Brohd Zellor: Master List: Creatures and Plants Species in Little Dream | World Anvil
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Brohd Zellor: Master List: Creatures and Plants

Links to Creatures, Animals, Humanoids, Plants etc. of Brohd Zellor

Monsters in Brohd Zellor

  The most dangerous creatures of the Brohd Zellor are those whose gods or archetypal spirits were invited to live among the Dwarves in the realm. The environment is perfect for most of them--interesting terrain, good cover and dwellings, ample food, familiar surroundings, and enemies to kill. These monsters include Trolls, Dragons, Giants, Ogres, and Orcs, although the latter two are less populous than they might be in other similar areas of Little Dream. The creatures in mythical Brohd Zellor usually mirror creatures that live in Dwarven lands elsewhere in the material plane, such as Teldek and the Gimli mountains on Little Dream.  
The most dangerous of those are the Oldest. The more Elder a creature it is, the more difficult it is to defeat, and the more damage it will do. These Elder creatures are usually more intelligent and always stronger and more powerful. The Huge “Traditional” Trolls, and the Oldest Dragons, are two prime examples.
      Giant, Cave CC5e, cr10
    Nian, CC, cr4 : Creatures originally sent as punishers from Agnaar or Bonja, now roaming the mountains and valleys of Brohd Zellor in packs, having mostly forgotten their reason to be there. These creatures amass great treasure in their dens.
    Giant, Stone, PFcr8
    Roc, MMIcr9. PFcr9
    Basilisk: lurking lazy for many years, then awakening and terrorizing inhabited lands, MMI,cr5, especially roadways...
    Darkmantle (in caves and underground ruins)
    Dwarven Ghosts
    Darflings (mine, not created yet)
    Celestial dwarven keepers and guides (me): HumanoidS
    Half-Dragon (Humanoid)
    Trolls of all kinds (including Man-troll and Grey Troll (the latter beguilers,etc.)) Werebear (dwarf or other?)
    Treant, Blazing Pine
    Death or Storm Giant    


      TREES and SHRUBS  
      • Bearberry Dogwood; pretty five-petaled flowers in the spring… berries in the fall (named from a time when bears were still common; now they are rarely seen)
      • Hairy Sumac (refreshing “Lemonade”)--north
      • Mountain Alder: Huddles in rocky wastes where it can find water.
      • Aspen Thickets--can grow among rocky and seemingly barren areas, as long as there is a water source, also grow high on mountains, higher up than the meadows
      • Armored Pine--the staple pine, can grow quite big, looks as though it has ruddy plates of armor for bark
      • Greenfir--fill out bright green, somewhat short and stubby
        Blazing Pine--tall and straight, best firewood every… Can grow in blazing pine forests, big danger of forest fires there in late summer
      • Little White Birch, grows in small thicketsYellowberry--a shrub in the alpine meadows, a favorite of bears, very sweet
      • The yellowberries tasted sweeter than anything Fynok had ever eaten, so it seemed to him. As if the warm glow of the warm mountainside meadow in the afternoon sunlight had infused the little fruits with something almost supernaturally tasty.Redweed Willow--ground shrub, can grow in thick stands, up to 6 feet tall, around mountain streams


      • SnikkerLeaf Grass (gnomish name, used universally)--A strange combination of Grass and Herb, cultivated wherever possible, usually on lower alpine meadow slopes. Used like hemp or cotton, for garments and rough cloth
      • Mountain Strawberry--fields of these are literally torn up by hungry bears in the late summe
      • Whitebells--delicate white blossoms that hang down; heart shaped leaves; about 1.5 feet tall
      • Thickbark--very small plants (2’ tall) with nevertheless a very thick, birchlike bark… Bark can be boiled as a tea, if enjoyed and savored, gives a sense of rejuvenation and 1 hit point
      • Skazzblossoms: Huge circular seven-petaled blossoms, brightest white with silver tips. Can grow as a 3’ stalk or as a vine.
      • Zizzroot: A pale green plant that creeps, a ground cover in symbiosis with many alpine meadows, gathering and distributing nutrients.
      • Jazzarek’s Hammer: A tall, straight reed with a thick, heavy cattail like flower at the top. Grows in slower water, usually in the riverbottoms.
  • Azer (also as PC characters, PC info in Brohd Zellor MM)
  • Cinder Swarm
  • Conflagration Ooze
  • Fire Elementals
  • Fire Giant
  • Fire Mephit, Fire Weird
  • Magma Mepthit
  • Hell Hound
  • Nightmare Beast / "Dustmaker" of Vask
  • Ogre / Ogre Mage
  • NPC, Man Afire
  • NPC, Bonja Herself
  • NPC or General, Red Dragon

  • Black Rock Triskelion
  • Choker
  • Feral Yowler
  • Gem Scarab

  • Clockwork Horrors II
  • Glitterfire, gnome guard II
  • Shreddstorm, gnome creation
  • Warforged, by Dwarves III
  • 1st level warrior
  • Charger
  • Scout
  • Beetle Constructs
  • Iron Golem
  • Stone Golem
  • Magmacore Golem
  • Nagoo's Merchurion, Great Giant of Glass

THE BEASTLANDS, from a Portal in Bonja's Annex to Phlegathos
  • Centaurs (need PC information)
  • GoataUrs (need PC info)
  • Obad-Hai (NPC)
  • Ghost of Marcus the Elven Ranger (NPC)

  • Deep Gnome, PFcr1-5
  • Deep beneath the ground: Duergar, PFcr0-2
  • Shreddstorm and Glitterfire III--gnomish constructs
  • Earth Elemental, Earth Mephit, Earth Weird
  • Other Earth Elementals


Dire Elk II
Bats Various (I and II and etc.)
Dinosaur, Anklyosaurus
Dinosaur, Tricerotops
Dire Badger, Terror Badger
Dire Wolves I
Eagles (Golden; Giant Golden; Snow) I
Bears (Grizzly; Legendary; Dire; Cave)
Wolverines I
Brohd Zellor Robin
Brohd Zeller Thrush
Giant Centipedes
Me: Bear
Me: Wolf
Me: Giant Wolverine
Grey Grouse
Orcsbane Crow
Eagle, Golden
Eagle, Giant
Robin, Brohd Zellor
Brook Trout
Rainbow Trout
Inky Sculpin


Common PC Races
Mountain Dwarf
Gnomes of the Mountains, and Gnomes of Brohd Zellor   Uncommon PC's
Half-Orc (half dwarf)
Azer (PC building shown in Brohd Zellor MM)... Can live deep within the mountains, and may emerge during a great fire (forest fire, etc.) of some kind. Centaurs (from the Beastlands--need stats)

Schnyden Dwarves
Scramp'em Dwarves
Kresh'nar Dwarves
Almost-Never PC's
Ogres Kiddzai Orc
Deep Gnome, PFcr1-5 Deep beneath the ground: Duergar, PFcr0-2 Goatfolk (Ibixian) III Goatuar (Beastlands), my own, MM 3.5 Darfling (not yet created)


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