Attack on Asbravn Plot in Legacy of the Realms | World Anvil

Attack on Asbravn

Played on July 29, 2018     24 Flamerule, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR) Town of Asbravn, Sunset Vale     Sending the other scouts back to Bear’s Head, Glyn Windrunner rode to the town of Asbravn to warn them about the return of the giants. But when he arrived at Asbravn, the town was already under attack.   Two fire giants and scores of orogs, some riding axebeaks, were laying siege to the small town. Glyn could see the famous Riders in Red Cloaks doing what they could to defend the town against the onslaught. However, it was clear from the wounded or dead in the streets, the giants’ attack had already taken its toll.   Glyn left his horse just outside the town and ran in to join the battle. He was joined by Ivan Moonshade, a human sorcerer who had fifteen years before adventured with Gaerd Debarron in Daggerford. Ivan was in nearby Iriaebor and had decided to travel into the Sunset Vale to visit the good-hearted drow, Gaerd.   Thalron Hammerfist, a dwarf from Hammerfist Hall, had also just arrived to warn the town of his dwarhold having recently encountered frost giants, hill giants, and fire giants–the latter being unheard of in the Sunset Mountains. When he saw the battle, Thalron joined in to help.   When the battle was won, two fire giants lay dead, along with many orogs. Despite some casualties, many of the town’s citizens had managed to escape into the catacombs beneath Asbravn.   The catacombs housed the remains of hundreds of horsemen who had at one time built an entire city called Urdrath of the Horsemen where Asbravn now stood. Glyn recalled having heard of when Asbravn, at one time over a decade ago, was referred to “Asgraven”. It was when a powerful undead horde had descended upon the Sunset Vale. It was rumored that something had roused the hundreds of buried horsemen, forcing them to attack the town. Many Riders in Red Cloaks and citizens alike died fighting the undead. But the Vale withstood the plague of undead and has recovered since.   After the battle against the giants was won, Glyn, Ivan, and Thalron met with the Riders leader, Virgil Rosebow. He thanked the three for their help.   Thalron said he would be returning to Hammerfist Hall. Should they need help against the giants, the dwarves of Hammerfist Hall would gladly give it. Before leaving, Thalron said scouts from Hammerfist Hall had found the location of the frost giants’ stronghold deep in the Sunset Mountains. He said his father suggested a small group of brave and skilled adventurers should enter the stronghold and deal with the frost giants.   Glyn agreed and said such an adventuring group could be formed in Bear’s Head. Once formed, the group could travel to Hammerfist Hall and then make its way to the frost giants’ stronghold hopefully before the winter months set in.   Glyn offered to take Ivan back with him to Bear’s Head since Ivan was planning on visiting anyway. Glyn told Ivan that Gaerd and the entire Debarron family had left Bear’s Head had left about a decade before.   Glyn said Bear’s Head has since transformed itself into a town built on tolerance for all good religious views and any race who desires what everyone in the Vale seeks: peace.         Dramatis Personae   Glyn Windriver (Male Human Ranger)   Ivan Moonshade (Male Human Sorcerer)   Thalron Hammerfist (Male Dwarf Monk)


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