The Adamantine Crown

"My crown is heavy. I view that as a reminder of the burdens of the post; an easy thing to forget given the pleasures and privileges afforded to me."   ~Queen Palay Dawi, Thruma of Karakadaw

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Adamantine Crown is inlaid with enchanted runes that give a variety of benefits. These runes have been added over the centuries by the finest runecrafters the kingdom has ever produced.   On a more mundane level, the adamantium frame is unbreakable, and at least one assassination attempt has failed for this reason.

Manufacturing process

When Clan Dawi declared itself a royal line, they forged the frame of this mighty crown. As a matter of tradition, every thrummaz adds value to the crown as a symbol of the growing wealth of the dwarf kingdom.


Denotes leadership of a dwarven kingdom.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Owning Organization
15 lbs
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
The Adamantine Crown has an adamantium scaffold over which precious metals are layered. Expertly cut gemstones are set into the precious metals.   Dozens of magic runes line the rim-cap inside and out.

Adamantine Crown

Wondrous Item

Legendary Evocation, Conjuration Requires Attunement

See: The Adamantine Crown

Majesty: Target creature must make a Charisma Save or be forced to kneel until the end of their next turn. While kneeling, they can take no other action, and all attacks against them are made at advantage. While kneeling, their minds are filled with howling voices demanding that they submit to the authority of their sovereign, the wearer of this crown. The save DC of this ability is 10+the wearer's proficiency bonus+the wearer's Charisma modifier.

Adamantine Soul: The attuned wearer of this crown is immune to critical hits, extra damage from sneak attacks, and they have resistance to damage from nonmagical weapons.

Regent of the Forge: The attuned wearer of this crown is immune to fire damage, and can use the Control Flames cantrip at will.

Noble Bearing: The attuned wearer of this crown has advantage on the first wealth roll in a season.

Cost: Priceless
Weight: 15 lbs


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