Bear’s Head

Played on August 5, 2018     27 Flamerule, The Year of Twelve Warnings (1494 DR) Town of Bear’s Head, Sunset Vale       Three days after leaving Asbravn, Glyn and Ivan left for Bear’s Head to warn them about the giants’ return. Both were joined by Dokar Rasalaliha, a dragonborn cleric of Bahamut.   Dokar wanted to travel to Bear’s Head and persuade Mayor Grom Rockbrook about opening a shrine to the good dragon god, Bahamut.   When the three arrived in Bear’s Head, Glyn was surprised to see Nori and Rollard in Bear’s Head.   Rollard and Glyn had adventured together years before as members of the Champions of the Vale. Rollard said he and Nori had sold their tavern, The Lucky Coin, in Waterdeep after seeing a giant’s floating castle appear over the City of Spendors. There were rumors of a giant attack while others claimed the floating castle belonged to cloud giants who came peacefully. Having already heard news of giant attacks elsewhere in the Sword Coast, Rollard and his pregnant wife Rina, along with their son Jon, left Waterdeep on a caravan that would take them weeks to reach the Sunset Vale.   Therefore, it was disappointing for Rollard to hear he and his family had not escaped the giants’ threats especially when their unborn child would be born in three months.   Now the Sunset Vale and perhaps the rest of the Heartland could be next to suffer under the giants’ wrath.   When Glyn met with the town’s mayor, he was introduced to Ronak Tripp who had also arrived from Waterdeep with the Rollard’s caravan. Ronak told Mayor Rockbrook he was looking for work as an adventurer.   After hearing Glyn’s report, Mayor Rockbrook suggested Glyn form an adventuring company to help deal with the frost giants in the Sunset Mountains. He offered each one 5,000 gold pieces, a choice of a potion from the town’s magical stock, and a possible boon such as a small house in Bear’s Head upon successfully completing their quest.   The group agreed and gathered together that evening to plan their quest to stop the giants’ threat in the Sunset Vale. First they would have to plan their journey back to Asbravn and a trek across the Far Hills towards the distant Sunset Mountains to reach Hammerfist Hall.         Dramatis Personae   Dokar Rasalaliha (Male Silver Dragonborn Cleric of Bahamut)   Glyn Windriver (Male Human Ranger)   Ivan Moonshade (Male Human Sorcerer)   Rollard Arikson (Male Human Rogue/Cleric of Tymora)   Ronak Tripp (Male Human Blackguard of Lathander)


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