness) in four months, shedding and eating its skin several times over this period.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bantok feed from feelings of aggression as well as feelings of pain and horror that come from a battle.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Bantoks are living weapons. Different breeds have been created to act as different weapons according to need. The mental link between the weapon and wielder confers proficiency, regardless of the skills of the wielder.

Average Intelligence

Bantok hijack their wielder's brainpower for thinking. If disconnected from their wielder, they act much like most predators, though if this disconnect happened due to their wielder dying they will attempt to slay their attacker first even at the cost of their life.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Bantok typically have a nocturnal darkvision, and can detect the thoughts of enemies within 30 ft.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Bantoks require sentient wielders to live more than a few months into adulthood.

Weapon Breeds

    Axe Bantok     Bantok Dagger     Bantok Mace     Bantok Arming Sword     Bantok Spear
Genetic Ancestor(s)
1-10 years
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Flesh of adult Bantoks is usually red, though it mottles to khaki tan with age. The chitinous steel is usually gray to glossy black.
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