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Angels are a race of winged humans living in the sky. They are arrogant by nature. In ancient times they were looked upon as messengers of god. It ended when other races reached sky and built a city of Angel Psychology.

Basic Information


They are pretty much humans with wings and a slight glow. Their voice is usually beautiful and either melodic or strong. Their wings are pretty huge when fully open their wing span is approximately 22m and when folded they are 2m high touching ground and continuing above the head. They are white 90% of the time. The few exceptions can be brown or in a different color for special angels (angel of death - black, angel of fire - red/orange, etc.) They were originally entities of pure energy that had no constant form. They adapted the human like appearance over the ages trying to look more familiar to the humanoids who worshiped them.

Genetics and Reproduction

The angels do not reproduce as most humanoids do. They aren't real mammals after all. They are just pretending to be. Sometimes a high ranked and thus powerful angel will sacrifice part of its energy to create a new angel. As they are originally beings of energy the energy separated from the original remains in a state of energy for some time.
It takes approximately a year for the new energy to acquire conscience and take the form of an angel.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once the new angel has taken its angelic form it doesn't grow older any more. Its appearance might change as it grows stronger or specializes. An angel that gets strong enough to become a Seraphim would even grow additional wings. Or an angel that absorbs or is born with enough of another element, like fire, would get a different coloration hair and wings. (red or orange for fire)

Ecology and Habitats

The Angels are almost never found outside of the Sky. They have a city there called, Dreamvison. The city like any of their architecture is made of clouds infused with celestial magical energy. The city along with all the roads leading to it float around on the clouds and is invisible from the ground.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Although they can eat human food they do not require it. Their main source of alimentation is energy which is most often the solar energy which they absorb directly into their bodies.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Angels are a rather passive race. They don't really do much and live slowly most of the time. As such their social structure is rather basic. The higher the angel's power and age the higher the angel is in hierarchy.    Seraphim
Specialized angels also known as Virtues (Water angel, Angel of Death, etc)

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Despite being a recognized race and even the fact that they were worshiped in the past, there are still people looking for ingredients from them. The most sought after are the feathers of their wings or even the wings themselves. As they are used in crafting magical items, equipment and potions.

Facial characteristics

The eyes of angels can be of various colors but they are always light colored (light blue, light green, white, etc.) Their head, brow, ears chin, jaw, nose and lips are all beautiful and fine. Their hair is mostly blond and sometimes brown. The most common hair styles would be simple short hair for males and long hair that are either free flowing or braided for females. They do not have beards or any other body hair.

Average Intelligence

Although most believe Angels to be very intelligent and wise they aren't any more intelligent than your average person, they might be wiser but even that is debatable. 
They do not invent or discover new things preferring to rely on adapting whatever other races come up with.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Male angel names almost always end with -el
Kafziel, Zadkiel, Raziel, Yael, Ramiel, etc...   Female names are less restrictive
Charmeine, Evangelina, Dara, Aniela, Angelisa, etc...

Major Organizations

Angels don't really have any organizations. They just live their lives on their own. They don't seek or need any governments, kingdoms, churches or guilds. 
The hierarchy decides who has more authority on others. But even the higher standing angels don't form organizations. A seraphim gives an order to an angel and it starts and ends there. 
There are blacksmiths and entertainers are among the rare professions exercised by the angels. But even they aren't groups. Just individuals.

Beauty Ideals

Angels are considered beautiful by standards of most races including their own and they are perfectly aware of it and take pride in it. Or some might say arrogance.

Relationship Ideals

The angels do not marry or make any other durable relationships. They may court each other, but it's temporary and more likely something that their copied from humans than an actual affection.

Average Technological Level

Since angels don't invent anything and only sometimes adopt earthly humanoid technology, their city, roads and technology are rather old timed. And you won't find any guns or other recent technlogy there.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Angels talk mainly Common or Celestial . Celestial language is a mix of their original language when they were still beings of energy and an ancient version of common.

Common Etiquette Rules

It is universally understood among angels that they must be paragons of all. They tend to act and move around like a proud and arrogant race they are keeping their backs straight and their heads high. Their wings are folded when walking in order to not knock down everything they walk past. They sleep rarely and when they do they sleep either on their stomach or they levitate in air using magic. Their wings are a nuisance for other positions.

