Mars Geographic Location in Lumen Expanded Universe | World Anvil


Mars, the fourth planet from the Sun in the Sol Solar System, has undergone a remarkable transformation since the establishment of the first human colony, Helfspir, in the year 6,000. Through the advanced terraforming efforts of the Lumens, the evolved descendants of Humans, Mars has been transformed from a barren, inhospitable world into a thriving, Earth-like planet with a breathable atmosphere, diverse ecosystems, and a rich cultural heritage.


Major Landforms and Regions


Tharsis Region

  The Tharsis Region, located near the equator in Mars' western hemisphere, is a vast, elevated plateau that is home to some of the planet's most striking geological features. The region is dominated by the Tharsis Montes, a chain of three massive shield volcanoes – Ascraeus Mons, Pavonis Mons, and Arsia Mons – which tower over the surrounding landscape. These volcanoes, now extinct, are a testament to Mars' active geological past and serve as a reminder of the planet's evolution.   The Tharsis Region is also notable for its extensive system of rifts and canyons, including the immense Valles Marineris, which stretches over 4,000 kilometers across the planet's surface. These geological wonders have been transformed by the Lumens into stunning natural parks and reserves, offering visitors a glimpse into Mars' ancient history and the power of planetary forces.  

Northern Lowlands

  The Northern Lowlands of Mars, also known as the Vastitas Borealis, comprise a vast, low-lying plain that covers much of the planet's northern hemisphere. This region, which was once thought to have been the site of an ancient ocean, has been extensively terraformed by the Lumens to create a lush, fertile landscape suitable for agriculture and habitation.   The Northern Lowlands are now home to expansive grasslands, sprawling forests, and numerous freshwater lakes and rivers, all sustained by a carefully engineered system of water management and climate control. The region is also the site of several major Lumen cities, including New Olympus and Borealis Prime, which serve as hubs of industry, commerce, and cultural exchange.  

Southern Highlands

  The Southern Highlands of Mars, located in the planet's southern hemisphere, are a rugged, heavily cratered terrain that stands in stark contrast to the smooth, rolling plains of the Northern Lowlands. This region, which is believed to be one of the oldest surfaces on Mars, has been largely preserved by the Lumens as a protected wilderness area, with limited development and a focus on scientific research and eco-tourism.   The Southern Highlands are home to some of Mars' most stunning natural wonders, including the towering peaks of the Argyre Planitia, the deep, winding canyons of the Noachis Terra, and the vast, windswept dunes of the Hellas Basin. These landscapes, shaped by eons of geological activity and the harsh Martian environment, offer a glimpse into the planet's primordial past and the challenges faced by early human colonists.  

Polar Regions

  Mars' polar regions, located at the planet's north and south poles, are characterized by vast, permanent ice caps composed primarily of water ice and frozen carbon dioxide. These regions, which play a crucial role in regulating Mars' climate and water cycle, have been the focus of extensive scientific study and conservation efforts by the Lumens.   The North Polar Region, centered around the Planum Boreum, is home to a massive, spiral-shaped ice cap that extends over 1,000 kilometers across the planet's surface. This region, which experiences extreme seasonal variations in temperature and sunlight, is a unique and fragile ecosystem that supports a variety of specialized plant and animal life.   The South Polar Region, centered around the Planum Australe, is similarly characterized by a vast, permanent ice cap, though one that is smaller and less symmetrical than its northern counterpart. This region, which is also home to a number of unique geological features, including the mysterious Angustus Labyrinthus formation, is a popular destination for adventure tourists and scientific expeditions.  

Impact of Lumen Civilization

  The geographic layout of Mars has been profoundly influenced by the presence and activities of Lumen civilization over the course of several millennia. From the initial establishment of Helfspir and the early stages of terraforming to the development of advanced cities, infrastructure, and conservation areas, the Lumens have left an indelible mark on the planet's surface.   One of the most notable examples of Lumen influence is the city of Helfspir itself, which stands as a testament to the ingenuity and determination of early human colonists. The city, which was originally constructed as a domed settlement to protect its inhabitants from the harsh Martian environment, has been preserved by the Lumens as a historical site and cultural center, offering visitors a glimpse into the early days of human space exploration and the challenges faced by the first Martian settlers.   Other major Lumen settlements, such as New Olympus and Borealis Prime, have been designed and constructed in harmony with the surrounding landscape, utilizing advanced materials and sustainable technologies to minimize their environmental impact and maximize quality of life for their inhabitants. These cities serve as models of urban planning and development, showcasing the Lumens' commitment to balancing the needs of a growing population with the preservation of Mars' natural beauty and resources.   In addition to urban development, the Lumens have also established a network of protected wilderness areas, scientific research stations, and eco-tourism destinations across the planet's surface. These areas, which range from the rugged, untamed landscapes of the Southern Highlands to the lush, biodiverse forests of the Northern Lowlands, are carefully managed to ensure the long-term health and sustainability of Mars' ecosystems and to provide opportunities for education, recreation, and cultural enrichment.


