Oskar Bürkli

Sheriff Oskar Bürkli

"Oskar is the 'evil twin,' you might say. Man was born three minutes before his sister, and you'd think that makes him a Titan the way he struts around. Still, the man's a good Sheriff, if you like a strong hand in the law and a lot of stump-hands for pickpockets."   ~Seak Beardo Von Shmit, of Abide and Seak's Bizarre Bazaar

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Oskar is obsessive about his exercise.

Facial Features

Oskar has an oval face with a short-trimmed beard.

Special abilities

Oskar Burkli

Oskar Burkli

Apparel & Accessories

Oskar revels in his position, and is never seen out of uniform. Often, this means he goes about town in full battle dress.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Oskar was born under the auspice of a Necromancer's Moon three minutes before his sister, a fact that he holds over her head with cruelty and relish. He physically abused her for most of their childhood.   He and his sister went on their Becoming together. They were tasked with escorting a caravan to Fort Hopewell. They camped in the wilderness by the Barrier Mountains  for a night's rest when they were set upon by werewolves, of all things Oskar barely made it out alive, and only thanks to his sister's selfless bravado.   Upon their successful return, Oskar and his sister lobbied for the Sheriff post in Sacqueline. He bribed Magistrate Beath Grunder, and relegated his sister to the subordinate Sheriff post in Port Hugo. The previous Sheriffs became a notorious bandit duo that has harried the town ever since.   Oskar has earned a reputation for iron-fisted cruelty. He subscribes to the Old Laws, where thieves have their hands chopped off, adulterers are castrated, and rumormongers that cause trouble have their ears nailed to posts. The statue of Scarroh, paid for by Oskar from his own pockets, is covered in the nailed hands, fingers, noses, ears, and genitals of lawbreakers and bandits.


Oskar has a string of relationships that have crashed and burned. More than one woman who has rejected him has wound up in the stockades on trumped up charges.


Oskar is the Sheriff of Sacqueline and the leader of the Unified Guard Force of Sacqueline and Hugo.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Crime is sharply down in Sacqueline since Oskar took over. That being said, he regularly has to go on 'hunting trips' to find fresh limbs to put on the statue.

Mental Trauma

Oskar hates his sister for having to save his life, and feels sharply inadequate because of it.

Intellectual Characteristics

Oskar is stubborn and deliberate punctuated by bursts of activity.

Morality & Philosophy

Oskar is a Pragmatist, accomplishing his goals one at a time without much regard for the consequences afterwards.

Personality Characteristics


Oskar seeks to rule his little fiefdom with an iron fist, and has a dream of combining the mayorship of Sacqueline with the office of Sheriff in the same way that Sacqueline combined with Port Hugo

Likes & Dislikes

Oskar is a sadist, but definitely not a masochist. He has little patience for disobedience.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Oskar bathes with diluted lye in the river, giving him a harsh chemical scent.


Family Ties

Religious Views

Oskar is a devout Deminite, though he exclusively worships Scarroh, to whom he has erected a statue and shrine in the Sacqueline town square. The fine details of the statue are obscured from first glance by scalps, ears, and hands pegged to it.

Social Aptitude

Oskar can be charming when he wants, though he has little patience for disrespect.


Oskar likes to loom over people, so he tends to be a close talker.


Oskar speaks in a growl unless he's trying to be charming, when he puts honey into his voice.

Wealth & Financial state

Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
968 Y 27 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Oskar was born to a Sacquene woman three minutes before his sister.
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages


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