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Brymham is an old Weallander settlement on the continent of Notos.   It is ruled by the earl of Brymham, Edric Thorleye. The city is a part of the Weallander kingdom of Ealdrhiht.   The city used to be a very important port along the north south trade route. The importance of Brymham along this trade route diminished centuries ago, when other means of travel became easier. The decrease of trade with the Woodelves has seen the city further decline, though it still maintains amicable relations with the elves of Rawaou.  

City State period

  Before Asterian Rule, the city was one of the many Weallander city states that dotted Notos and Estomi. It regularly warred with Wealcaster and other city states. Before its decline, it was the dominant human power on the mainland of Notos. This changed when Wealcaster and Cæpton formed an alliance and waged war upon Brymham and its allies in the Weallander Wars of Notos. The combined might of Cæpton and Wealcaster proved insurmountable the armies of Brymham, and the city was forced to take a step back on the world stage.    

Asterian Rule

  This did not effect the city for long, as Cæpton, Wealcaster, Brymham and the rest of Weallandish Notos were conquered by the Republic of Aster between 290 and 340 MT.   The Asterian Governor of Ákrinotos (The Asterian province of Notos) invested heavily into public works. And during the 5th century the city saw a period of rapid regrowth and revival.   The Asterian period saw a revival in the Elven Trade, and relations with Rawaou improved as well.   The plague struck the city hard in the year 496, and it undid much of the progress that the city had made over the past century. But capable Asterian administration managed to soften the impact of the plague on the city, and it managed to slowly recover over the course of first half of the sixth century.   In the second half of the sixth century, the city once again fell into decline. The Senate diverted many resources to the escelating wars against a resurgent Issiz. The city was once again hit by the plague, and nearly half of its inhabitants died or fled. Many Brymhammers served in the eastern legions, and when the great Calamity hit, Brymham was one of the heaviest hit cities not in the blastzone.   Plague once again swept over the settlement, and it saw waves of refugees fleeing the chaos of Estomi.   in the year 594, the city joined the Union of Ealdrhiht and became officially independent from Aster.   All this made Asterian rule very popular in the city of Brymham, and it was the most reluctant of the three cities to join the kingdom of Ealdrhiht.


The Earl of Brymham is the nominal ruler of Brymham. But the cities merchant guild holds a lot of sway over policy and policing.


The city wall was built by tbe old Weallander settlers, and expanded and thickened by Asterian Rulers.


Brymham is an aging port. The docks are crumbling and weathered because of centuries of heavy use, and decades of ill maintenance. The sewers, built over a century ago under Asterian rule, are clogged and barely maintained. The same is true for the cities canals, to which wastewater freely flows. The tides wash away the canals when the seas are high, but in years of low tide like now, the canals fill up with filth. The roads are narrow and winding, as is characteristic for the older cities of the world. The citadel is an ancient simple square keep, standing at the centre of the city, opposite a small church.

Guilds and Factions

The cities guilds gained a substantial amount of power during Asterian rule. Especially the cities merchants guild remains a powerful player in the city politics. The guild often buds heads with the Earl over policy, thus curbing the nominally absolute power of the Earl.


Brymham was founded during the height of Weallander expansion. From the old Weallander lands near the river wéd, they colonised much of the known world. Brymham was founded near the Elves of Notos, it grew quickly because of the valuable trade in Elven goods that flowed from the city. Like many Weallander cities, it was never part of a greater state. The city state controlled much of the surrounding lands, and often warred with its northern and eastern Rivals.   In 329 MT, it and the surrounding citystates fell to Asterian expansion. It became part of the Asterian province of Ákrinotos. Under Asterian rule, the Earl lost must power. The cities guilds grew incredibly wealthy and power. Great public works were constructed, such as the sewers, dock expansions and the restoration of the city wall.   Brymham steadily grew during the long years of relative peace in the 4th and 5th century, surviving the plague of 496 relatively unscathed. In the early 6th century, plague struck the bustling port, and nearly half its population died or fled, leaving it but a shell of its former self. Multiple Asterian rulers of Ákrinotos failed to revive the struggling cities of Notos, with much of their attention focussed on the Republics campaigns against Issiz. It is during this time that the then Earl formed a unique bond with the Elves of Rawaou. Brymham received aid and support from the woodelves.     Before Brymham had more time to recover, the Great Calamity rocked Kosmós. Hardship swept over the world like a flood. The cities aging infrastructure fell into decay, and plague once more laid its citizenry low. The current Earl, Edric Thorleye, joined forces with the kingdom of Ealdhriht, in exchange the promise of sovereignty and aid. The city slowly recovered with the help of the able rule of the king of Ealdhriht and the Woodelves.   The city, though once again quite wealthy, and with a rapidly growing population, is still a shadow of what it once was. Its infrastructure is ancient. The bond with the woodelves is strained since the Earl joined Ealdhriht. Rumours in the city are abound that the merchant's guild is in league with Etaikí. What's more, an alarming number of deaths have been reported in the canal district, perhaps death has sent forth another plague.
Founding Date
130 PT
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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