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The continent of untapped potential, Nearon was primarily left to its own device until the second era when the Gods arrived. Looking at the ferocious beast which roamed freely Byvenstrijun gave sentience to his favorites, paving the way toward the bestial societies that comprise most of Nearon’s population. Located in its own corner of the globe, those who seek this land do so with intent and purpose, whether fleeing a past life, looking for freedom, or attempting to find the hidden city of Mythhthaes.
  Brief History No written word outlines the first era of Nearon, though rumor places the wilds and monstrous volcanic ranges as the fields of the Gods. Their temporary, or maybe even permanent, home on Gia. All know this theory as the longstanding explanation for the sheer amount of arcana that courses across the continent. That speculation it was the “Freeborn”, the survivors of the Dragonborn Divergence of Doloran, that started its rich history, a continent imbued with the spirit of freedom.
  Landing on the southern shores, the landscape called out to the Freeborn, a natural barrier or mountains from the wilds, the fire of the Three Sisters to provide warmth and safety. The second era was a time of reimagining the Dragonborn race, looking inward to combat customs taught versus the yearning that sparked the deadly Dragonborn Divergence. The southern coast became a beacon of freedom, encouraging those who found its shores to find peace. However, this did come with a price. The wilds were deadly, and using the power of the blue sun, the Dragonborn developed the Throat of the World a massive obsidian gate separating society and the unknown. The Dragonborn had unknowingly separated themselves from the bestial races whose homes rested deep in the Nearon forest.
  In a land where literacy is optional, if not obsolete, the roamers lived free, a nomadic life that sought the beauties of the land and the plentiful harvest it could provide. These separations would come to a dramatic close as the trees began to shrivel and die, the planet moving away from its sun. The Chronicals of Free indicate that Nearon’s innate magical gifts maintained the landscape the longest, allowing the bestial races to enter and thrive with the Freeborn, a joining which has remained. It was beneath the Three Sisters and the fertile lands to the east that the society survived, a time of spiritual growth, the time of Tendraisseth.
  As the Dragonborn and Roamers emerged, they found the landscape mostly preserved, albeit cooler, even the deserts to the south tolerable to their hairy counterparts. The roamers quickly sought out their forest homes, resettling in major towns, a homage to the now stoic lifestyle that many generations were accustomed to.
  During their exploration, it became apparent the forest differed from how they had left them. Previous hunting grounds and settlements were somehow lost to memory, the innards of the forest somehow magically obscured from wanderers. Finally, they found the Elves on the outskirts, who had claimed the most prominent Creation Seam as their new home. Their home continent of Aerilon is completely uninhabitable following the Freeze. Thus, a partnership was formed. Roamers act as interference and transporters of magical trinkets, the closest thing the Elves have to contact with Gia.
  Today, Nearon remains the picture of freedom where travelers can travel into the wilds to claim homesteads.
  Geography East-West: 1380 miles North-South: 1196 miles Area: 1,650,480 m2
  Nearon is located in the northeast corner of the Great Still Water Ocean, with established trade routes to Telsmir and Doloran. Nearon does not sit on a natural transit location, making travel to the continent mainly purposeful. The continent is divided into four distinct biomes, only two of which can support natural life.
  Flora and Fauna Blessed with fey energy and the direct influence of Creation Seams, the forest, and mountains feature distinct and exotic fey creatures that can only be found here. Those seeking more traditional wildlife will find it warped and fanciful, with plants and animals always being more than meets the eye.
  Sleepless Rose: Easy to miss in a bed of flowers, a prick of this rose will prevent slumber for days leading to wild hallucinations.
  Smoke-scaled Pseudodragon: Within the mouth of the active volcanoes, the Pseudodragon’s egg looks like a large ember. Those wise enough to tame one as a pet are said to be blessed with unnatural luck.
  SIGNIFICANT LANDMARKS Heart’s Desire. Those who seek the lost city of Mythhthaes without permission find themselves on the lakes’ massive shores with no recollection of their journey. Ubbin Falls now exist because countless explorers refuse to give up on their expeditions.
  Refuge Isles. A healthy mix of smugglers, pirates, and refugees, these islands have become increasingly popular for those who don’t seem to fit in.
  Sedgendon’s Pull. Detached during the Titan’s destruction, this landmass is slowly moving toward the edge of the shallow ocean. Mostly uninhabited, the island is now an unofficial wildlife sanctuary.
  Spire Penitentiary. This discovered 200ft tower possesses otherworldly architecture, its innards contorted and creating a permanent arcane-suppression zone. The Freeborn reserve it for the most heinous criminals as putting someone to death is strictly forbidden. Scholars have speculated it could have housed and suppressed a diety.
  Tentacle Inlet and the Shredded Lands. The devastation left by the Titan Sedgendon, the land remains saturated with the bile, infecting and poisoning all that linger. Creatures exposed to this bile become grotesque versions of themselves.
  Throat of the World. A 150ft obsidian wall was constructed to keep the dangers of the wild at bay. The gates remain open, but its parapets are forever manned by the Sargt, a constant fear of an invading force taking away their freedom.
  Three Sisters. A religious icon, the volcanoes gained popularity and worship when providing life-saving warmth during the Great Freeze. The range was once the sacred home of Tendraisseth, an ancient red dragon from the dawn of creation.
