Ken Hallan Character in Lanmet | World Anvil
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Ken Hallan

Dog Trainer

He is the head trainer for the Al Renyan War dogs which is a position of power within the military. He is more of a animal lover than a people person and will often refuse requests if too many of the dogs have been injured recently. He is great with animals and often complains that he wants a more peaceful job for him and his dogs, but needs to stay to protect the dogs.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

In most situations he wears a brown hemp shirt and pants that are below his station. He also keeps a pair of gloves on him as they will always be useful around dogs. His most noticeable feature his his long oilskin cloak that he wears, as it was a gift it has more detail on it including a stitching of a dog on the left shoulder.

Personality Characteristics


He is slowly working to retire any old dogs from the War dogs and move them into understanding families. He lacks the connections and people skills to do this effectively so he is looking for someone who can help.


Contacts & Relations

Due to his good work and staying out of the court games he has many friends in high places that would like to keep the Al Renyan War dogs neutral and so protect him when others are offended by his gruff attitude.

Hobbies & Pets

He has over 30 dogs in his personal life and manages more at work.


He has two voices; A voice for humans that is gruff and clipped, then a voice for his dogs which is high pitched and friendly.

Wealth & Financial state

He has a large estate with bountiful gardens in Ald Alamek where he keeps many dogs and has a team of servants to help manage them. Most of his wealth goes into dog care and his personal possessions are lesser.
Year of Birth
323 67 Years old
Current Residence
Has a home in Ald Alamek but spends time in Seiran Dyrae
Other Affiliations

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