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Goblins Overview

As one of the most numerous "monstrous" humanoids (a translation of the Elven word for them), their populations spread througout Summer's Tale, and most likely through all of Little Dream itself. They are known far and wide as shifty liars, not to be trusted. They are not thought to be very intelligent, but when it comes to a good "roasting" (translation from the goblin kukr'gubbukr, which literally means "tearing them a new one"), they always seem to come up with something particularly biting and nasty. In other words, they have a keen eye for the ridiculous faults in other people. They are as a rule silly, rude, and sometimes cruel.   Accepted grudgingly as part of human society--if seen with some distrust or even disgust--goblins dwell especially in urban areas. They also have gypsy-like caravans that travel from place to place. As a rule, goblins abhor the halfling people, and often elves as well. The rare exceptions to this can be spectacular. Goblins are happy go lucky creatures, often enjoying nothing more than a night on the town, celebrating, partying, singing, and dancing.   
  They are usually a jolly happy lot, but they can become grim in a matter of moments. They are tough customers when the situation calls. In Aligoria, Northern Goblins are a little shorter and stouter as a general rule, with tougher-looking (and wartier) hide, and a wider mouth.    Although not as tall as hobgoblins, Southern Goblins, those on Aligoria south of Gobbleguuk, are stretched up a bit, skinnier with a slightly smaller head and longer pointy ears.   Western Aligorian goblins are playful, but there is deceit and malice behind it almost every time.  The end of their play will always be cruelty, or at least serious deviance.  This happens especially in larger groups.  It's still everyone for themself, but there is more boldness there, and much more danger.   A band of goblins is called a "Fukkle."  in and around Tellarus.  The word itself is derived from the Goblin language.  It means "Funtime."   Each region of goblins has its own appearance, such as the Aligorian description above. Zephyran goblins are similar, although slightly darker green, sometimes shading even to umber, and a little less compact, with slightly more refined mouths, snaggleteeth both blunt and sharp.   Sometimes, and especially in and around the Gutter of Tellarus, there are hobgoblins that lead groups of goblins into some trouble or another.  The fear of the hobgoblin is traditional among goblins, and this fear fuels this particular permutation of the Fukkle.    
  Goblins are most common on the Aligorian Continent: (Goblins of Aligoria), but especially Gobbleguuk, which is unofficially the nation of the goblinoids: (Gobbleguuk), in the Metropolis of Terralus: (Tellarus, General Document), or on a separate continent, Dreamsgate: (often lurking in the Shadowhill (The Shadowhill ). Goblins however have been known to travel far and wide, especially to the open spaces of the Continent of Orrigune, where hiding places are plenty and highway robbery is "easy."   In northeast Origgune, in the Federation of Zephyra, the goblins of the western hill country are often more organized, even into semblances of society.  There can be leaders (often hobgoblins) that tie the goblins together for a specific cause, a cause for which it's worth organizing.  Here the Fakkle or "Fakk" (as its called) is recognized as a very important and safe things to "do".   This mindset is what binds Goblins into armies, and with these armies they fight in the tradition Zephyran world: Clashing over Territory and Superiority and Wealth and spoils.  The Goblin Armies of Zephyra are to be reckoned with, even by most of their opponents among the rocky environments of the Hill Country.     NOTE: Not all Goblins are so horrible and cruel. There are those few that decide on a proper Snkk'skub, or adventuring life. These are often strange to other goblins, and considered freaks of nature. Those that travel on Snkk'skub aren't always evil...
Player Character Attributes for a Goblin!
If you're interested in playing a goblin, go to this link to see the ATTRIBUTES to use, in-game stats for a goblin: Goblin Player Character Attributes    
SNOW GOBLIN HERITAGE: On Zephrya there are some groups that descend from a different place off-continent, and their blue fur, penchant for winter living, and resistance to cold has earned them the name “Snow Goblins.” They share their ancestor’s love of music and partying, but they are even quicker to anger when a situation arises. They are also known for the insularity of their culture. A snow goblin adventurer is a very rare commodity. Look here for Snow Goblin Attributes, needed to play a Snow Goblin Character:  Snow Goblin Player Character Attributes.

Other Links
The unofficial "nation" of the goblinoids, in eastern Aligorian, west of Djinn: Gobbleguuk   Golinoid Religion:
Goblin Religion and Language
OR Goblinoid Religion   For the types of goblinoid (hobgoblins, goblins, and bugbears): Goblinoids
Goblins on Dreamsgate
  (Many of these descriptions can apply to goblins elsewhere, and to hobgoblins and bugbears.)   Goblins are nasty, wicked creatures whose range extends from the deepest regions of Shadowhill in all directions. It is rumored that an even darker permutation of goblin lives far southeast into Murkhill as well.   The source of this race is as obscure as that of the Halflings. The wise (and blasphemously speculative) storytellers among the latter race tell of the possibility that the two races were once one race, possibly Fey or Elven, that were split into two opposing factions, doomed to war with each other for eternity. What kind of black magic created the split is beyond the powers of any speculation, however. The generally accepted truth is simply that the two races are meant to be apart opposed to each other; that this simply is the way of things. Only the greatest hero from either side will ever defeat the other, and both sides must be vigilant on the defense.   Another explanation halfling storytellers give is that goblins were simply shapen, out of mud and dung, and given life by some awful power, perhaps a great cleric of the goblin-god Bane.   Goblins are aggressive in numbers, but often cowardly in small groups (or groups being routed by their opponents). They will raid and attack, then flee to their hill-hole lairs and cities when things turn against them. This cowardly way is opposed to the valiance and bravery of their foes in the Breaks, and thus they have never fully conquered. The people of the Breaks sometimes go on the offensive against them, but their lairs are well-hidden, by clever construction or by their twisted magic.   Deep in the hills, the goblins are masters of their place. No party of the fair races has ever returned from that deep a sortie into their realm, but for a very few exceptions. The goblins have their own oral history, and their own wicked gods, and they trace their lineage to an ancient race of magical creatures, created with (and as a literal part of?) the hills themselves.


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