Common Dress Code

Their clothing is usually pretty simplistic in design but often with many decorations, bracelets, necklaces, etc. The higher standing is the angel the more decorated will he be. The bottom of the hierarchy would wear a simple white tunic. They do not wear shoes, gloves or hats.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

They are a rather passive race as they mostly just hang around in their heaven cities leisurely passing the time. They do not need to eat so they do not work on getting any food. Their architecture is made of clouds infused with celestial magical energy so they do not work on that either. The few who work are mainly the rare blacksmiths and a few entertainment providers.
The angels do not marry or make any other durable relationships. They don’t have any holidays or anniversaries either. They just party when they wish so without bothering to search for an occasion.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

When an angel feels that his internal energy is nearing its expiration he is visited by the Angel of Death who will stay with him in his last moments and will insure a calm passing on. After death angels turn back into energy. It is the duty of the Death Angel to ensure that this energy is returned back to the world.

Common Taboos

Although not explicitly prohibited it is a common understanding among angels that they shouldn't go down to the solid world or meddle in the affairs of other races unless ordered by the highest standing angels.


Angels started the existence of their race as beings of pure energy with little to no conscience. With time people who found them started to invent tales around them which eventually turned into beliefs and religion. The more people paid attention to them the more angels became conscient  and eventually started to alter their form to match that of humans and what they portrayed angels to be in their tales. Shining flying humans.
Angels at first admired humans and felt grateful to them. But as time passed they started to get used to the idea of people worshiping them as messengers of gods. They loved the feeling and fulfilled that role for a long time. They kept the idea alive until recent years when they were exposed by humans who succeeded in reaching the sky inhabited by angels.      Although once believed to be messengers of god they do not have ever met the god, nor do they have a religion of their own. They don’t know any more than the other races about how the world and its inhabitants were created.
Although there are various legends about the wars where angels have taken part they have never had their own war against anyone.

Historical Figures

 Lucifer a legendary angel said to have transcended all other angels.
Tyraël one of the few Seraphim. The one who manages interactions with other races. He is the one who ordered the few instances where angels helped other races in battle.
Samaël is another Seraphim. In charge of the protection of Dreamvison he is often at odds with Tyraël.
Gabriel one of Archangels. General of the angel army, he is the one who led them in battles ordered by Tyraël. Probably the angel who has had the most interactions with other races.

Common Myths and Legends

Due to their passive nature their history, myths and legends are rather small. 
The only major myth or legend that they have is Lucifer. He was believed to be an angel who transcended all other angels and then left them. The legend predates the normal angel lifespan by thousands of years so most believe that Lucifer if he ever existed is dead. Rumors however say that he went to Underground and is now ruling over the Devils

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Angels tend to interact with other races rarely and briefly. Mostly when summoned upon by believers. Though these cases have significantly decreased since the Fall of religion  . On the other hand cases of humans and other races visiting Dreamvison have increased. 
 There haven't been any documented cases of Half-angels. Yet the possibility is not excluded.

D&D Statistics


Angel Traits

Angel's are mostly beings of light, and as such, they receive these abilities.  

Ability Scores Increase.

As an Angel your Charisma score increases by 2.  

Alignment .

Angel's are beings of light born from pure energy. While the angels are mostly good there are also some neutral cases. Rare are evil angels whose arrogance has become exaggerated. The Angel's tend to stay toward the lawful or neutral side of things, but there have been cases in which Angels are chaotic.  


Angels have a flying speed of 50 feet, but your flight speed decreases to 30 feet when you have heavy armor equipped.  

Emit light.

Angels sheds bright light in a 5-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The light is constantly present and can't be disabled. It isn't masked by anything the angel might be wearing. Invisibilityspell masks the light as well, however.  

Angelic Immunity.

Angels are immune to Disease and Poison.  


Angels are Medium, and can nearly pass as simply tall humans if not for their wings.  

Angelic diet.

You don't need to eat. Instead you absorb the energy from sunlight or another source. You need to feed 3 times a day. If you skip 3 meals you start to feel your energy fading. Upon 6 meals skipped, you're dead.  


You can speak, read, and write Common and Celestial.  


Your walking speed is 25ft, as you are hindered by your wings (30ft when in Sky as the angel architecture allows the wings to pass through the ground)  

Elemental afinity.

Angels are beings of light as such they have an innate elemental affinity of +2 light element. However if you roll another element to a +2 or +3 the angel specializes into the said element when it reaches lvl 3. (look below)  


You aren't proficient in any armors or weapons. Unless your class states otherwise.  


