Return to Hammerfist Hall

Played on August 15, 2018     6 Eleasias, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR) Hammerfist Hall, Southern Sunset Mountains     The Cloaked Raiders arrived at Hammerfist Hall with a troll prisoner and learn the location of the stronghold of the frost giant jarl, Grugnur.   They also learn that Hammerfist Hall had been moved by King Farsten Hammerfist, son of Dorrak Hammerfist, from their ancient dwarf hold in the Northern Sunset Mountains because the Zhentarims had rebuilt Darkhold.       The Cloaked Raiders   Dokar Rasalaliha (Male Silver Dragonborn Cleric of Bahamut)   Glyn Windriver (Male Human Ranger)   Ivan Moonshade (Male Human Sorcerer)   Rollard Arikson (Male Human Rogue/Cleric of Tymora)   Ronak Tripp (Male Human Blackguard of Lathander)


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