Paradian Archipelago Geographic Location in Lanmet | World Anvil
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Paradian Archipelago

A string of fourteen volcanically formed islands, this archipelago serves as the home of the nation of the Paradigm Technocracy. The area is a mountainous boreal forest with short, moist and moderately warm summers and long, cold and dry winters.

Two Islands are Youth facilities, that have everything on it needed to take care of the youth of Paradigm: Ambition and Virtue.

There are four islands that serve as the Residential Zones for the citizens.

Twelve islands are guild Islands, each with a specific purpose in the community: Industry Island, the Guild Island of the Body; Immortality, The Guild Island of Commerce; Wealth, Justice Island, Creation Bay, Mount History.

Two islands serve the many non natives living on Paradigm with everything from residences to food courts: The Visitor Islands.  

The Visitor Islands

The Visitor Islands of Panopticon and Telescopic The visitor islands function very similar to the residential islands. The difference is that any large changes to the house require permission from Justice. The island also has a large and constant force of Justice law bringers ready to keep the peace if needed. These houses will often end up having souvenirs from different nations left behind and new owners can either remove them or add their own layer. Some houses will end up as Shrines to a single nation while others are incredibly multicultural.  


This island holds all citizens of Paradigm below the age of 20. Virtue fills the basic needs. Rooming becomes more impressive with each year, below 10 a child can expect Barracks like bunking arrangements, before 15 they have closer to a dorm room and as they approach the time of the test they have their own room.


Rock is naturally black with flecks of grey, it is flakey in places and make up large mountains. There are also some semi-tropical trees with large leaves dotted around the island.

Fauna & Flora

Pears and berries are the food crops of choice while goats are the main herd animal, providing leather, milk, fibre and meat, but chickens have been imported from Krato and mingle with the local ducks. There are no large predators on the island only several species of cats including servals and ibex.

Natural Resources

the mountains are used as quarries for stone and peridot but rarely is metal found except in the many ruins found buried deep within. These ruins are also home to old world technology. Black coral is also found around the rim of the island and used for artistic goods.


  • Map of the Paradian Archipelago
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