Balthizar The Heavy

Balthizar also known as The Heavy, Lord of the Forge, The Mighty Wall, and Blazebeard. Referred to by the Vengrr as only Balthizar the Heavy to give his utmost respect, they do not speak his name without one of his titles, doing so is disgraceful and an omen that the speaker and their clan will see misfortune over the next month. It is acceptable for a Dwarv who worships Koli as their primary patron to speak of him by title only, but never by just his name.  

Title Origins

The Heavy

It is believed that Balthizar in order to prove his strength and might, took a precious metal from Zenith and forged it into armor. This armor was not just any ordinary armor, crafted by the gods. But instead the metal was melted down and poured over his entire body. The liquid metal began to overlap and instead of burning away his skin. The metal began to change and eventually errupted into flames and engulfed him entirely and then the flames extinguished and the metal quickly hardened, having seeped into his skin, melded with his bones and organs. What was left was a hardend skin, that gave off a metallic shine. He then began to reinforce and work his armored skin, adding layer over layer until his skin was unable to be punctured. This earned him the title of, The Heavy, and the metal now associated with Balthizar was named Zarsgold.

The Heavy

Balthizar was always seen as a weaker entity, whose only use was forging for the other angels. He was shunned and bullied by a group of angels, when he attempted to stand up for himself the other angel challenged him to a fight where Balthizar was humiliiated and tricked into fighting all of them together and to the death. One of them took a metal that Balthizar had recently discovered and begun working with, being one of the only few whom was able to actually melt the metal, and they poured the vat of it over his entire body. The liquid metal began to overlap and instead of burning away his skin. The metal began to change and eventually errupted into flames and engulfed him entirely and then the flames extinguished and the metal quickly hardened, having seeped into his skin, melded with his bones and organs. What was left was a hardend skin, that gave off a metallic yello-red shine. Balthizar then stood to his feet, as fire began to form around his face replacing where his hair had just been burned away. The other angels began to attack him, but their weapons deflected off his skin barely causing any damage at all. He then using only his bare hands slaughtered each of the angels. It was here the he was given the name The Heavy.

The Mighty Wall

Balthizar would go on to do battle with the other entities of Zenith, holding contests of who could penetrate his skin. With few able to do so, he was given the name of The Mighty Wall. Only one was able to penetrate his skin, and the two would go on to battle each other often and eventually gained respect for each other, this other angel is now known as Heir The God of Gods.  

Lord of the Forge

After becoming Balthizar the Heavy, stories began to spread of the smith, and he began to gain an increase in work. Eventually spreading to become known as the best smith in all of Zenith.  


Balthizar is more commonly worshipped by the Vengrr of the Dwarv, with the largest population located within Revnastad and Stoneheim. Many other Nogmin and Human worship them for their love of battle, strength, or crafting. Many smiths secretly pay tribute to Balthizar before they begin work on an important project, in hopes that he will bless their craft for a fruitful outcome.   It is believed that shooting stars are shavings and chunks of Balthizar's skin of Zarsgold old that fell to Lyorion creating veins of this material within the land. Zarsgold old requires a very high level of heat to be able to reach its melting point, the heat required is higher than normally capable by those on Lyorion. Only some Dwarv have been known to be able to successfully work the metal.   It is said that Balthizar forged the mountains and rolling hills with his bare hands. In return, the dwarves make sacrifices to Balthizar during the Yule Blot.


Dwarvengrr - More commonly shortened to just Vengrr is the name of the warriors of the Dwarv species. They are led in battle and in society by the Zarvengr, the Warrior Lord, who acts as ruler of the Dwarv people.

Divine Domains

Crafting, Ambition, Might,  Earth, Indulgence, Pain

Divine Symbol

Divine Classification