
Ulsaruk Sahdiopenzith (a.k.a. Penzith)

"They call it 'horrifying,' but I see beauty in the screams and the blood. It's a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dare to resist me." ~Ulsaruk Sahdiopenzith

Physical Description

Body Features

Sahdiopenzith is immediately recognizable in her natural form by the rainbow crown of opalescent horns surrounding her head.

Special abilities

Sahdiopenzith can access the breath weapons of most chromatic dragons, even combining them when she has the whim. The exception to her power is that of Yellow Dragons (She has yet to be able to catch a Yellow Greatwyrm). As such, she is resilient to most magical damage, nearly immune to magic herself, and is a walking Wild Magic Area. She also has a deep and centuried knowledge of Soul Magic.

Apparel & Accessories

Sahdiopenzith has a revolving stable of magical items that she wears. As a genius of warfare and tactics, she usually has exactly the magical items that she would need.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

As a Wyrmling, Sahdiopenzith was born in Avernus. She was born fighting the Blood War, and very early on took an interest in the Soul Trade. Her first hoard was entirely comprised of soul coins and jewels with trapped demons. She spend untold centuries in this way, through her Young stage and into her Adulthood. As an Adult, she was loaned out to Githyanki Kithraks to serve as a mount. She always managed to make her riders' deaths look like normal battlefield casualties, and she was eventually returned to Avernus as 'bad luck.'   Tiamat, through a compact with Asmodeus, gained access to Kobos and organized an army of dragons to invade the world. In return, she swore to be Tiamat's representative on the untouched (by dragons) world. Given her later actions, it's probable that Sahdiopenzith was lying all along.   When she invaded at the head of a Chromatic army, she made short work of the Saurians. Even by the time that the metallics and gem dragons arrived a mere half century later, the Saurians were largely a scattered, clannish remnant shepherding itself through its own apocalypse. The war with the metallic dragons did not go nearly as well.   While her burgeoning empire was on its back foot, Sahdiopenzith happened on a plan; she decided to adapt her old childhood skill in soul magic. Ambushing Ghneninator, a Blue Dragon Greatwyrm, she slew him and absorbed his power. Now a Greatwyrm herself, but with the combined powers of blue and red, she began collecting and cannibalizing other chromatic Greatwyrms, absorbing their powers, digesting their souls, and grafting their fundamentums next to her own in a hideous magical surgery. The end result was the form she still holds; a monstrous red dragon with a rainbow mane of horns and a walking nexus of elemental planes of power combined with Ley Lines. In this form, she defeated Ryndricroxxar's elite guard with relative ease, and nearly slew the Golden Emperor himself.   Since then, she has satisfied herself with the slow grind of the war. The core of her hoard is still Soul Coins, squirming Soul Larvae wriggle among the gold and gems, and the fleshy horror of the Blood War permeates her palace and corrupts almost everything that comes near it.


Sahdiopenzith has a large harem of varying degrees of freedom that she keeps for the sole purpose of satisfying her wild, conflicting, and often horrifying urges.

Mental Trauma

Having never known peace, Sahdiopenzith carries only the trauma and scars of battle without end or purpose. She is deeply terrified of winning the war, as without an enemy to fight she doesn't think she'll know what to do with herself.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sahdiopenzith is a Choleric temperament, equal parts ambition and ill temper.

Morality & Philosophy

Sahdiopenzith is a Nihilist in a hedonistic tradition.


Sahdiopenzith has already broken the ultimate taboo among dragons, Hatibahu Scet. Normal holdups seem boring and uninteresting to her.

Personality Characteristics


Sahdiopenzith has never seen a war she doesn't love. She wants to be at war. She wants the be winning the war. She sees her victory as inevitable and terrifying; once she has conquered the world, what else is there?

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sahdiopenzith is an excellent tactician, though she has a tendency to be bored with supply lines and her grand strategy is charitably considered 'simple.' She refers to her two modes of attack as 'blunt' and 'sharp,' and sees defense as simply attacking on one's own territory.

Likes & Dislikes

Sahdiopenzith loves to collect souls. She knows the name stamped on every one of the millions of soul coins scattered around her hoards. She regards the flavor of various souls the same way a connoisseur may regard the flavor of fine wines.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Religious Views

Sahdiopenzith is a Practicing Tiamite

Social Aptitude

Sahdiopenzith is a highly social extrovert, and an expert conversationalist.

Hobbies & Pets

Sahdiopenzith breeds draconic slaves, wyverns, and drakes to make them more useful in warfare. She is rumored to breed a weakness known only to her into these powerful bloodlines in case they ever turn on her.

Wealth & Financial state

Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ulsaruk, Warlord, High Queen, The Blood Queen
Aligned Organization


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