Taev (Tave)

(a.k.a. Bane to Ohdaufeen)

Taev, also spelled Taiv, is an Uthuquate and creator of the "Waters of Taev." Any beings corrupted by his Waters are believed to follow the desires of their master; while these desires are unknown, legends paint him as a world eater that seeks out and feasts upon Ohkinate. He is also considered to be the bane of Bairut, the father of the Ohfjuren brothers. The mother of the brothers, Ygauni, later fell to the Waters while protecting her children.  

Relation to Milin Orphi

Milin Orphi, the Ancient Ithitar, is said to have learned multitudes from the nature of Taev. Theories posit that the Ancient Ithitar understands secrets to the ambiguous tenets and nature of Taev but applies them to the moral spectrum, resulting in absolute adherence to depravity. The aberrant nature of Taev is typically restricted to law and chaos on a universal scale, leaving the manner of Milin Orphi's manipulation unclear.  

The Waters of Taev

The Waters of Taev make up the majority of the universe, only diminished by the interspliced Ohkinate Web. Originating directly from Taev itself, any who drink from these Waters are corrupt and are bound to become aberrations themselves. Perhaps the most impactful example of its use is the (potential) corruption of Rel Eteisus after drinking from the Waters.   Some humans have meddled in the Water's powers, but the majority of claims are no more than rumors. For example, the paranoid J. B. Stalker is said to have scraped samples of the water from a meteorite, but most would gladly slander his reputation with such a tale. The Waters provide magical endowment to those who study dark arts, such as warlocks (though generally, mortals seek patrons who can withstand the Water's effects).   In contrast to the Waters of Taev is the Well of Heien, which bestows power with no known side effects. Whether the Well purifies the Waters or Taev corrupts the Well is unknown.


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