There are different types of angels beside the standard angel that live within the world of Lavir. Once you reach lvl 3 you can choose one of these specializations.
If you rolled an element to +2 or +3 during your character creation you specialize into the said element. If two or more elements are at the same level you get to chose.  

Light Angel

Light Angels, also known as Pure Angels or Holy angels are those with the purest of hearts. You fight for what is right and will always try to help those who need it.  

Ability Score Increase.

As a Light Angel your charisma increases by 1.  


You know one cantrip of your choice from the Light Element Spell List. Your Charisma will be the spellcasting ability for it.  

Elemental afinity.

You affinity to light element becomes +3. Affinity to darkness element becomes -3 and all other elements are 0  


You can increase the light you emit up to bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet at will. If increased suddenly everyone in 30 ft radius must make a Constitution saving throw. Upon fail, the target is blinded for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make a Constitution saving throw. On a success, the spell ends. DC is 8 + your charisma modifier + your Proficiency Bonus.  

Darkness angel

Darkness Angels, are of rebellious kind. They don't associate with other angels very much and are the most susceptible to be come evil. Their wings are black.  

Ability Score Increase.

    As a Darkness Angel your charisma increases by 1.  


You know one cantrip of your choice from the Darkness Element Spell List. Your Charisma will be the spellcasting ability for it.  

Elemental afinity.

You affinity to Darkness element becomes +3. Affinity to Light element becomes -2 and all other elements are 0  

Aura of darkness.

You no longer emit light. Instead you seem to emit slight darkness. At will you can increase this darkness as per effect of Darkness spell centered on you.  

Fire angel.

Fire Angels, also known as Fiery Angels or Blazing Angels are brave and adventurous. They are among the most likely to be chaotic. your wings are either red, orange or made out of fire.  

Ability Score Increase.

As a Fire Angel your strength increases by 1.  


You know one cantrip of your choice from the Fire Element Spell List. Your Charisma will be the spellcasting ability for it.  

Elemental afinity.

You affinity to fire element becomes +3. Affinity to water element becomes -2 and all other elements are 0  

Blazing wings.

Your wings are made of fire. Hitting an enemy with your wings deals the usual unarmed damage + 2d6 fire damage.  

Water angel

Water Angels, are calm and studious by nature. Not very found of other races they tend to act in a dominating fashion towards them. Usually Lawful. Your wings are either water colored or actually made of water.  

Ability Score Increase.

As a Water Angel your intelligence increases by 1.  


You know one cantrip of your choice from the Water Element Spell List. Your Charisma will be the spellcasting ability for it.  

Elemental afinity.

You affinity to water element becomes +3. Affinity to fire element becomes -2 and all other elements are 0  

Wings of tide.

If near water that is at least 5ft cube you can swing your wings to create a massive splash dealing 1d6 water damage to everyone in 15 ft square next to the water source.  

Breathe underwater.

You can breathe as well underwater as you can on land.  

Earth angel

Earth Angels, also known as Nature angels are those closest to the nature and the most hard working ones among angels. They are often neutral. Your wings are either green or brown or made out of plants, leaves, etc.  

Ability Score Increase.

As a Earth Angel your constitution increases by 1.  


You know one cantrip of your choice from the Earth Element Spell List. Your Charisma will be the spellcasting ability for it.  

Elemental afinity

You affinity to Earth element becomes +3. Affinity to Air element becomes -2 and all other elements are 0  

Wings of Gaia.

You can harden your wings to use them as a shield. You can't attack while blocking with your hardened wings but your ac is increased by 5.  

Air angel

Air Angels, also known as Wind or storm Angels are those wise yet uncontrollable. They obey only to those orders that they deem worth following. Your wings are either gray or made of air currents or clouds.  

Ability Score Increase.

As a Air Angel your wisdom increases by 1.  


You know one cantrip of your choice from the Air Element Spell List. Your Charisma will be the spellcasting ability for it.  

Elemental afinity

You affinity to air element becomes +3. Affinity to earth element becomes -2 and all other elements are 0  

Wings of tempest.

You can chose either this or Cloudforming.
As action you can flap your wings to create a line of Strong Wind 60 feet long and 10 feet wide that blasts from you in a direction you face. Each creature that in the line must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from you in a direction following the line. DC is 8 + your charisma modifier + your Proficiency Bonus   The gust disperses gas or vapor, and it extinguishes Candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames in the area. It causes protected flames, such as those of lanterns, to dance wildly and has a 50 percent chance to extinguish them.



