Abrielle Croix

The Devil of Ambition Abrielle Croix (a.k.a. Abby)

Abrielle Croix, Abby, was born to a noble family that lived in Fallswel . She left the life of a content noble to pursue and aid in the war efforts by joining the Fallswel Academy , and later becoming a Felsworn with Lance Towan.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Abby was born to the Croix family, a long line of nobles who were allied with the Lionhart family for many generations. They were part of the initial funders for the Fallswel Academy. While Abby was already raised through most of her life to use proper etiquette and courtly graces, she never wanted anything to do with the content noble life to grow fat and old like the rest of her family. She sought to become something better in the world, and knew the way to do that was by growing more powerful and learning to fight. At a young age she had been taught to use a bow which became her weapon of choice upon joining Fallswel Academy and her ambition and determination to become the best quickly aided her in rising within the ranks and her class. It was here that she met Lance Towan a fellow member of the Fallswel Academy where they quickly became friends and allies.     Years after official graduating within the Felsworn  rank Abby and Lance Towan worked together in aiding the Kingdom Of Fallswel while searching for the true purpose of the Felsworn. When knowledge of the fall of the hammer in Hammerfall came to light. They quickly began to research information on the matter. Learning that those who weild the hammer were moving towards Daco. The two split to find more information Abby going to Traverse Crossing on her way to Daco and Lance going to Hammerfall. While Abby was selling hide she had acquired on her way was when she met Lucy Devine and was ready to make her Felsworn oath to her.


Having been raised in a noble's home and accepted into the Felsworn ranks, Abby is well educated often using this to her own advantage wherever she can.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Graduated top of her class in the Fallswel Academy and Felsworn

Intellectual Characteristics

Abby has always had a desire to grow in strength and become more powerful to continue to fight toward's her goals.



Enhanced by her Felsworn trainings, but effectively having been raised with proper etiquette since birth.
Current Location
Year of Birth
804 N.E. 47 Years old
Current Residence
Long, blonde and mulitple braids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair, clear skin

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