Lunautta The Mustekala Schism
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The Mustekala Schism

Political event


During this time, the Mustekala split into two separate factions: the sea-dwellers and the land-dwellers.

Venalainen was originally home to the entire population of the Mustekala. The mustekala, although sea-dwelling, had made their way to the surface, to the island of Kieli, near their home. From there, they had established small settlements and formed trade routes with several other nearby nations.   Shortly after their venture onto the island, many of the mustekala began to experiment more with the powers of Translocation. They began to build rudimentary Air Ships and began to experiment with building portals to other places.   Many of the more traditional sea-dwellers saw this as blasphemy and there began to be tension between those on land and those in the sea. When those in power attempted to regulate the use of the Translocation magic in order to stop the actions of the surface dwellers, a large group of mustekala broke from the rest and created their own government on the land. They had a large portion of Sinlaake and knew how to grow it to further their magical exploits.   Those left in the sea continued to live as they had been doing: using small amounts of magic and trading basic resources with the nearest settlements.

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