Lerulious History of Al-Faheem Timeline
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History of Al-Faheem

All events involving the nation of Faheem and Al-Faheem.

  • 43

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    Faheemian trade into Fonzia slows
    Financial Event

    As the Kraemian War of Secession begins to drag on, Jarneff Faheem calls for his merchants to reduce foreign trade to Fonzia, as the success of their war becomes ever more unclear.

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  • 44

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    Faheem ceases trade to the west
    Financial Event

    Jarneff Faheem orders a complete halt to all trade to the western countries of DubriaFonzia, and Kiulmaa, citing a desire for political neutrality as the Kraemian War of Secession grows in scope and length. There is relatively little pushback from Dubria, and none from Kiulmaa, but Fonzia sends a messenger to ask that trade be reopened immediately. The request is denied.

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    Fonzia recognizes Kiulmaa and Dubria
    Political event

    Forced to end campaign season by the winter weather again, Arya, The Hero King dispatches messengers to Dubria and Kiulmaa to declare his recognition of their sovereignty and to request peace. The messages are answered before the year is out and marks an end to the Kraemian War of Secession.

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    Dubrian Expansion
    Construction beginning/end

    Grast sets out securing the nation of Dubria the moment he's sure the truce offered by Arya is legitimate. Though his immediate preoccupation is with the Western Border, he also builds fortresses and other defensive structures in the east, aggravating Faheem in the process.   Arrund, Fort Ippule, Fort Manades, Fort Vesteem, and Smallwood Keep are all established in this period.

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    The First Dubrian War
    Military action

    Jarneff Faheem declares war on Dubria in response to their eastern expansion into territory that Faheem claims. Almost immediately, Fonzia withdraws all trade with Dubria.   After a year of skirmishes, Grast moves to the front to challenge Jarneff on the field, and gravely wounds him. Faheem eventually delivers a letter of truce to Grast, ceding the disputed lands in exchange for peace. Following the return to peace, trade between Dubria and Fonzia resumes.

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    Jahher Faheem is born
    Life, Birth

    Jahher Faheem is born to a mistress of Jarneff Faheem. As his other son, Maedus Faheem, is participating in The First Dubrian War and could possibly be felled in battle, Jarneff decides to recognize Jahher as a potential heir.

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    Jarneff Faheem dies, Maedus Faheem ascends the throne
    Life, Death

    Despite the best efforts of the healers of Faheem, Jarneff Faheem dies as a result of injuries he suffered in his duel with Grast. His son, Maedus Faheem, assumes the throne. His half brother Jahher and his mother are sent away from the court.

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    The Second Dubrian War
    Military action

    Less than a month after ascending the throne, Maedus Faheem declares war against Dubria in retaliation for the death of his father and the capture of their territory in The First Dubrian War. During the short peace between the First Dubrian War and this act of aggression, Maedus had been drilling his armies, and the force that he brought to bear was significantly more capable than those led by his father three short years ago.    Regardless, Faheem saw little success in the war. Though Fort Vesteem did succumb to an assault, it was retaken again in the same year. The Dubrian counteroffensive campaign was slow and steady, pushing Faheem's forces and borders ever further back. Though the people of Faheem resist at every step, the slow push of the Dubrian army is as inevitable as the return of the Moon. Despite foreign aid to Dubria being cut in the 56th Year of Record, and general fatigue from the people of Dubria with the war, the push does not end, though it does slow.   The war eventually ends with an assault on Faheem's capital city, Maylif, where Grast personally ends Maedus' life. Dubria annexes Faheem as its broken and battered military surrenders with the death of their ruler.

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    Faheem is annexed by Dubria

    Following the death of Maedus Faheem and the surrender of the armies of Faheem, rather than naming a steward of the region, Grast completely dissolves the state and appoints his own military leaders to govern the region. Faheem's currency is phased out, and their mint burned down.