The terraforming of Mars by the Lumens, the advanced descendants of Humans, has resulted in the creation of a diverse array of ecosystems across the planet's surface. These ecosystems, which range from lush forests and grasslands to specialized polar and desert habitats, have been carefully engineered and maintained to support a wide variety of plant and animal life, as well as to provide essential ecosystem services for the planet's growing population. This comprehensive encyclopedia entry explores the major ecosystems of terraformed Mars, their characteristics, and the unique species that inhabit them.  

Forest Ecosystems

  One of the most striking transformations of Mars' surface has been the establishment of extensive forest ecosystems, particularly in the planet's Northern Lowlands and along the flanks of the Tharsis Montes. These forests, which have been painstakingly cultivated by Lumen ecologists and engineers, are composed of a diverse mix of tree species, including genetically modified versions of Earth's conifers, broadleafs, and tropical hardwoods.   The Boreal Forests of the Northern Lowlands, for example, are dominated by towering species of pine, spruce, and fir, which have been adapted to thrive in the planet's cold, dry climate. These forests provide critical habitat for a range of Martian wildlife, including the Martian Elk, a large, herbivorous mammal that has been introduced to the planet as part of the terraforming process.   The Montane Forests of the Tharsis Montes, meanwhile, are characterized by a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees, including species of oak, maple, and aspen. These forests, which are sustained by the region's abundant geothermal activity and relatively high precipitation levels, are home to a diverse array of plant and animal life, including the Tharsis Thistle, a unique, purple-flowered plant that has become a symbol of Martian ecology.  

Grassland Ecosystems

  In addition to forests, terraformed Mars is home to extensive grassland ecosystems, particularly in the planet's mid-latitudes and along the margins of the Northern Lowlands. These grasslands, which have been established through the introduction of a variety of Earth-derived and genetically engineered grass and forb species, play a vital role in the planet's carbon and water cycles, as well as in supporting a range of animal life.   The Temperate Grasslands of the Southern Highlands, for example, are characterized by a mix of tall- and short-grass species, including varieties of wheatgrass, needlegrass, and bluegrass. These grasslands, which are maintained by a combination of natural processes and managed grazing by introduced herbivores, such as the Martian Bison, provide critical habitat for a range of bird, insect, and small mammal species.   The Steppe Grasslands of the Northern Lowlands, meanwhile, are composed of drought-resistant, short-grass species that have been adapted to the region's semi-arid climate. These grasslands, which are punctuated by small, scattered stands of hardy shrubs and trees, support a unique assemblage of Martian wildlife, including the Steppe Pronghorn, a fleet-footed, antelope-like creature that has become a popular target for eco-tourists and wildlife enthusiasts.  

Desert Ecosystems

  Despite the success of the terraforming process, significant portions of Mars' surface remain arid and desert-like, particularly in the planet's equatorial regions and the vast expanses of the Southern Highlands. These desert ecosystems, while harsh and unforgiving, have been the focus of intense study and conservation efforts by Lumen scientists, who recognize their unique ecological and scientific value.   The Equatorial Deserts of Mars, which include the vast, windswept plains of the Medusae Fossae Formation, are characterized by their extreme temperatures, minimal precipitation, and sparse vegetation. These regions, however, are home to a variety of highly specialized plant and animal species, including the Sand Cactus, a tall, spiny succulent that has evolved to store water in its thick, fleshy stems, and the Martian Kangaroo Rat, a small, nocturnal rodent that has adapted to survive on minimal amounts of water and food.   The Polar Deserts of Mars, meanwhile, are found in the planet's northernmost and southernmost latitudes, where temperatures remain below freezing for much of the year and precipitation falls primarily as snow. These regions, while largely devoid of vegetation, support a range of unique microbial communities, as well as a few hardy animal species, such as the Martian Arctic Fox, a small, white-furred predator that has adapted to hunt and survive in the planet's coldest, most extreme environments.  

