Hatibahu Scet

The Conflict


Sahdiopenzith was forced to retreat from a series of engagements in the Calamity War. Frustrated by her continued loss despite her brilliance, she began to engage in a sinister plan to break the ultimate draconic taboo. She used magic, surgical prowess, and intensive brainwashing techniques to form an elite strike force without fear of Tiamat's punishment.


Sahdiopenzith sent her agents to wreak havoc and weaken her targets before her invasions, a plan that went off without a hitch.


Most of the battles in the Ultimate Taboo occurred in the lairs of the Greatwyrms that would fuel Sahdiopenzith's rise.

The Engagement

Sahdiopenzith struck rapidly, ambushing the Blue Greatwyrm Ghneninator in the open. From there, she invaded the lairs of the Green Greatwyrm Vheinsilam, the Black Greatwyrm Nhauvanorum, and the White Greatwyrm Thorleauxen. She attempted to strike Neviravael the Yellow, but the Yellow Greatwyrm escaped and fled. Sightings of Yellow Dragons have been rare on Shelor ever since. These were the generals that entered Kobos at the head of her armies, and this betrayal has not been forgiven by their lieutenants. The terror of her power is now the only form of loyalty that she can call upon for the most part.


The betrayal consolidated Sahdiopenzith's power both magical, physical, and political. She immediately assumed direct control of the draconic forces without her most powerful servants and potential rivals.


Once the chromatic forces recovered and new Greatwyrms were elevated, the war turned inexorably against the metallics.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Result
Sahdiopenzith fueled an ascension to near-demigoddess status.


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