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21st Session

General Summary

After lunch, Daniel goes to ask a neighbor what happened and the party goes to his house. The lack of clothing seems to indicate that the family's departure was planned. They return to the expedition and the group travels on.

That Evening, Daniel tells Tasha that his family left about 4 1/2 years ago and apparently his father has a brother Daniel didn't know about. Given that his da never talked about his past, it's not too surprising. Tasha asks him about his family. His ma is from Inhorn, his da was a wander who doesn't speak common and his ma doesn't speak Ancient so the kids used to translate. He has twin under siblings, the brother draws and the sister was a "da's girl". He mentions that his da would have hated Tasha since he did not allow music in his house or farm. His parents are illiterate and Daniel learned to read and write after he came to Ruben as it drove Remez that the one person who could understand the Shadow couldn't write it down.

Two nights later (17/3/8499), two mounted, armor clad strangers approach the expedition camp and give a ritualistic greeting that Crimson answers. The middle aged human woman and and young dwarf man are members of the The Order of Midian as tracker hunters. The seekers will not be joining the expedition as they do not go to the Time Clan territory. They give some theories on agelessness and state that Clan laws are such they cannot hunt cyanhemians, but don't want to start any fights they can't win with the Clan. They answer questions about monsters and magic. The woman, Ariel mentions that she's seen one cyanhemian about 25 years ago (8474). It took the form of an elf woman in the Culoin Forest and killed her trainer master with air magic. They explain, that as trackers, they have learned how to sense magic and magic users. is Alle visibly freaked out by them and tries to lie to Ellie about it. The other expedition members, expect Yavin who lacks social awareness and Shalom who is a little child, are tense around them.

The expedition moves on for another 3 days (20/3/8499) when they stop at a roadside inn. The locals seem very suspicious of the expedition. The group finds out from the bartender that 5 goats have gone missing. Theo convices Crimson to take a rest day so the party can invesitgate. Theo buys a spear from a blacksmith. The next day, they party goes to the last farm that lost a goat. They ask some questions and check out the farmyard with the goats. Caspian does find suspicious tracks which the party follows to a creek. Ellie and Caspian hear maing of goats, but can't see anything. Theo finds some covering for a cave in the side of the creek cliff. In the cave they find the goats and some grass and leaves that have been left for them. Further in is a snoring man. They wake up and the man and reconize him as Albert, the slaver they questioned and let go.

Albert is very freaked out that the party found him again. He reveals his plan to steal enough goats to get a herd and then go legit. Theo lectures him and questions his ability to care for the goats. Ellie persuades him to give them the goats, leave the area and turn away from his life of crime through a sermon. Albert says goodbye to the goats, which he has named and leaves. The party returns the goats to the farms. This is where the session ends.


TLDR: Daniel's family is gone, though it doesn't seem to have been forced. Some stuff about his parents, espically his dad, doesn't make sense. The party meets 2 Rubenian anti-magic paladents "seekers" who expand lore, but aren't staying with the expedition. In another settlement, goats have gone missing. The party invistages it and finds a familiar face is behind it.

Rewards Granted

100 xp
Report Date
24 Jul 2021


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