Maa Sammakkot Settlement in Lunautta | World Anvil
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Maa Sammakkot

Maa Sammakot is a fairly small settlement located at the southern tip of Lannessa. It is home to a large collection of Metsakko. Most of its exports are furs and fish found nowhere else. It is also the location of one of the portals. There are fortifications built in front of the portal in order to control the amount and timing of visitors. During the summer, it is a bustling outpost that visitors and hunters alike travel to. In the winter, those creatures leave, and the Metsakko are all that are left. When winter comes, the door to the portal is closed to incoming traffic, and the Metsakko hibernate until spring.

Industry & Trade

Maa Sammakkot has a variety of trade products. The land around it is filled with animals that are found nowhere else. They are hunted and trapped and sold for fur, meat, and other miscellaneous uses. There is also an abundance of many different fish. The fish are caught and cleaned and sold through the portal.


Maa Sammakot is a pretty large tourist destination in the summer months. People come to see the beautiful landscapes, see and hunt the beautiful animals and fish, and to see the aurora polaris.   


Maa Sammakkot is an area of slightly rolling hills, but mainly flat open area. It is on the coast, and from the shore, you can see icebergs in the distance. During the summer months, it is moderately warm and green. During the winter it is a frozen blanket of white as far as the eye can see.  

Natural Resources

  • Furs, meat, and other animal products from the many surrounding wildlife
  • A variety of fish found nowhere else
  • Wood from the many large forests in the area


  • Maa Sammakkot
Location under

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