Clan Dawi

"Descended from the original three brothers, our clan is responsible for all that you see here. We discovered the Edhekadrel. Since then, we have become one of the strongest dwarf kingdoms anywhere! Others come to US for aid, others come to US for mediation, and our coin is accepted throughout the world. We are Clan Dawi, and we are the greatest of the dwarves."   ~Queen Palay Dawi, Thruma of Karakadaw


According to dwarf law, Clan Dawi owns the Edhekadrel, which means that they have absolute control over most of dwarf life in Karakadaw by default.


Clan Dawi started as an unremarkable merchant clan from a small kingdom beneath the Beastlands. They funded an expedition of gnomes to discover the Edhekadrel. Three of their number began a small colony on the material side of the portal along with a small expedition of the gnomes. Before too long, both camps had grown into permanent settlements and the clan developed enough wealth and power that they were able to declare themselves kings among the dwarves. They are now the most powerful dwarf clan on Kobos, and their authority in Karakadaw is almost unquestioned.

Kadrelek Ang-Ing - Forged in Fire

Alternative Names
The Royal Line, The Royal Family, Dwarfkings
Family Leader
Controlled Territories
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