
"The Edhekadrel is what brought our kind here in the first place. A stable portal to the plane of fire, or near enough to it for what we need. It powers our forges, it heats our homes, and it forms the core of the unbreakable mountains: the largest vein of adamantine ore that any dwarf ever laid eyes on. It made our merchant ancestors rich, and it makes our royal line strong."   ~Thruma Palay Dawi, Thrummaz of the Dwarves

Purpose / Function

This natural portal is used to heat the dwarf forges and provide the steam power for the Aincuggesnirviclagillipog. It is also the only way to get to the Karakadaw mirror-city.


A series of pipes have been constructed from the northside opening that pump in water and out steam for the machinery of the gnomes.   The southside opening has a similar arrangement, pumping the gases of the fire plane throughout Karakadaw with each pipe branching out into dozens that each terminate into the bottom of a smelter or forge.


The original Dawi settlers followed a lead discovered by gnome leymancers to discover one of the few stable large-scale flagrans in the world. The gnomes and dwarves split the resource, with the dwarves taking the southern opening and the gnomes taking the northern opening. In the flaming pocket plane that connects to the portal, the openings are roughly a mile apart and face each other.
Alternative Names
The Doorway Forge
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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