The state of existence between the mortal realm and the afterlife.
Both time and space exist differently Between. One can run for what feels like miles without ever leaving a dry riverbed, then climb up the side only to find that the riverbed is full and swiftly running. There is no known way to map or navigate reliably in Between.
Between resembles a temperate forest in early spring or late fall, with many trees stripped of foliage and leaf-less bushes and undergrowth. There is always a heavy leaf litter that appears several seasons old and dried. There are few sources of water and usually, when such water sources are found, the water is tainted and unpotable. There are several known freshwater lakes in Between, though, as noted, they are impossible to map or locate reliably.
Fauna & Flora
Trees and plants appear identical to those found on the material plane.
Known fauna native to Between:
Alternative Name(s)
Limbo, Purgatory, the Fairy Lands, the Astral Plane
Dimensional plane
Inhabiting Species