Session 39: Man Overboard! Report in Legacy of the Titan Stones | World Anvil
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Session 39: Man Overboard!

General Summary

Upon your re-entry into the Yakfolk Village, you took a well-deserved rest. During that rest, several things happened:
  • The dwarf you rescued is named Jasper Dimmerchasm; he is a member of the Zhentarim, also known as the "Black Network". He was captured by Duke Zalto and made his personal prisoner after he was sent by higher ranking members of the Zhentarim to negotiate a deal with the Duke. (It was a fool's errand) He is currently accompanying you along your way to Citadel Abdbar
  • Wiri Fleagol is going back to the home village of Helani; which is deep within the Moonwoods - northeast of Zephyr's hometown
  • Met your newest member of the party Olga Whetherby; a repulsive female dwarf who is from Citadel Adbar
  • Ivellios had a interesting dream (note: he has yet to disclose this info with the party)
When you woke up the next morning, Pywhakett of Bell, Book & Candle was nowhere to be found   The Duke's daughter Cinderhild, whom you recently left in charge of the fire giants, was making her escape from the mines. Saying that she wanted nothing to do with the fire giants. You let her go in peace With the Dragon Cultist Airship, Delsaphine, and her crew you made your way southeast to Citadel Adbar through the ever-boding thunderstorm.   The journey took nearly 12-14 hours. Along the way you had a close encounter with a storm giant mounted atop a gargantuan sized roc with a 150-200 foot wingspan. After the giant summoned a massive thunderstorm and left you in its wake, you thought again about following him.   Shortly after that as the day was growing late, you encountered a number of aarakorca who almost completely destroyed the balloon on the ship, along with tackling several party members overboard Immediately after killing the final aarakorca, Xyden unleashed a fireball that nearly killed the entire dragon cultist crew. Outraged, Delsaphine called to all of you, ordering you to stand down. In the flash of an eye, a magic darkness engulfed her. Seconds afterwards you caught a glimpse of her jumping overboard, alongside a half-dragon humanoid(perhaps the invisible figure Ivellios caught a glimpse of while in Delsaphine's personal chambers).   With the airship severely damaged, the crew entirely dead, and the ship's captain gone you barely managed to land the ship not amongst the mountains - not carefully. Upon landing the hull of the ship was critically damaged. At this point, Zephyr noticed that the magical runes containing both the air and fire elementals had been deactivated. When the fire elemental escaped the ship the balloon was destroyed entirely and the air elemental escaped along with it, into the night.   The good news is that you landed the ship about a mile outside of Citadel Adbar. Shortly after crashing the ship you heard the horns of the Iron Guard sound, and saw in the distance about a dozen touches, mounted guards, headed towards you.   When the guards got up close enough, a few (Olga, Jasper, Zephyr and Bolivar) of you recognized the familiar face of Darin Hammerhast; Captain of the Iron Guard, and Member of the Mithral Shield. He recognized the head of the fire giant Lord in which you possessed, the slain Duke Zalto, and was happy to escort you to King Harnoth - even in this late hour.   With the hour being very late, you are currently being led up into the main entryway of Citadel Adbar. As you approached you noticed that the renowned entryway of the epic dwarven mountain fortress has been dramatically modified. The nearly 100-foot tall natural stone entryway filled with elegant stone carvings had now been reduced to a measly 15-foot tall passageway with great iron beams and gantries.
Report Date
30 Sep 2020

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