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The world of Lavir is inhabited by numerous races. Some more inteligent and socially acknowledged than others. Some are common and seen everywhere around like Humans while others are pretty rare like the Unknowns or tend to stay in their corner like Snow Elves.  



Primary races:

Angels: Angels are a race of winged humans living in the sky. They are arrogant by nature. In ancient times they were looked upon as messengers of god. It ended when humans reached sky and built a city of Angel Psychology.
Dark Elves : Dark elves are elves with dark skin. They cling to their villages in dark forests and are highly territorial. They doesn’t like elves, and aren’t really friendly with any other race either. Their span of life is around 1000 years.
Demons: Demons are a race with the biggest variety of all. They can be seen in all shapes and sizes and with all kinds of personalities and powers. Most of the demons however tend to be evil which is why people often discriminate them as monsters.
Devils: Race of small sized red humanoids with little wings and horns that lives deep underground. They are a trader race. In ancient times no one wanted to trade with them cause they were looked upon as the embodiment of all evil. This changed when an adventurer descended into their kingdom. Since then their trading has been growing.
Dragons : One of the oldest races of Lavir. Dragons are superior to most races in both power and wisdom. However the variety of dragons is almost as high as that of demons. The wisdom, intelligence and strength of a dragon varies from animal like to highly superior to human depending on sub-race. They mostly live in their own continent which they share with dwarves and humans that specialize in living with dragons, Dragoons, and that is only accessible by air. They mostly live in caves or in other natural habitations. In not too ancient times they were chased just like monsters. They are currently without a king. The basic lifespan of a dragon is between 6000 and 10000 years.
Dwarf: Small sized and bulky humanoids that live mostly underground on Dragonlaw. They are a race of blacksmiths and miners. They also love beer, enjoying the peaceful life at home and welcoming guests.
Elves: A race of beautiful humanoids that are highly connected to nature. They can partially chose the appearance they want to keep when aging. They hate darkelves. They mostly live in elven forests which are easily recognizable because of their beauty. There are also traveling elven tribes that move from forest to forest.
Giants : Around 5m tall humanoids that live in their village rarely visiting other races. Although humans often think that giants are dangerous they are actually a rather docile race that mostly do farming.
Half-breeds: A half-breed is when 2 different races create an offspring.
Human: A race of basic humanoids that are average in all areas. They are the most populated race on Lavir. They have made the biggest advances in technology.
Sheit : Tall gray skinned humanoids that lives in their own village in the woods. Their most distinctive characteristic is their needles and claws. They don’t possess hairs of any kind. In return they have echidna like needles on their head and the top of their backs. The needles grow rather fast and must be often cut. They are made of an incredibly sturdy dark material that has some metallic qualities. Their claws are the same. They are the best carpenters in the world. They are a kind and very calm race that doesn’t go adventuring, with some exceptions of course.
Snow Elves: Snow elves are just like all other elves except that their hair is white, skin more pale than other elves, and their ears are longer than other elves as well and much more sharper in the ends. They live in cold, snowy areas, mostly mountains. They can see ice from hundreds of miles away. They communicate through distances by the help of a gigantic tree of different unknown symbols made of ice and the symbols are changing soon one after another so making messages.
Spirit: Every being in the world after death turns either into a spirit or into an undead being depending on the circumstances of their death and some other factors. Spirits are the most common form. Once dead however they stay dead. Spirits can decide to live as they are or join a living being in it’s body giving it part of it’s strength and knowledge or fuse with an element so becoming stronger.
Vampires: A race of nocturnal creatures. Their only meal is blood. There are 2 types of vampires: original and new. There are only a few original vampires left. Original vampires are ageless and have lived for a VERY long time. They are incredibly strong, fast and intelligent, their magic is strong and their regeneration is without equal and they are more or less immortal. The advantages however come with disadvantages. They burn when touched by sunlight and holy water even in small concentration is like acid to them. And since all the seas and oceans were blessed in ancient times vampires stay away from them. Vampires can’t reproduce in a natural way anymore. The only way they can reproduce is by giving another being their blood so creating the New vampires. New vampires have all the same characteristics as the original vampires, but the advantages of the race are weaker in the new ones. Almost all vampires live in a city of their own on Mythic continent ruled by the most ancient of vampires. His word is a law and he keeps vampires as a passive race that doesn’t join the conflicts of other races and he keeps them from killing other humanoids in order to feed.  

Secondary races:

Anthro: Humanoid animal.
Centaurs: half human half horse. Lives in the deep woods.
Fairies : Fairies are tiny winged humanoids that possess a considerable amount of magic power. Live in tribes in nature. Although they are mostly friendly they aren’t very sociable. Characteristics of faeries depending on their habitant.
Gryphs: Eagle like creature with beast’s body. They rule over the mountains of Desert of sin. Although mostly a living solitary or in small groups they all obey their king and no one else. Although unable to speak or create constructions they are still rather intelligent. They rarely bother other races. Homans of the Desert of sin continent have built a castle for the Gryphs as a sign of peace.
Gnomes: A race of small humanoids.
Harpies: Half bird half woman creatures that live in Matis forest. During mating season they turn completely into humans in order to mate with human males. Male harpies are rare and if born they are excluded from the tribe.
Mermaids: A half human half fish creature living in the depths of oceans.
Minotaurs: Half human half bovine creature that inhabits the Labyrinth on Mythic continent. They are rather primitive, highly territorial and unfriendly.
Unknown: A very mysterious race of humanoids with tails and sometimes other distinctive qualities. No one knows who they are and where they are from not even them.  


Aliens: Alien Race. Little green men ;)
Artificial life form: These beings have been created by intellectual beings rather than being born naturally.
Bugbears: Rough and strong yet adorable and loving. Often thought of as agressive. Live in Alps 
Dryads: Entities of trees.
Fauns: Half human half goat that lives in forests.
Goblins: A race of small green monster like humanoids that love to steal and vandalize.
Gremlins: Similar to goblins but even more monster looking. However they are more intelligent than goblins.
Nymphs: Entity of water.
Noviere: Mysterious and rare undervater humanoid.
Ogres: Tall and well built tribal humanoids with green or red skin that inhabits the mountains. Their preferred meal are other humanoids.
Orcs: Rather primitive humanoid race that is almost extinct. They are big and bulky, fierce and with green skin.

Basic Information


Most races are bipedal with two arms. Often referred to as Humanoid (a word probably spread by humans themselves). Aside from that each race has their own specific characteristics, like having a different skin color or differently shaped parts of the body (ears for example) or even having extra body parts like wings.    There are races however that take on a more bestial appearance. Dragons and Gryphs for example.

Genetics and Reproduction

Most of the races are mammals with the exception of Angels, Dragons and Gryphs. 
Since times immemorable it has been known that half-breeds are an easily achievable and common occurrence. As far as science is concerned any two species can intermingle. There have been periods in history where a half-breed race had temporarily become so populated that it was almost considered a race on its own. The most common examples are Half-elves and half-dragons. 
Even if both species aren't of same kind (humans and dragons) intermingling is fully possible though less probable.

Growth Rate & Stages

Different races have different life spans ranging from 30 years for a goblin to ageless for Vampires and Angels.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most races speak Common when interacting with other races. However they also have their own languages that they use among themselves. There are also languages used by multiple races. Sylvan for example is commonly used by Fairies, Fauns and other beings close to nature.
As far as documented history and historians are concerned the first species around were Dragons and demons. Then came Elves and Vampires. Other races appeared only later. Humans being among the most recent ones.

Articles under Races


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