
"Dwarf kings are hereditary, but the post also requires a fair amount of political savvy. Dwarven craftsmen run the society, you see, so as long as everything is going well, they're happy to bend their stubby little knees to the kings. If things start going wrong, however, and the hammers go silent, it's the king they'll blame first. This is where the Krona Damnaz comes in; so long as the kings can keep the dwarves angry at someone else, then their positions are secure."   ~Margrave Arronax Skinner, Elector of Cambreath


Dwarf Kings are expected to be savvy politicians and businessmen. They are expected to know how to keep the economy thriving.


Clan Dawi chooses the heir through internal politicking.


The duties of the Thrummaz are simply the defense of the realm and shepherding of the crafts economy.


The Thrummaz holds court and assigns tasks and rewards to citizens through a network of intermediaries and functionaries drawn from Clan Dawi


The Karakadaw thrummaz is entitled to ten percent of all wealth derived from forges in the city. They also control the valves and passage through the portal, which gives them a tremendous source of wealth from the tolls.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The thrummaz of Karakadaw wears an unmistakable crown known as The Adamantine Crown .

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Theoretically, the craftsmen of Karakadaw could band together and vote the king out. Given the absolute control over the Edhekadrel that the king enjoys, this has never been tested.
Nobility, Hereditary
Alternative Naming
Thruma (Feminine), King/Queen
Equates to
King, Queen, Aran
Source of Authority
In Karakadaw, the authority of the Thrummaz is derived from their control over the Edhekadrel
Length of Term
Current Holders
Related Locations

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