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Snow fairies

"Fairies are interesting beings. I remember this one snow fairy I once met, Moth Iceshimmer. She was so tiny and covered in scars, I felt pity for her at first. She explained that she had been attacked by a group of hungry wolves. And you know what? That tiny thing wasn't even mad at them! She told me that wolves are their friends and that she understood that they were just hungry. Show me what other race would be capable of so much compassion and understanding! And she was so kind... So, to anyone reading this: Be kind to Fairies!" - Dreik Stormtracker    A race of Fairies living in the cold environments, mostly Alps. They speak the language of Snow Elves and once a life travel to their Village and back.

Basic Information


Snow fairies usually have white or blue hair and similar color wings.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They are able to use their magic to feel the emotions of another creature and even determine if it is good or evil.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Snow fairies are very close to animals in their environment. They would help them and care for their wellbeing as if they were their brethren. As such animals also tend to help them out when needed.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak Sylvan and Common like most fairies. But due to their cultural exchange with Snow Elves they also learn their dialect of Elven language.

Common Dress Code

Snow fairies love to make their clothes out of snow woven with magic. They are light and seem almost ethereal.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Once in their lifetime each snow fairy travel from their village to the Village of Snow Elves. This is mainly a cultural exchange trip.    This is a minor ordeal fro fairies inhabiting the Land of Raging snow. Those living in Alps however have to make quite a trip. They tend to temporarily team up with other species during the trip. Their capacity to evaluate people comes in handy in this instance.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
5 - 30 cm
Average Weight
8.75 to 100 grams
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They have a pale, almost white, complexion.
Geographic Distribution


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