Calamity War

Known in Draconic as Sul'grasa Aryte, the Calamity War is what the children of Bahamut, Tiamat, and Sardior call the war between dragons for control of Kobos. It is a grinding, attritious, genocidal conflict where both the metallic and chromatic dragons' primary intention is the total destruction of the other, while the gem dragons simply wish to stay above the conflict, at least until the time comes for them to advance their own agenda. Whatever that may be.   The war has been raging since before the dragons even arrived on Kobos and has continued unabated throughout that time. Many kingdoms have been razed to the ground as mere collateral for the destruction, and no race of the world has been untouched by it.   The one factor that has prevented the clamity from turning into a full blown apocalypse is the long lives of dragons and their own self importance; a campaign that would be accomplished in a summer for humans may take several centuries to plan for dragons. Negotiations among individuals taking on the risk of battle may take several more, and the campaign itself, while not hindered by the weather as mortal wars are, may take several years to take the same amount of ground as the humans might in a season. When they come to actual battle, the landscape is scarred forever, and civilizations may fall in the wake of the destruction, but such an awe inspiring day will be preceded by years or even decades of posturing and maneuver between the two sides.    While tens of thousands of Scalykind or Human servants and allies might be wiped out in a few hours, the end result of these battles is usually no deaths among the dragons, who will flee to their lairs rather than sacrifice their lives ignobly on the field of battle. More dragons have been killed through assassinations and targeted raids than on the actual battlefield.
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Start Date
Age of Myth
Ending Date


Metallic Dragons

Led by

Chromatic Dragons

Led by


3 cities, 14 duchies, and 5 Republics   14 Greatwyrms, 253 Ancient Dragons, 1746 Adult Dragons, 15,000 Young Dragons.   Baprivi
2 cities, 8 duchies, 22 petty tyrannies, 1 republic   5 Greatwyrms, 228 Ancient Dragons, 2138 Adult Dragons, 62,000 Young Dragons   300,000 Draconians   Sorrows of the Seventh Gate


In the millions
In the millions


Win the war, claim Kobos for Bahamut
Prolong the war, gather political, physical, military, and magical power in the personage of the Ulsaruk.


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