Riiji (Ree- jee)

Patron God of Cycles


Riiji is the patron of Roja, above the domain of cycles. Cycles, in this case, refer to cycles across the plains of Renad. Migration, sleep, mating, and currents count themselves among her realm of power. Unlike other gods with similar domains, Riiji does not represent cycles present in cosmology such as the crossing of day into night. Some areas are subject to scrutiny, such as the passage of time; while other cultures view the passage of time as cyclical, the J'barri do not view time as repetitious and have little concept of definite or determinable futures.   Riiji is a scholar of the sun and moon, where she learned the domain of cycles. She asserts that the celestial bodies of Laminarum are teachers, rather than objects to be controlled by any divine entity. Riiji presents herself as a humble shepherd following the nature bestowed upon her by the sun and moon, which represent the greatest cycle of all that no individual can hope to subvert. From the moon's stoic power, she learned constructive order that could bring calm and direction to her people; from the sun, she learned how to apply chaotic growth to build the roots of life. From both sources, she has the authority to create cycles, guide them, or determine that they must be razed and begin anew (such as when a wildfire destroys a forest).   While Riiji can't predict the future like an Augur, she can impose her will upon it. For example, through substantial sacrifices (of animals), she may promise rain during a drought or the safe delivery of a newborn.  

Cultural Impact

Riiji is the most widely accepted god of the artificial order of Kinnet Eti. While J'tsan and Ferrehet promote problematic behavior that could harm oneself or others, Riiji has consistently remained benign by comparison. In fact, while she is the patron of Roja, the majority of her temples have been erected in Kala. Her temples often emphasize observing the cosmos by looking through their glass ceilings, so most meetings take place at night. Nature conservation is touted as a core value of her followers, though as time goes on and temples are forced under the restrictions placed by the Oligarchy of Kala, their botanical gardens and conservation programs disappear.   Like the other J'barri gods, Riiji is excessively Renad centric, meaning her domain only extends within the J'barri borders. Prayers outside of Renad typically go unanswered, though praying with the help of Renadi effigies (native plants, animal parts, or significant texts/artifacts) greatly improves the odds of her responding.   Before Kala became a robust merchant nation, Riiji's teachings gave individuals a sense that nature should be respected and observed. Overindulgence was considered a sin, particularly regarding hunting. Unfortunately, her cultural impact has been waning for generations as claiming to be her follower has become superficial for most. While she has always promoted being a passive observer of nature, perhaps her words have been taken too literally, as most individuals sit by and watch while the natural world is pruned for the expansion of civilization.

The Riiji Impersonation

near the end of Dagur, Riiji was impersonated by a "being unknown," typically referred to as The Impersonator in the modern J'barri Pantheon. While the practice of fire magic had spread rapidly amongst the J'barri, their belief that Riiji had ordained the power upon them had stemmed from a trick. This unknown entity's occupation of the Rojan religion altered deeply rooted ideas of their culture, which remain today. When Riiji came to priests to subjugate their heresy, she found that they were tricked and responded in kindness. Her recommendation was to return to the society of old, which included traditionalism and passive observation of nature, rather than imposing one's will upon it. This slowed technological progression when going into Hádegi  for both Roja and Kala.   The Impersonator had a clear agenda, as the Yunbad were reportedly tricked as well. Stragglers after The Mountainfold claimed as much. Denpa had not spoken to the Yunbad nor about going to Hawumad. Unfortunately, there have been no reports of this entity since the cataclysm occurred, and Laminarum may never know why the Yunbad-J'barri Conflict was provoked.  
Founded Settlements


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