Nil Hra

Kala Pride Leader (a.k.a. The Slaver)

Nil Hra was cunning, and the first pride leader to begin the shift to modern Kala. Her Pride (Kala) was the first to take part in slavery, and she would continue this tradition when she came to rule; however, when she came to rule, she would come into direct contact with those that her people had subjugated: the Yunbad. After some discussion of the slave trade, Maud, High Priest of Udundst, would agree to normalize the sale of his own people. In the following decades, when Maud was replaced, the Denpa Powlwe would discontinue this slave trade with no warning. This (reasonable) decision led to a war between the forces of Kala and Udundst, which culminated The Mountainfold. This even meant the death of Nil Hra, her forces, and the entire Yunbad race.   Hra gave magic to more of her subjects than the other 2 prides combined, as she wanted her people to live up to their namesake. This widespread use of fire magic by Kala increased conflict but also ensured it ended faster. Many of the early discoveries about applications of fire magic were made in Kala, by Nil Hra.


Maud, High Priest of Udundst

Foreign Ally (Vital)

Towards Nil Hra


Nil Hra

Foreign Ally (Vital)

Towards Maud, High Priest of Udundst



Maud liked Nil Hra a good bit. Some believe that he even wanted to court her, but never got a chance. He displayed kindness and appreciated her taking the "undesirables" off his hands. While the relationship was beneficial for Nil Hra, and she showed respect because of that, she couldn't stand Maud   "Next time we travel to Udundst, you speak to Maud. I will not be forced to listen to that fat, slow excuse of a leader. Its presence bothers me."   -Nil Hra to her council leader of slave management



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