Journey to Hammerfist Hall

Played on August 12, 2018     5 Eleasias, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR) Sunset Mountains     Almost a tenday after leaving the town of Bear’s Head, the adventurers made their way to Hammerfist Hall. Before leaving, they agreed to call their company, The Cloaked Raiders naming themselves in honor of a group founded by Zaachaeus De’Barronn, a drow who over a century before had come to the surface near Daggerford and began a career of epic adventurers beginning with clearing a dungeon in the nearby Misty Forest then forming an adventuring group that would later be known throughout the Sword Coast as the Cloaked Raiders, then later as The High Swords.   It was Zaachaeus De’Barronn, along with his brother Gaerd and his father Huntrah–all members of the High Swords–who eventually founded the town of Bear’s Head in the Sunset Vale. However, Zaachaeus and many others who followed the drow eventually left the Forgotten Realms to make a new name for themselves on another prime material plane leaving Bear’s Head to the care of its people under the leadership of Kira, a middle-aged half-elf who ran the Bear’s Head Inn. With Kira’s leadership, the town underwent some changes and prospered. Eventually Kira suggested that the the town should be governed by an elected mayor who would serve for four years. With Bear’s Head having now been led by two mayors, it continued to grow and prosper like Corm Orp, Asbravn, and Hluthvar, the three other towns in the Sunset Vale.   Known for its hospitality, a fine inn, and its famous honeyed dark ale, Hoppy Ever After, brewed by Natali Barleytruth, a halfling druid follower of Chauntea, many adventurers made it a point to stop by Bear’s Head before setting off for the Reaching Woods or the northern regions of the Sunset Vale.   The Cloaked Raiders arrived in Asbravn during the Midsummer Festival. Because of the recent attacks by fire giants, the festival which celebrated love and music through feasting was far more subdued than normal. Many were still mourning the loss of loved ones slain by the invading giants and their minions from the Sunset Mountains.   At least the weather during Midsummer was pleasant. Many believed bad weather experienced on the night of Midsummer was considered an extremely bad omen.   **   The Cloaked Raiders had spent the last five days traveling on foot through the Far Hills and into the Sunset Mountains, a journey that could have been made worse if it wasn’t for the guidance of Glyn Windrunner, the group’s ranger. The day before, under a summer rain, the group crossed a stone bridge clearly built by dwarves. Everyone wondered how long the bridge has withstood the tests of time and would remain standing even after every member of the Cloaked Raiders will have passed on from this lifetime.   Five days after leaving Asbravn, the Cloaked Raiders spotted six trolls resting by a small mountain lake. The trolls were resting along the lake’s edge. It was in the middle of a warm afternoon, made somewhat humid after yesterday’s rain. A large chest sat on the ground near one rather large troll.   There was still possibly another day to go before reaching the dwarf hold of Hammerfist Hall. Like the trolls, the Cloaked Raiders were themselves nearly exhausted after a day spent climbing while trying to find safe passage across a mountain torrent which fed into the Chionthar Tributary.   It was Dokar and Ronak who spotted the trolls after the two climbed a small hillock to give them a view of the surrounding area.   Dokar, who spoke and understood Giant, overheard the trolls talking about pushing on during the remainder of the day so they get closer to their destination, the glacial rift of the frost giant jarl somewhere near the peaks of the Sunset Mountains.   Dokar passed on what he heard.   Ronak suggested the group force the trolls towards them so they can maintain the high ground.   While others readied themselves for the coming fight, Ivan cast a slow spell in the middle of the unsuspecting trolls. All but one were seemingly affected by the sorcerer’s spell.   Glyn let loose arrows that buried themselves into one troll seated on the ground, resting against the side of small hillock. The wounded troll stood up and ran towards his attackers.   To its surprise, the other trolls weren’t moving as fast!   The trolls in the waters were struggling to move through the water, their muscles slow to response. The others on land didn’t fare any better.   Knowing trolls had incredible regenerative powers, Ivan made sure to strike each troll with a flame-based cantrip preventing each troll from healing itself while Ivan’s companions dealt killing blow after killing blow with their weapons.   With the trolls unable to move fast enough, thanks to the sorcerer’s slow spell, it didn’t take long for the Cloaked Raiders to kill off every troll except the apparent leader…without suffering a single scratch from the trolls.   It surrendered and offered the chest full of treasure the trolls were taking to the frost giant jarl as tribute.   After forcing the troll to talk, the group learned the six troll were among many giants and humanoids being summoned by Grugnur, Lord of Frost Giants, to form an army of giants and humanoids that will crush the good races of the Realms.   The group decided to keep the troll alive and deliver it to the dwarves at Hammerfist Hall for them to decide its fate.         The Cloaked Raiders   Dokar Rasalaliha (Male Silver Dragonborn Cleric of Bahamut)   Glyn Windriver (Male Human Ranger)   Ivan Moonshade (Male Human Sorcerer)   Rollard Arikson (Male Human Rogue/Cleric of Tymora)   Ronak Tripp (Male Human Blackguard of Lathander)


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