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Dark Elves

"Dark elves... I'm not particularly found of them.
Then again I might not be objective here. I am a Half-Elf and my father was killed by a Dark elf.  I'll ty to be objective, ok?
Dark elves are dark skinned elves with often white or black hair. Ok, am I being too encyclopedial here?
Anyways... They live in dark forests and buid their villages on the ground using stones from ancient ruins as building blocks. They are a bit arrogant, as if they were better than us... just because they spend their time in their villages calmly taking care of the environment doesn't mean that they're all That good...
Where was I.... Though I don't really understand why elves and dark elves are so much at odds. They have so much in common if they look at it. But perhaps that's the problem. They are both too proud.
Dark elves tend to be quite territorial and upon our first visit they weren't very found of the idea of letting us visit. That and they aren't very found of most other races. I think that the only reason they let us in is because of Amnesia. I saw their warriors and I think most of them were rogues, with their daggers at their sides and the armor adapted for agility they seemed well trained. I wonder who they assassinated for training? Nah, just joking. I don't think that they are Assassins.
What I DO love about them is their love for storms. And they actually are decent folk once you get used to them." - Dreik Stormtracker 

Basic Information


Dark elves possess the standard elven anatomy. Tall, slender humanoid bodies. No body hair or beards. Pointy ears.
Dark elves have hair in the black and white spectrum. They can be white, gray or black. Never will you see a dark elf with naturally blond, red brown or violet hair.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dark elves are placental mammals with internal reproduction. They have a gestation period of two years before they are born. Because elves live for so long, it takes a very long time for them to decide to go through this process.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dark elves reach adolescence after twenty-five years adulthood after fifty. As adults they may have control over how much they age after. They can choose to die, appearing to be their prime or elderly and white.

Ecology and Habitats

Dark elves prefer dark environments, preferably forests. Although they aren't seriously affected by light they find it unpleasant. The forests inhabited by dark elves are old and often full with with plants and wildlife. It isn't clear if they chose these forests for these characteristics or if it's the influence of the dark elves that made them that way. Elves themselves will tell you that it's their work.
They build ancient stone houses made to last for a long time. The stone is gathered from the nearby area. Often they make use of the ruins of their ancient civilization as building blocks.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are omnivorous, but prefer to be hunters in environments where the game is plentiful.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The population of dark elves is low, amounting mostly to their 3 or 4 villages holding between 500 and 2500 habitants each (not accounting for the elves living in Doubla and other places). This has led to the absence of a united government or kingdom.
The villages are led by Chiefs. They are assisted by council of elves each well versed in their own domain.
The next most important in the village are the combatants, the hunters and the caretakers. (The caretakers are the dark elves who keep their village and its surrounding in a good shape.) Then comes everyone else.   The Dark elves living in Doubla abide to the kingdom's social structure.


Dark elves were first to domesticate wild Dalmasian pigs. They still use them as rides, for the field work and for combat. Unlike humans who raise the domesticated pigs in the animal husbandry. Dark elves catch theirs in the wild and domesticate them afterwards. The result is stronger in all aspects, even if harder to control.

Facial characteristics

Like all elven races dark elves have fine faces. Often found beautiful by most humanoid races. Their eyes are dark.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dark elf villages are mostly found on Nightfall and Mysteria. Probably cause these places are the most adapted to their type of forests.

Average Intelligence

Although as intelligent as any other race Dark Elves tend to not develop technology wise. The tragic destiny of their race in the past probably is the cause for this. They are more traditional and old fashioned.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Living in dark forests dark elves have developed good vision in dark. They have also excellent reflexes.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The dark elves could be classed in 2 factions. Mysteria dark elves and Nightfall dark elves. Though differences between the two groups are minimal.
Mysteria's dark elves are less friendly with other races and more conservationists. While the dark elves of Nightfall are more used to living alongside humans.

Beauty Ideals

The beauty ideal of a dark elf is a dark elf. They are quite narcistic when it comes to looks.

Courtship Ideals

While young they are romantics, though men always remain gallant towards women of any race.