  SEA TRAVEL East Run - Whiterun, Doloran Standard Vessel: 55 days Arcane-infused Vessel: 22 days East Run - Far Water, Zeto Standard Vessel: 209 days Arcane-infused Vessel: 84 days Dragon’s Coast - Brickelwhyte, Telsmir Standard Vessel: 48 days Arcane-infused Vessel: 20 days Demographics Nearon hosts one of the most exotic demographics, featuring bestial races in a blended harmony with a large population of Dragonborn. While not an official boundary, Dragonborn typically resides in the south, making up around 50% of the population. The wilds host the Roamers living in makeshift cities, slowly making their title obsolete, and the Elves who remain hidden behind their veil of arcana.
  Culture Dragonborn The Freeborns history of violence and subjugation has instilled a need for freedom, the ability to live as one sees fit. Thus, unless personal actions actively harm the populace, prescription to customs, faith, or lack thereof is entirely legal and even encouraged.
  While not required, a significant population has rallied beneath the spiritual enlightenment of the Three Sisters and the gifts the fertile lands continue to provide. Generally, the population is heavily influenced by their elders, looking toward the Emberton Wise Council for societal decisions. Their primary desire is to maintain the spirit of freedom.
  Literally created with the warrior spirit of the Fire Prime, the Freeborn has refocused these efforts toward non-physical competitions that occur in day-to-day life. The most common show of strength is wrapped around wealth or personal hordes. However, shows of proficiencies and abilities are a close second. Freeborn unable to overcome their base aggression are viewed as low class and likely to find a more suitable life in the wilds.
  Elves A culture firmly rooted in the Arcana, most Elves find themselves using their extended lives to master the schools of magic and, more importantly, to stretch the societal understanding of the limits of mortal potential Outsiders view Elves as aloof or preoccupied, their energy seemingly focused on the more significant questions, not being bothered by the complications of others.
  While not overtly anti-social, most elves see no need to leave their place of birth as no other place hosts such access to creation magic. Out of financial necessity, the Elves export lesser magical items, each branded to signify their origin and craftsmanship.
  Roamers Roamers tend to lean toward the barter system for goods and services and the brawling system to resolve conflict. When parties come to blows, the matter is resolved and forgotten once one party is knocked unconscious. More “civilized” now due to their dealings with outsiders and the Freeborn, a portion of the beast remains within.
  Governance Rulers: Nao (Wise Counsel) Elders are held in the highest regard in all Dragonborn culture, whether a Duthdar or a Freeborn however, therein ends the comparison. When arriving on the shores of Nearon, a decree was made to remember the past and learn from its mistakes. Thus the tradition of transcribing and maintaining history fell to the Nao. This selection of six, representing all chromatic colors of the Ancient Six, was initially designated as simple scribes. However, their roles have expanded informally over the years. The Nao now provides interpretations of traditions, guides the direction of Emberton and Dragon’s Coast, and is generally treated and respected as a governing body.
  Unlike a traditional government body, the Nao does not sit in a large building making decisions. Instead, each travels independently throughout the southern coast, aiding citizens and sharing their wisdom with the newest generations. With no formal per session or show of status, a foreigner would find it difficult to determine the council member, as all elders are treated with the same dignity or respect.
  The Nao serve a lifetime commitment, until remains are returned to the Three Sisters. A significant practice, the final rights are concluded with selecting a new elder, the only criteria being their chromatic origin. In the warmth of the volcanos, all present citizens raise their fist to vote for the new member; the selection based on this simply count.
  When enforcement occasions arise, however infrequent, the Freeborn seek the guidance of the Sargt to mediate and diffuse. With long memories, the Sargt refuse to implement incarceration or physical punishment unless necessary.
  The Sisters and the Pantheon As Tendraisseth, the ancient red dragon ushered civilization into the warmth of the mountain, a seed of thankfulness to the Ancient One was planted amongst the population. Beneath the three volcanos, three Freeborn were anointed by Tendraisseth to elevate spirits, maintain morality, and become caretakers of the fertile lands, or so the legend goes. The Three Sisters spiritual counsel is the realization of this legend and serves as a spiritual guide to maintaining the fire which sustained the Freeborn race. This reverence mirrors what most would provide to a deity, competing against or replacing the traditional Patheon in southern Nearon.
  As all religions are welcome, the presence of the Sisters does not cause conflict, although sanctioned Order of the Devout clerics find themselves in constant comparison to the raw power of the very visible volcanos and fertile lands. Growing in popularity, a following can be easily found, each wearing red garbs trimmed in gold, the most devout displaying a tattoo of the ancient dragon, its body coiled around their arm and upper shoulder, signifying its warm embrace.
  Sargt SargtLogoType: Militia Slogan: “Warm Embrace.” Leader: The Harbinger
  In a position of the highest honor, the strongest Freeborn are given five years of special training in mind and spirit in a sacred training ground deep within the Nestling Peaks. Once complete, a Sargt emerges as a solitary fighting unit, one with his unit, an elite fighting force.
  A Sargt is a warrior above all things. Their namesake, possession, beliefs, and family burned away, bound to their new family through Forge Trials. These trials are individualized, a sacred oath of secrecy maintained under the promise of expulsion. The trials focus on overcoming a warrior’s greatest fear, culminating with the mining and spiritual creation of individualized obsidian armor and weapon, which is rumored to reflect their accomplishment in some manner.
  Service last as long as the spirits guide you, a vision showing each warrior when their service has come to its end. At this moment, each Sargt is granted their individuality, their armor and weapon returned to the Forge, their remaining time rewarded with the utmost respect and dignity each care provided by the society they protected.
  Cities of Nearon Divided into four distinct purposes, cities are as diverse as their population and designed to deal with unique challenges. With no overarching designs or cultural influence, each city has a unique flavor and design, a true land of unlimited possibilities.

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