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Forest Fairy

Forest fairies love deep forests. Being surrounded by trees and vegetation is perfect for them. Although very wide spread their main habitat is the Deep Forest

Basic Information


In top of having the usual, insect like wings, forest fairies sometimes have leaf-like wings.

Ecology and Habitats

Forest fairies, as their name implies live in forests. The denser the forest the better. 
They build their houses in trees, roots and hidden spots in other vegetation. The materials used are mostly twigs, branches, leaves and other materials that they find around. They would not cut a living tree to get materials. There is plenty already on the ground to build the habitats for their size. Using magic to reshape the materials at will also helps.    Fairies of forests take care of the environment in which they live. And would actively try to get rid of anyone willing to cut trees or otherwise damage the nature in their territory.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like all fairies they adore nature and their diet consists mainly of fruits, flowers and other edible plants. But they don't shy away from eventaul hunted meat. However they don't hunt more than necessary for survival and the totality of meat is always consumed. They don't preserve meat for later either.


Their behavior is influenced by their deep connection to nature and their innate magical abilities. They have a strong sense of community and their tendency to form close-knit tribes within the lush depths of the forest. They often gather in groups to share stories, rituals, and celebrations, fostering a sense of unity and belonging among their kind.   In their interactions with predators (monsters, humanoids, etc. As most animals leave them alone), forest fairies are cautious. They possess an acute awareness of the dangers lurking in the forest, including predatory creatures drawn to their magical essence or the allure of their woodland habitats. When faced with threats, forest fairies rely on their agility, stealth, and innate magical abilities to evade danger and protect themselves and their kin. They may use their magic to manipulate the natural world around them, creating illusions or altering the environment to confuse or deter predators.   THey also play a crucial role in the ecological balance of their forest homes, serving as guardians and caretakers of the natural world. They are deeply attuned to the rhythms of the forest, observing seasonal changes and environmental shifts with keen interest. Through their affinity with the nature and mastery of magic, they nurture the growth of plants, maintain the health of the forest ecosystem, and ensure the harmony and vitality of their woodland domain.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

During Age of terror and even before Fairies were hunted for their Fairy Dust. Fairy dust is given off by fairy wings naturally, but it is a very slow process. As such only fairy tribes themselves sell the dust.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Forest fairies live in tandem with the various forest animals and have even mastered the art of temporarily becoming animals themselves. The animals help them gather food or move heavier objects as well as protect their territory. In exchange the fairies protect the animals from other predators and provide a safe and pleasant environment for them to live in. As well as, of course, something that all animals love: cuddling.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Their names tend to reflect their affinity with their forest nature. Here are some examples: Leafwhisper, Fernshade, Willowbreeze, Thornsong, Sylvaine, Elowen, Liora, Mossfoot, Dewdrop, Wildroot or Hazelbrook

Common Dress Code

They wear clothing in tones reminiscent of the forest, primarily crafted from natural materials like leaves woven together with magic.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Forest fairies like to do celebrations in forest clearings and they often held them together with elves.

Common Taboos

Cutting trees or otherwise damaging nature

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Forest fairies get along very well with the local elves as they have similar, nature orientated mindsets. 
As for other races it's simple: The closer to nature they are the better their relationship and vice versa.    The fairies living in Deep Forest have a pretty good relationship with a Native tribe of humans living there. In the past there have been mingling of the two races, resulting in some halfbreeds among the tribe.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
5 - 30 cm
Average Weight
8.75 to 100 grams
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Forest fairies tend to have a tan skin which they sometimes decorate with drawing in white and other colors.


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