Brohd Zellor, General Geographic Location in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Brohd Zellor, General

"Stone Home of the Bearded Ones": The Vivid Land of the Dwarves

Brohd Zellor is the spiritual and cosmic home of the Dwarven People. A neverending swath of mountainous land, with great glaciers and fierce mountain river valleys, this region is the most important repository for Dwarven myth and legend. Most mythical stories of the Dwarves are set somewhere in this vivid land. The words "Brohd Zellor" can only be translated roughly, with Brohd meaning "stone" or "earth" or "mountain," but also "Dwarven home." Zellor refers to the vivid and direct reality of life in the mountains. So the closest translation would be "Living Dwarf-Home," or "Living Rocks" or "Living Mountians." Some Clans also call it dor Brohs, simply translated as "Home" or "Mountain."   The actuality of this land is confusing. It is on the one hand a reach of mountainous land stretching west from the continent of Aligoria, fully present and grounded in the material world of Summer's Tale. On the other hand, however, the Mountain Dwarves and their priests and bards tell stories of myth and legend that are also set in a land with the same name and (it seems) the same geography.   Thus the land of Brohd Zellor has a material aspect, a place in the grounded material world, but is also in a very real way another plane of existence. It is the home of the Dwarven deities and their stories, and it is the home of the Mountain Dwarven people and their friends and enemies, eternally striving against one another in the spiritual land that overlays the material realm itself.   This relationship seems confusing to outsiders. Which land is the real Brohd Zellor? It seems that the geography is the same, but the beings living in them are different from each other. The spiritual realm of Brohd Zellor will always contain plots that arc toward the mythic and legendary.


  • Southern Brohd Zellor
    The South of Brohd Zellor is unique for its rocky beaches, home to the only known Dwarven settlements on the shore of an ocean. Most rivers flow north, due to high mountains and peaks along the coast, preventing moisture from flowing south to Lupine's Way. The region is also home to the largest mountain settlement in Brohd Zellor, the deep-in-mountain city, the Great City of Zedjerek. From Zedjerek go roads in almost every direction, inviting exploration for those willing.
PC Races in Brohd Zellor, Both Material and Mythical

  As Material: Brohd Zellor as a Material World
As Mythical: Brohd Zellor Concept: Mythical
    All four Dwarven Races below: Dwarven Races and Ethnicities
  • Mountain Dwarves
  • Kreshnar Dwarves
  • Schnyde Dwarves
  • Scrampem Dwarves
Brohd Zellor Gnomes: Gnomes of the Mountains, and Gnomes of Brohd Zellor   Character Classes in Brohd Zellor (a sampling) Character Classes in Brohd Zellor

Further Links
Brohd Zellor: Master List: Creatures and Plants
Brohd Zellor History: Darkfeather and Earthpit
Geology and Weather of Brohd Zellor


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