Snow Rock Civil War

Military: War


The war resulting from Warren II and Abbot I both staking claim over the Snow Rock Isles following the Chummer's murder.

The Staked Claims

Following the mutiny and murder of Warren, the lead mutineer would claim the haseti with the blessing of his fellow sailor's. Back home, however, the sickly Warren II felt that the Isles were his inheritance.   The few members of the haseti who had remained ashore when the mutiny took place were willing to pledge to his Warren's son, but they had not sailed for a reason. They were hardly the strongest in the baron's ranks, Warren II being the best example; However, his crew was more cunning than Abbot's allowing them more success than they otherwise would have achieved. The citizens kept to themselves whenever possible, as the name "Warren" had grown unpopular during the Chummer's gruesome reign, and Abbot had done nothing to prove himself.  

The War

Warren II, upon hearing of the haseti's mutiny and return, sent his few good men to meet the rebels. Warren II knew not to meet his subjects in public, as his physicality would bring his rule into question. Abbot let the greeting party live but told them to deliver a message: submit the Isles to the new baron, and the Warren bloodline would live. Warren II declined, setting out to gain support from the three surrounding islands.   As years of rallying went on, Warren II showed his weakness as a leader. Individuals began to question his lack of presence during meetings, as well as the lack of motivation to follow him (be it fear, protection, or resources). Recruitment was almost optional for the opponent, given the possession of a galley, a strong crew, and the support of the larger families related to crew members. It is said that Warren II grew enraged and paranoid about Abbot's ongoings, claiming his crew would approach families after they had already pledged to the Blood of Warren. After each meeting with the largest families, Abbot supposedly "intimidated" them into switching sides.   Warren II had poor combat insight as well, having his men follow a faux retreat by Abbot on foot, resulting in them being shot down by the haseti from the safety of their ships. Abbot took back to his frontal assault on foot and easily made his way to the "false baron," as all of the villages' guard had been slaughtered. This short battle would be the only one recorded in history, making sure to highlight the failure that was Warren II's rule.   Warren II refused to surrender, even as Abbot towered over his throne. Wishing to humiliate the Warren name forevermore, Abbot refused to slay his enemy. Rather, he forced Warren's people to switch their allegiance and took the false baron's son as a steward and prisoner. Warren II never accepted his defeat, but could do nothing more to prove his worth. Most historians mark this as the end of the Snow Rock Civil War, even if Warren II continued "Fighting."

Related Location
Snow Rock Isles
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