You can chose either this or Wings of tempest.
You can form simple structures from clouds, mist, smoke and vapor. The structure can be anything as long as it doesn't exceed the volume of the material. 5ft cube of clouds would allow to make something of the same dimensions. The structures can be interacted with as if they were solid. They can be held or walked upon. Upon construction you can choose how solid they are (whether you can pass your hand through or is it walkable). Regardless of conditions the construction is soft and fluffy upon touch. Its AC is 8 and hp 2 for each 5 ft cube. You can construct up to 50 x 5 ft cubes worth of construction each day.
You can not make tiny or complex mechanisms or functional weapons with this.  

Lightning angel

Lightning Angels, also known as Thunder Angels are those with the harshest personality. They are swift and unforgiving in their judgement. Often lawful good. Their wings are either electric blue or made out of plasma/lightning.  

Ability Score Increase.

As a Lightning Angel your dexterity increases by 1.  


You know one cantrip of your choice from the Lightning Element Spell List. Your Charisma will be the spellcasting ability for it.  

Elemental afinity.

You affinity to lightning element becomes +3. Affinity to Ice element becomes -2 and all other elements are 0  

Wings of storm

Your wings discharge lightning blasts to all sides. The affected area is a 30 ft radius centered on you. 6 lightnings strike randomly chosen targets. To choose the targets take a dice whose number is the closest to the number of targets around (allies included)(rounded up). Attribute a number to each target and throw the dice 6 times. Each creature targeted must make a dexterity saving throw. DC is 8 + your charisma modifier + your Proficiency Bonus. Each lightning deals 7d6 lightning damage upon failed save or half of it upon a successful save.
You can use this ability once per long rest.

Shocking wings.

Your are infused with lightning. Hitting an enemy with your wings deals the usual unarmed damage + 1d6 lightning damage.  

Ice angel

Ice Angels, also known as Frost Angels are those with the coldest of hearts. You show and feel little to no emotion. The lack of remorse or pity makes Ice angels excellent soldiers. Yet they somehow manage to be very convincing when talking. They are also among the most beautiful of specialized angels. Your wings are either, white, light blue, or made of ice or snow.  

Ability Score Increase.

As a Ice Angel your charisma increases by 1.  


You know one cantrip of your choice from the Ice Element Spell List. Your Charisma will be the spellcasting ability for it.  

Elemental afinity

You affinity to Ice element becomes +3. Affinity to Lightning element becomes -2 and all other elements are 0  

Wings of winter.

With a flap of your wings you create a small blizzard. A howling storm of thick snow and ice crystals appears in a cylinder 40 feet high and 30 feet in diameter within range. The area is heavily obscured by the swirling snow.
When the blizzard appears, each creature in the area takes 6d8 ice damage, or half as much damage with a successful Constitution saving throw. A creature also makes this saving throw and takes damage when it enters the area for the first time on a turn or ends its turn there. In addition, a creature that takes ice damage from this blizzard has disadvantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration until the start of its next turn. The blizzard lasts for 1 minute or till you stop it. It can be used only once a day. The save DC is 8 + your charisma modifier + your Proficiency Bonus.  

Magna angel

Magna Angels, also known as Arcane Angels are those with the highest concentration of magic. They are rather rare and doesn't have a stereotype for their personality. Your wings are purple and may have bolts of energy flowing over them or be made of energy.  

Extra spell slot.

You don't get an ability boost like other elemental specializations do. Instead you gain an extra 6th level spell slot.  


You know one cantrip of your choice from the Magna Element Spell List. Your Charisma will be the spellcasting ability for it.  

Elemental afinity

You affinity to Magna element becomes +3. Affinity to all other elements are 0  

Magic discharge

You can discharge the accumulated magic through your wings. To use this ability you must expend a spell slot. Using first level spell slot you create three purple bolts of magical force. Each bolt hits a creature of your choice that you can see within 120ft range. A bolt deals 1d8 force damage to its target. The bolts all strike simultaneously and you can direct them to hit one creature or several. When you use this ability using a spell slot of 2nd Level or higher, the ability creates one more bolt for each slot above 1st.  

Angel of Death

Angels of death or simply Death angels are those who have taken upon them the heavy duty of accompanying the dying ones in their last moments. They have a great sense of responsibility and dedication though they tend to be rather morose. Death angels loose their beautiful appearance adapting, instead the appearance of a winged undead.  