Aquatic Ecosystems

  The presence of liquid water on Mars' surface, made possible by the planet's thicker atmosphere and higher global temperatures, has allowed for the development of a variety of aquatic ecosystems, ranging from small, ephemeral streams and ponds to vast, permanently flooded basins. These ecosystems, which have been carefully engineered and stocked with a range of Earth-derived and genetically modified aquatic species, play a vital role in the planet's hydrological cycle and provide critical habitat for a variety of plant and animal life.   The Valles Marineris, for example, a vast system of interconnected canyons that stretches across the planet's equator, has been partially flooded to create a series of deep, narrow lakes and rivers. These waterways, which are fed by seasonal snowmelt from the surrounding highlands, support a range of aquatic plant and animal species, including the Martian Trout, a large, predatory fish that has been introduced to the planet as part of the terraforming process.   The Northern Ocean, meanwhile, a vast, shallow sea that covers much of the planet's northern hemisphere, has been engineered to support a diverse array of marine life, including genetically modified species of algae, plankton, and fish. This ocean, which is sustained by a complex system of atmospheric and hydrological processes, plays a vital role in regulating the planet's climate and supporting its burgeoning fishing and aquaculture industries.  

Urban and Agricultural Ecosystems

  In addition to the planet's natural ecosystems, terraformed Mars is home to a variety of human-created and managed ecosystems, particularly in and around the planet's major urban centers and agricultural regions. These ecosystems, which have been carefully designed and maintained to support the needs of the planet's growing population, play a vital role in the sustainability and resilience of Martian society.   The urban ecosystems of Mars, which include the planet's major cities and settlements, such as Helfspir and New Olympus, are characterized by their complex networks of green spaces, vertical gardens, and rooftop farms. These areas, which are designed to provide a range of ecosystem services, such as air and water purification, temperature regulation, and food production, are home to a diverse array of plant and animal species, many of which have been specifically selected and engineered for their ability to thrive in urban environments.   The agricultural ecosystems of Mars, meanwhile, which include the planet's vast, automated hydroponic farms and genetically engineered crop fields, are designed to provide a stable and sustainable source of food for the planet's growing population. These ecosystems, which are carefully monitored and managed by advanced AI systems and teams of Lumen agronomists, are characterized by their high levels of productivity, resource efficiency, and resilience to environmental stresses and disease.  


  The ecosystems of terraformed Mars are a testament to the ingenuity, perseverance, and ecological vision of the Lumen civilization. Through the application of advanced technologies, the careful selection and modification of Earth-derived species, and the development of complex, integrated systems of environmental management and stewardship, the Lumens have succeeded in transforming a once-barren and inhospitable world into a thriving, diverse, and sustainable planetary ecosystem.   As Mars continues to evolve and its population grows and expands, the planet's ecosystems will undoubtedly face new challenges and opportunities. However, through the ongoing efforts of Lumen scientists, engineers, and conservationists, and the deep commitment of Martian society to the principles of ecological sustainability and resilience, the ecosystems of Mars will continue to thrive and adapt, serving as a model and inspiration for the development of life beyond Earth.   The study and understanding of Mars' terraformed ecosystems, from the towering forests of the Tharsis Montes to the windswept dunes of the Medusae Fossae, will remain a vital and enduring pursuit for generations of Lumen and human scientists and explorers to come. As we continue to push the boundaries of our knowledge and capabilities, the ecosystems of Mars will serve as a reminder of the incredible potential and resilience of life, and the profound responsibility we bear as stewards of the worlds we inhabit.

Ecosystem Cycles

The terraformed ecosystems of Mars are characterized by complex and dynamic cycles that govern the interactions between the planet's diverse array of plant and animal species, as well as the abiotic factors that shape their environment. These cycles, which operate on a range of temporal and spatial scales, are driven by a combination of natural processes, such as seasonal changes in temperature and precipitation, and the carefully engineered systems of environmental management and control implemented by the Lumen civilization. This comprehensive encyclopedia entry explores the major ecosystem cycles on terraformed Mars, their characteristics, and the ways in which the planet's organisms respond and adapt to these cyclical changes.  

Seasonal Cycles

  One of the most fundamental ecosystem cycles on terraformed Mars is the planet's seasonal cycle, which is driven by the tilt of the planet's axis and its orbit around the sun. Like Earth, Mars experiences four distinct seasons – spring, summer, autumn, and winter – each of which is characterized by specific patterns of temperature, precipitation, and daylight hours.  


