Queen Palay Dawi

Queen Palay Dawi

"I find the dwarf queen to be a delight to work with. This is a bit surprising to me, considering how many times I've used her kingdom as an anvil to chase a Greenskin incursion into for total destruction.   "She is a shrewd negotiator and a noble soul."   ~Margrave Arronax Skinner, Elector of Cambreath

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Queen Palay is in her prime, and displays a youthful vigor most other dwarves have lost by her age.

Apparel & Accessories

Queen Palay wears The Adamantine Crown. She typically wears gold-wire robes inlaid with jewels during public events. The jewels of these robes are carved with runes she herself crafted, and the effects provided by them can border on miraculous.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised as a master runesmith in Clan Dawi, Palay made a name for herself by inventing two new runes, a feat unmatched in living memory. The invented the runes Tog and Rin, which bind nuances of fire and smoke that are still being studied by runesmiths for their full potential.   This inventive curiosity has served her well for her entire life as a craftsman, and it served her equally well in the politicking of Clan Dawi. When her predecessor, King Winfred, died, the traditional scramble for favor erupted with the usual vigor. She moved among the politicians almost untouched by the fray, turning them against each other with skill until she was the unquestioned victor. The fires she started all those years ago still flare up every now and then, but she has proven adept at redirecting the rage into productive ends.   She has an informal alliance with Margrave Arronax Skinner, and the two regularly coordinate raids into the Badlands.


Queen Palay is unmarried, and has thus far turned down all offers to change that.


Before she was a queen, Palay was a master runesmith and renowned for her skill.

Intellectual Characteristics

Palay is inventive and curious, always looking to tame any situation and turn it to her advantage.

Morality & Philosophy

Palay is a Didactist, seeking to acquire and use information.

Personality Characteristics


Palay seeks to increase the wealth and power of the dwarves. She views the Noblewhite Alliance as a good potential vehicle for this, seeing the humans and elves as firm potential markets for her people.

Likes & Dislikes

Queen Palay hates incompetence, and has been known to arrange for the death of courtiers that display enough of it often.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



There is always an air of incense around the queen, a consequence of her runecrafting experiments.


Family Ties

Religious Views

Palay is a devout Deminite

Hobbies & Pets

Despite being queen, Palay maintains a runecrafting laboratory where she continues to experiment with her craft.


Queen Palay talks in an easygoing, personable voice unless giving commands.

Wealth & Financial state

Personal Wealth: 6d6+3   Caravans: 2d6   Investments: 1d8
Lawful Neutral
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
828 Y 167 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common, Dwarven, Ignan, Draconic


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