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Acarletto is a dwarven mountain citadel protecting hundreds of thousands of civilians. It has the highest population density in the entire world, but struggles to maintain that. Over the last century, much has been built over top of what came before. The original layer has come to be known as "the Mountainhall" and is a dark, lawless zone not trod by most citizens.


35% dwarves 40% humans 10% kitsune 10% goblin 5% other


Acarletto is predominantly ruled by the king of the dwarves of the city, but due to the majority non-dwarves in the city, the king has to make numerous concessions to various factions within the city so he can stay in power. The king is equally a civilian and a military leader. He has ultimate say in most matters of the city if they risk the safety of the citadel.


Primary Radiant Citadel Walls Secondary Stone and Steel interior walls Supplemental walls around exterior settlements and encampments.   500 career military veterans 500 outer wall scouts 3000 citadel guards 200 light warjacks 100 heavy warjacks Additional 50,000 trained leviable civilians in the event of major threats to citadel safety

Industry & Trade

Acarletto has one business- survival. Nearly all resources are poured into a maintaining a population far above what it was intended for. Maintaining the walls, fending off minor threats, and protecting supply lines with nearby farms and mines requires the attention and output of numerous factories and artisans. Beyond the military needs, the civilian needs of nearly half a million people have to be produced, creating goods such as bread, clothing, and tools.    Specifically, the city has numerous coal, iron, and other metal mines. These have to remain wide and shallow to avoid puncturing the hellways, even in the mountains, which would leak out drifting souls.   Acarletto does not have the proper magicial facilities to enchant radiant metal en masse, so most of it is imported long distance over the railways. While the cerebral material likewise has to be imported, its capable industrial foundries can churn out completed steamjacks enough to export to other citadels alongside other manufactured items and weapons. Thus far, Acarletto has publicly refrained from major deals with the devils of the hellways, opting to solve its own problems as best it can.   Other notable exports
  • mountain bee honey


Within the fortified sections of Acarletto, buildings are tightly packed on top of each other, with roads barely wide enough for two carriages to pass each other. Residential, commerical, and low-volume crafting buildings are chaotically mixed together, causing a beaurecratic nightmare trying to rezone areas for larger dedicated factories.   Beyond the primary walls, all of the nearby mountains are covered in terraced farm fields to support the population as best they can, with further residential buildings and small villages clustering around the easier mountain trails. These are not enough to support the massive population of Acarletto, so the foothills around Acarletto are likewise covered in cropfields. There are supplemental walls around sections of these villages, but these can only hold off moderate threats. When major threats are divined, as much of the low crops are harvested as the farmers can, and then they retreat into the fortified citadel to weather the storm. Those that survive the coming battles and famine return to the fields to sow new crops.   Below the city streets is the old Mountainhall, fallen into disrepair and now the home of Acarletto's disreputable citizens. The Mountainhall houses the original rail station and king's palace from before the world died.


There is very little stock of Radiant Steel in the city as JBI has been procuring as much of it as possible, outside of what the government and military reserves for their own use, to pump out steamjacks. Prices of any goods produced from radiant steel are currently around 50% higher than normal within the city.

Guilds and Factions

Jack and Barrel Interest

  A conglomerate of military factories producing steamjacks, rifles, and related items. The company sponsors JB Academy, an institute to train arcane engineers, mechanics, smiths, and alchemists and develop new technology.  

Sacramentors of the Wall

  Without large reserves of radiant steel to repair the citadel's main walls, the clerics here have developed special spells and rituals to rejuvenate the spiritual undead-repelling aspects of the radiant steel in the walls. Arcane engineers and field mechanics inspect the walls for damage, alchemists supply the various waxes and oils needed for the rituals, and clerics perform the lengthy rituals. The leader of the Sacramentors is the Keeper of the Blessing, Sir Agallo Nephew, an old and depressed dwarf who lost most of his family decades ago when part of the wall failed during an attack. He vowed to protect the walls as remuneration for failing to protect his family.  

Shadowland Mine

  This coal mine is five times larger than any other mine around Acarletto. Its owners hold much economic and political power in the city. With access to endless amounts of coal, the mine has mechanized some of its workforce with laborjacks and has a large contingent of warjacks to defend the mine.

Points of interest

Shrine to the Sixth Daughter

The Shrine to the Sixth Daughter is at the peak of the mountain on which Acarletto resides. Long ago, it was said the sixth half-dwarf, half-god daughter of one of the dwarven gods was born there, which weakened the barrier to the spirit realm at the peak. A small shrine was constructed to honor the demigod. There are small pools of water within the shrine to sanctify small batches of Radiant Steel, but there is nowhere near enough radiant steel produced here to supply the entire citadel.  


The Gatehouse is the main fortified multi-mode entrance to the citadel. A long railway bridge leads up to the top of the wall and over into the nearby station yard, and shorter stairwells on the outside climb up the wall to the gatehouse. The stairwells are primed with explosives to blow out at a moment's notice should the Gatehouse come under attack, though the railway bridge is reinforced to survive such an incident. The Gatehouse proper is built up on a wide platform within the Citadel and is a 300-foot long mostly hollow building designed to be defensible while allowing trains to pass through at high speed. However, there are a dozen heavy portcullises thick enough to stop even a train. The Gatehouse maintains a small regiment of soldiers commanded by Captain Lowper Nephew, grandson of the Keeper of the Blessing. He maintains close communication with the scouts for signs of approaching danger and has under his command 40 veteran soldiers, 10 warjacks, and 6 heavy artillery cannons.
approximately 480,000 per the last census
Included Locations


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