  The Martian spring, which begins in the planet's northern hemisphere around the time of the vernal equinox, is a time of awakening and renewal for many of the planet's ecosystems. As temperatures begin to rise and the planet's polar ice caps start to recede, dormant plants and hibernating animals emerge from their winter slumber, and the landscape comes alive with new growth and activity.   In the Boreal Forests of the Northern Lowlands, for example, the arrival of spring triggers a burst of new leaf growth and flowering among the region's deciduous tree species, such as the genetically modified Martian Maple and Aspen. This flush of new vegetation provides a critical source of food for the forest's herbivores, such as the Martian Elk and the Tharsis Squirrel, which rely on the nutrient-rich leaves and shoots to regain the energy reserves depleted during the long winter months.  


  As spring gives way to summer, the Martian ecosystems reach their peak of productivity and activity. With temperatures at their highest and daylight hours at their longest, plants engage in rapid photosynthesis and growth, while animals take advantage of the abundant food resources to mate, raise young, and store energy for the coming winter.   In the Temperate Grasslands of the Southern Highlands, for example, the summer months bring a profusion of wildflowers and grasses, which attract a diverse array of pollinators, such as the Martian Bumblebee and the Tharsis Butterfly. The region's larger herbivores, such as the Martian Bison and the Steppe Pronghorn, also take advantage of the abundant forage to build up their fat reserves and produce the next generation of offspring.  


  As the Martian summer draws to a close and the planet's autumnal equinox approaches, the planet's ecosystems begin to prepare for the coming winter. Deciduous trees and shrubs start to shed their leaves, while herbivorous animals engage in a frenzy of feeding and storage to build up their energy reserves for the lean months ahead.   In the Montane Forests of the Tharsis Montes, for example, the arrival of autumn triggers a spectacular display of color as the region's deciduous tree species, such as the Martian Oak and Aspen, turn from green to shades of red, orange, and yellow. This changing of the leaves also signals a time of intense foraging and storage for the forest's small mammals, such as the Tharsis Chipmunk and the Martian Squirrel, which stockpile seeds, nuts, and other food items in underground caches to sustain them through the winter.  


  As winter descends on the Martian landscape, many of the planet's ecosystems enter a state of dormancy and survival. Deciduous trees and shrubs stand bare and leafless, while herbivorous animals rely on stored fat reserves and cached food supplies to make it through the cold, dark months.   In the Polar Deserts of the planet's northernmost and southernmost latitudes, the arrival of winter brings a near-total cessation of biological activity. The region's hardy microbial communities and specialized animal species, such as the Martian Arctic Fox, must endure months of darkness, extreme cold, and limited food availability, relying on a combination of physiological adaptations and behavioral strategies to survive.  

Hydrological Cycles

  Another critical ecosystem cycle on terraformed Mars is the planet's hydrological cycle, which governs the movement and distribution of water through the planet's atmosphere, surface, and subsurface. This cycle, which has been carefully engineered and managed by the Lumen civilization to support the planet's diverse array of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, plays a vital role in regulating the planet's climate, sustaining its biosphere, and supporting its human population.  


  One of the key drivers of the Martian hydrological cycle is precipitation, which falls in the form of rain, snow, and fog across much of the planet's surface. This precipitation, which is generated by the evaporation of water from the planet's oceans, lakes, and rivers, as well as by the transpiration of moisture from its vegetation, is distributed unevenly across the planet's surface, with some regions receiving significantly more moisture than others.   In the Montane Forests of the Tharsis Montes, for example, the region's high elevation and proximity to the planet's equatorial belt result in relatively high levels of precipitation, particularly during the summer months. This abundant moisture supports a diverse array of plant and animal species, including the towering Martian Redwoods and the elusive Tharsis Leopard, which rely on the region's dense vegetation and ample water supply to thrive.  

Surface Water

  Another critical component of the Martian hydrological cycle is the planet's network of surface water features, which include its vast Northern Ocean, its numerous lakes, rivers, and streams, and its expansive wetlands and deltas. These features, which have been carefully designed and engineered by Lumen hydrologists and engineers to mimic the structure and function of their Earth-based counterparts, play a vital role in regulating the planet's climate, supporting its aquatic ecosystems, and providing water for its human population.   The Northern Ocean, for example, which covers much of the planet's northern hemisphere, acts as a vast heat sink and moisture source, moderating the planet's temperature extremes and providing a constant supply of water vapor to the atmosphere. The ocean's complex currents and circulation patterns also play a critical role in distributing nutrients and oxygen throughout its waters, supporting a diverse array of marine life, from tiny plankton to massive genetically engineered whales.  