You gain a Scythe that you can summon in your empty hand. You are proficient with it while you wield it. This weapon counts as magical for the Purpose of overcoming Resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. You can dismiss the weapon (no action required) which will make it disappear into its own extradimensional storage space.


You know one cantrip of your choice from the Necromancy Spell List. Your Charisma will be the spellcasting ability for it.  

Elemental afinity

You affinity to darkness element increases by +1. Affinity to light element decreases by -1 and all other elements are 0.  

Spirit strike

You can attack the target's spirit directly. This attack deals no physical damage instead wounding the spirit. Once the spirit is dead the target is Spiritless.    


When you reach lvl 10 you become an archangel. Your double the ability score improvement that you gained as virtue. (Example: you gain an additional +1 charisma as Ice angel or an additional 6th level spell slot as the Angel of death.   You also gain the ability to command lower ranking angels and other celestial creatures. Add +10 to all your persuasion rolls involving them.  


At lvl 20 you become a seraphim. Your life span is doubled and you can now command archangels as well. You grow 2 extra pairs of wings which increases your flying speed to 60ft. Your wings ar partly energy now so they pass through solid object if that is your will. As such your walking speed is normalized to 30 ft.

Summon Celestial

You summon a celestial of lower standing than you, which appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within range. The celestial disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or after 1 hour has passed.
The celestial is friendly to you and your companions for the duration. Roll initiative for the celestial, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you), as long as they don't violate its alignment. If you don't issue any commands to the celestial, it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions.
You can summon up to 5 celestials per day.  

Pinnacle of Virtue

Your special ability gained as a virtue evolves.   Shine: The radius of bright light is increased to 60-foot radius and dim light for an additional 60 feet. The blinding save DC is increased by 5.
Aura of Darkness: The radius of the darkness is doubled. Anyone within the darkness becomes frightenedwhile inside the darkness and for 1 minute after leaving it. to resist the target must make a wisdom saving throw. DC is 10 + your charisma modifier + your Proficiency Bonus.
Blazing wings: Your wing attacks now deal 8d6 fire damage and can be used from a distance. Range of 120 ft.
Wings of tide: The wave now deals 5d6 water damage to everyone in 30 ft square and you require no water source.
Wings of Gaia: Your AC is now increased by 10 and anyone attacking you in 5ft range is restrained by entangling Plants that sprout from either the ground or the wings. A creature Restrained by the Plants can use its action to make a Strength save, DC is 10 + your charisma modifier + your Proficiency Bonus. On a success, it frees itself. Otherwise the effect lasts for 1 minute.
Wings of tempest: The wind now continues for 1 minute after you use this ability. The saving throw must be repeated each turn the creature starts in the wind. DC is 10 + your charisma modifier + your Proficiency Bonus. The affected area becomes 70x15 and the distance the creature is moved 20 ft. Cloudforming: AC of the constructions become 10 and hp 5 for each 5 ft cube. You can now make 100 x 5 ft cubes per day.
Wings of storm: Area of effect becomes 50 ft. Number of lightnings become 8. Save DC becomes 10 + your charisma modifier + your Proficiency Bonus. Lightning damage becomes 7d10. You can now use the ability twice per long rest.
Wings of winter: The size of blizzard becomes 60x60ft. Damage becomes 7d8. Upon failed constitution save the creature is Freezing. Save DC becomes 10 + your charisma modifier + your Proficiency Bonus.
Magic discharge: Damage becomes 1d10. First level spell slot now has 4 bolts. The target must succeed on a DC 10 + your charisma modifier + your Proficiency Bonus, Constitution saving throw or be Paralyzed for 1 minute. At the end of each of the target's turns, it can repeat the saving throw, Ending the Effect on itself on a success.
Spirit strike: Your attacks now hurt the body and the spirit at the same time and deal extra 2d6 necrotic damage.
Average Height
1.80 m
Average Weight
50 kg
Average Physique
They are approximately 1.80m tall and do not vary too much from this height. Perfectly built they Never gain or lose weight or muscular mass. They are pretty athletic, their muscular structure seem to be more adapted for agility than strength. Yet do not mistake it for a lack of strength as they have supernatural strength. Their clothing is usually pretty simplistic in design but often with many decorations, bracelets, necklaces, etc. The higher standing is the angel the more decorated will he be. The bottom of the hierarchy would wear a simple white tunic. They do not wear shoes, gloves or hats. .
Geographic Distribution
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