
"I'm taking you out of that jar and into this one. There's a lot of extra parts in your current jar, it's time to downsize."   ~Phrenic Agent 45

Basic Information


Extractors have two pincers on their mandibles, four stubby legs, a long shrimplike tail that ends in a venomous stinger. The body is almost pure muscle, with only a few flexible, rudimentary skeleton.

Genetics and Reproduction

Extractors are selectively bred by the biomancers of the Phrenic Skein. Originally, they were a strain of Brain Grub.

Growth Rate & Stages

Like Brain Grubs, Extractors are birthed from the chest cavity of a victim. While in their egg stage, they drain the intelligence, memory, and emotion from their host. When their host becomes a vegetable, they force their way out, explosively. Unlike Brain Grubs, Extractors end their change here. They become a tool for extracting brains, easily dominated by any psion.

Ecology and Habitats

Extractors are incapable of surviving in the wild for any real length of time.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Extractors feed off of pain and horror. That is their primary form of nourishment.

Additional Information


As unnaturally bred biomancers' mutants, Extractors are proprietary and practical tools.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Extractors are used by Phrenic Skein to extract brains from victims. They latch onto the back of a victim's skull with their four feet. They then sting the base of the neck with their stinger, paralyzing the victim and altering their biology. The body and brain no longer need each other, and if the brain is extracted soon after, it can be preserved in a jar for transport while the body receives whatever treatment the Phrenic Skein have intended it for.   The brain is extracted from a prepared victim with the Extractor's mandibles. They wrap around the skull, and use a sawing motion to remove the cap, and then the Extractor carefully pulls the brain from its housing and transport it without damage. The victim is conscious during the whole horrifying, painful process.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Extractors can detect thoughts. They are basically blind otherwise, and grope their way around when left alone.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
1-6 years.
Average Length
1.5 ft.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Extractors are a slimy crimson. mottling to a khaki tan as they age.
Discovered by

Extractor CR: 1

Tiny aberration, any
Armor Class: 12
Hit Points: 1
Speed: 30 ft , burrow: 10 ft


6 -2


14 +2


10 +0


6 -2


10 +0


8 -1

Skills: Athletics +8
Damage Vulnerabilities: Lightning, fire
Senses: Detect Thoughts 60 ft, blind/deaf.
Languages: Telepathy
Challenge Rating: 1


Sting To hit: +6. Damage: 1d8 poison. When a creature is struck by this disease, they must make a Constitution Saving Throw DC 15 or become Poisoned. For as long as the Poisoned condition persists, they are Incapacitated, and if their brain is separated from their body, both will survive without aid for 1d4 days.       Extract If the Extractor is grappling an Incapacitated creature, they may extract the creature's brain over three rounds. On the first round, the Extractor saws the creature's skull open. On the second round, it gets a grip on the brain. At the end of the Extractor's third consecutive turn taking these actions, it draws the brain out and can transport it. While holding a brain, the Extractor can make no actions other than movement, and its speed is reduced to 10 ft. The victim is aware of the entire process.


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