  In addition to its surface water features, terraformed Mars also possesses a vast network of underground aquifers and groundwater systems, which store and transport water through the planet's porous rock and soil layers. These systems, which are recharged by precipitation and surface water infiltration, provide a critical source of moisture for the planet's vegetation and animal life, particularly in regions where surface water is scarce or seasonally unavailable.   In the Equatorial Deserts of Mars, for example, where surface temperatures can soar to over 40°C during the day and plummet below freezing at night, the region's deep aquifers provide a vital source of moisture for the sparse vegetation and animal life that inhabit its dunes and rocky outcrops. Species such as the Sand Cactus and the Martian Kangaroo Rat have evolved specialized adaptations, such as extensive root systems and water-conserving metabolisms, to tap into these underground water reserves and survive the harsh desert conditions.  

Nutrient Cycles

  In addition to its seasonal and hydrological cycles, the ecosystems of terraformed Mars are also governed by a complex set of nutrient cycles, which involve the movement and transformation of essential elements, such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, through the planet's biotic and abiotic components. These cycles, which are mediated by a diverse array of microbial, plant, and animal species, play a critical role in sustaining the planet's productivity, biodiversity, and overall ecological health.  

Carbon Cycle

  One of the most important nutrient cycles on terraformed Mars is the carbon cycle, which involves the movement of carbon through the planet's atmosphere, oceans, soils, and biosphere. This cycle, which has been significantly altered by the planet's terraforming process and the introduction of Earth-based and genetically engineered species, plays a critical role in regulating the planet's climate, supporting its plant and animal life, and sustaining its human population.   In the Boreal Forests of the Northern Lowlands, for example, the carbon cycle is driven by the photosynthetic activity of the region's dense stands of coniferous trees, which absorb atmospheric carbon dioxide and convert it into biomass and oxygen. As these trees grow, die, and decompose, they release stored carbon back into the atmosphere and soil, where it is taken up by other organisms or stored in the form of organic matter.  

Nitrogen Cycle

  Another critical nutrient cycle on terraformed Mars is the nitrogen cycle, which involves the movement of nitrogen through the planet's atmosphere, soils, and biosphere. This cycle, which is mediated by a complex web of microbial, plant, and animal interactions, plays a vital role in supporting the planet's productivity and biodiversity, as nitrogen is a key component of proteins, nucleic acids, and other essential biomolecules.   In the agricultural ecosystems of Mars, for example, the nitrogen cycle is carefully managed and manipulated by Lumen agronomists and engineers to optimize crop yields and minimize environmental impacts. Through the use of genetically engineered nitrogen-fixing bacteria, precision fertilization techniques, and advanced crop rotation strategies, these systems are able to maintain high levels of productivity while minimizing nitrogen losses and pollution.  

Phosphorus Cycle

  A third critical nutrient cycle on terraformed Mars is the phosphorus cycle, which involves the movement of phosphorus through the planet's soils, water, and biosphere. This cycle, which is often limiting in many of the planet's ecosystems due to the relative scarcity of phosphorus-rich minerals, plays a crucial role in supporting the growth and reproduction of the planet's plant and animal species.   In the aquatic ecosystems of Mars, such as the Northern Ocean and the Valles Marineris, the phosphorus cycle is driven by the complex interactions between the water's chemical and biological components. Phosphorus, which is often the limiting nutrient in these systems, is cycled through the water column and sediments by a diverse array of microorganisms, algae, and aquatic plants, which in turn support the growth and reproduction of the system's higher trophic levels, such as fish and aquatic mammals.  


  The ecosystem cycles of terraformed Mars are a testament to the incredible complexity and resilience of the planet's biosphere, as well as the ingenuity and skill of the Lumen civilization that has engineered and maintained it. From the seasonal rhythms of the planet's forests and grasslands to the hydrological and nutrient cycles that sustain its aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, these cycles represent the fundamental processes that underpin the health, productivity, and diversity of life on Mars.   As the planet's human population continues to grow and its ecosystems continue to evolve and adapt, the understanding and management of these cycles will become increasingly critical to ensuring the long-term sustainability and resilience of Martian society. Through the ongoing efforts of Lumen scientists, engineers, and conservationists, and the application of advanced technologies and ecological principles, the ecosystem cycles of Mars will continue to support and sustain the planet's diverse array of life forms, while also providing invaluable insights and lessons for the stewardship of Earth and other worlds beyond our solar system.   The study and appreciation of Mars' complex and dynamic ecosystem cycles, from the grandeur of its seasonal transformations to the intricate dance of its microbial and chemical interactions, will remain a vital and enduring pursuit for generations of scientists, explorers, and citizens to come. As we continue to deepen our understanding of these cycles and their role in shaping the planet's past, present, and future, we are reminded of the awesome power and beauty of the natural world, and the profound responsibility we bear as stewards of the life and landscapes that surround us.

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