Relationship Ideals

Although in their young years it's common for a dark elf to be exploring their love life and often have multiple love interests at the same time. As they get older they build families that last for centuries.

Average Technological Level

In ancient past they were one of the if not The most advanced civilizations of the world. These days they have given up their technical advancement in exchange for traditional peaceful life. Trying to repair what their ancestors did with their "Technology". As such they look with disapproval towards the new technological advances in the world.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They mainly speak Elven and when with other races, Common. Their elven language differentiates slightly from the one used by Elves but you can still understand one if you knows the other.

Common Etiquette Rules

Dark elves in their everyday life are calm and dedicated to their everyday duties. The young ones are free to roam around and do as they like when outside of the village. However once in the village they are expected to behave properly.

Common Dress Code

They tend to wear dark elegant clothes. Often made of tinted leather or fur.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The white markings that they paint on their skin date back to the ancient civilization. They are mostly used by the elves who feel artistic in heart. Which is a lot of the young ones. It serves to show others your essence, your identity.
In ancient times it was also used to show your affiliation and standing. Today only the elders use the body paint this way. They often take symbols from ruins or ancient texts that describe their past.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They love storms and furious music. Especially the both of them together.
Upon a good thunderstorm you can see the usually calm and collected elves go all out with dancing and music.    They also have a tradition 2 times a year to go to the ruins of their ancient civilization together as a whole tribe. They travel through night (as dark elves mostly do) and spend a whole day meditating.

Common Taboos

It is prohibited for a dark elf to frequent an Elf. Elves are suspected of having played a role in the destruction of Mysteria. And are also despised by simple nature of their being.
Another taboo is the development and use of technology.
Although not a taboo it's hard to find a dark elf who will willingly tell you about their history.


The exact origin, the reason of their color difference from the basic Elves, is unknown.   History of Dark Elves timeline       During ancient times, When Light elves came to power. Dark elves decided that they weren't going to live Under their light brethren. So they built their own dark elf nation and that prospered alongside Light elves. Their societies differentiated from each other in many ways.   Dark elves were a technologically, or perhaps magically(sadly records on this subject are unclear), advanced. While their cities were mostly situated underground, parts of them were on the surface. Cities usually included farmlands, where slaves worked to produce and harvest meat and crops. Those lands were usually found inside the main cavern but sometimes, usually due to space limits, they could be found outside as well. Dark elves of that time saw all other races as inferior to them.
Their society was theocratic. Though it's unknown what god they followed. The nation was led by lead by oppressive, theocratic nobility. Throughout the centuries the cities were became increasingly independent and drift apart from the larger dark elf nation, some had trade agreements, and some fell to war with one another. The dark elves were in a state of perpetual infighting and violent competition, the constant training serving to make them stronger and smarter while breeding out indolence and other weaknesses. The infighting ceased when Dark elves decided to wage war on the Light elves. The exact reasons for the war are unknown.   The war between the two elven races was short lived. Dark elves had in their possession a mass destruction "Device?" "Spell?" that they used right away on all of light elven cities causing heavy damages and losses to the empire. However the victory didn't last long as their weapon was was turned against themselves. It is unknown how, why or who did this. The Dark elf cities suffered even bigger destruction than the light ones. The Nation of Dark Elves was annihilated. Along with most of the Mysteria continent. Up to this day vestiges of this catastrophe can still be found all over the continent.   After the war the nation was officially disbanded and the few remaining dark elves scattered to all sides. Most ventured to Nightfall. Where the damage from the war was less significant than on Mysteria. Centuries later when the continent had recovered a little part of the elves returned to Mysteria to help the continent heal from their mistake.   The ruins serve as a constant reminder of their past. And the chiefs of the villages have written historical documents that they pass on through the ages.     When Vampires arrived in mass on the continent and started to build Bloodpool the elves chose to not object. They already had peaceful and respectful relations with Asema and the new vampires were too numerous.
They did not participate in the Third Vampire Genocide  on either side.   When the Nael Dynasty was conquering the Mysteria dark elves tried to stay away and keep to themselves. It was hard for them to do, but they were cautious of the military might of Nael. However the Nael Dynasty advanced with their conquest. They attacked Dark Elves in their forests. The elves fought with all they had and the violent conflict prolonged. Multiple skirmishes between the both sides went on for a long time. Many forests were burnt to ground and thousands of dark elves lost their lives. In the end their population and land was greatly reduced and they fell under the rule of Naels. Angry for the lasting conquest Naels enslaved the elves.   Although enslaved by Naels most elves were allowed to continue living in their forests as long as they abode to Nael laws and orders. Some of the youth was expediated to the castle to serve as slave/servants or soldiers. It was also means of population control.    It was a whole other story with Minotaurs than with Vampires. Minotaurs arrived in secret and installed themselves in the ruins of Labyrinth. Displeased with the idea of the beasts inhabiting the vestiges of their civilization they attacked.
After a few skirmishes on both sides the elders of both sides decided that the war isn't worth it. A non-disturbance agreement was made. Neither race is allowed to enter the are controlled by the other. The exception is when the elves head to the ruins twice a year to meditate.   It was only when Shin'en was defeated at the end of the age of terror that the elves truly regained their freedom.     On the other side of the world, on Nightfall. Dark elves didn't have problems with minotaurs. However they had the company of humans. Upon arrival of a human royal they decided that they should rather have friendly relations than hostile ones. They helped the royal to build Doubla and establish the Kingdom of Doubla. Some of the elves left the tribe in the forest and installed themselves in the city. Thus adapting a different life style from their forest brethren.

