Auscour Island Geographic Location in Leland Peninsula | World Anvil
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Auscour Island (aw skor eye land)

Auscour Island, formerly known as Nauscour Island until 643, is the smallest of the Cour Islands located off the southern coast of Leland. Following the Declaration of Aurant Expulsion in 574, the island served as a safe haven for visaurants and their families seeking to escape persecution.   Prior to 574, Nauscour Island was uninhabited, though it was used by people on nearby islands for fishing and coming-of-age traditions. Following the Declaration of Aurant Expulsion, word spread that the Jincosa of Escour Island were stocking the island with supplies. The official reason was that they needed space for renovations after a flooding incident, but it was heavily implied that the supplies would not be returning to Escour Island.   The first group of the refugee visuarants arrived in late 575 with a few more arriving in the months following. By 577, Queendom authorities had caught on to what was happening on Nauscour Island, but they did not feel inclined to round up those now inhabiting the island since they had kept to themselves. Authorities did, however, increase patrols of the other Cour Island in order to prevent more refugees from fleeing to the island. As long as there was no direct contact with those on Nauscour Island, the Jincosa were allowed to continue using the island for their usual purposes and leave extra supplies for the refugees to find.    Over time, a small community formed on the island with numbers bolstered by visaurants making the longer, more risky journey from the Purple Foot Islands and the Campronto Peninsula. Some who could safely leave the island, those who weren't visaurant and had fled for the safety of loved ones or been born on the island, left to either find their own lives in larger society or help others in the network to reach the island. By 643 the island became colloquially referred to as Auscour Island.   Auscour Island remained a remote haven for visaurants for the remainder of the Queendom period. Following the fall of Queen Elena in 711, most chose to stay on the island as they knew no other life and had been raised with a fear what lie past their shores, but the island gradually began to see visitors again.    Today, the Cour Islands have the highest concentration of visaurants in southern Leland, primarily because of those still living on Auscour Island.
Location under
Leland Physical Geography
Physical geography of the Leland Peninsula
Mapvember 2022
Generic article | Jan 2, 2023

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