Historical Figures

Known individuals

  Vasik Holires a well known necromancer. Member of Yami Yakuza
Krilos a solitary dark elf. Father of Ryu Moon

Common Myths and Legends

A legend passed through the generations tells about a goddess that dark elves once worshiped. The spider queen Lolth. It is said that Lolth was the true ruler of the Dark elf nation and that their prosperity and advancement was thanks to her. However the legend also attributes the infighting and war to her. All elven elders dismiss her existence as a legend.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They are at odds with Elves whom they believe to be "... miserable bastards. So cocky and sure of their own perfection. An entire race of superiorist pigs. ... We could do with fewer egotistical assholes...." And consider in part responsible for Mysteria's destruction.   They find members of other humanoid races who have colorful hair, exotic and are attracted to them.

D&D Statistics


Dark elf traits

Your dark elf character has the following racial traits.  

Ability Score Increase:

Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.  


When young Dark Elves love freedom, variety, and self-expression, so they lean strongly toward the gentler aspects of chaos. As they become older they start to get wiser and calm down often adorning to their tribe's values and lifestyle. As such they are more leaning towards lawful. They are neither good or evil by nature. More on the Neutral side.  


Elves range from under 6 to over 6.5 feet tall and have slender builds. Your size is Medium.  


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.  

Superior Darkvision:

Accustomed to dark forests and the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.  

Keen Senses:

You have proficiency in the Perception skill.  

Sunlight Sensitivity:

You have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.  

Dark elf Magic:

You know the dancing lights cantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast the faerie fire spell 3 times with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the darkness spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 10th level, you can cast the Restore Nature spell twice with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.  

Drow Weapon Training:

You have proficiency with hand crossbows and daggers.  


You can speak, read, and write Common and Elven.
1000 years
Average Height
2 m (6.5 ft)
Average Weight
66 kg (145lb)
Average Physique
Dark elves are slender but with a good musculature. The life in the environment that most races find inhospitable keeps them in a fit shape.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dark elf skin is gray. It ranges from light gray to a dark one, but it always stays gray. Some dark elves paint their faces and body with white lines or symbols, as per ancient traditions.

Before the Age of Terror

... 202 AT

Time before the Age of Terror

Age of Terror

201 AT 1 AT

An era of terror when evil thrived. No clear beginning of the era has been defined. A lot of historical records were lost during this time leaving a lot of the history before the Age of Terror unclear.


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