
Dwarv, also known as Dwarvengr, Vengr, Dwarmyr, are the short, thick skinned and stout people whom reside in the northlands known as Hlandaheim. Their people are hardy, fierce, angry, frustrated and competitive in nature. While also seeking to enjoy themselves and their lives often spending many of their nights partying until sunrise and spending their next day hung over... Likely leading to what caused their frustration and what drives them to work harder.  


Dwarv place a large focus on their social structure upon the accolades that an individual has accomplished and from proving their heart is as strong as for their god. A Dwarv is considered the lowest class and unproven among their people from birth until their naming when they reach adulthood around twelve to fourteen when they reach puberty. For women their moonblood is a sign that Koli has deemed them worthy of a name and likewise for boys from Balthizar. When babies are born, they are judged for strength and or deformities and are sacrificed back to Zar and Koli to protect the heavens instead of Lyorion. When the cubs reach puberty, they are sent on a spiritual journey with the hallucinations of the Hallucination Plant. The title of a Dwarv is determined by the outcome of this journey. Vengr, is the name given to those who have chosen strength, battle, or the forge of Balthizar The Forged as their patron. While Myr, is the name given to those whom are more attuned to cunning, shadows, or economy in the name of Koli The Shadow. If a Dwarv returns and are not titled a Vengr, or Myr they are and always will be considered a lower class among their people, often being forced to work for low wages in mines, shops, farms and other jobs the warriors and noble do not want to. While the actual cause is unknown to others, those who have sworn themselves to Koli during their journey return with their eyes a orange hue, considered "a gift from Koli himself" and often are accompanied by special abilities.   When the babies are born, they are judged for strength and or deformities and are sacrificed back to Zar to protect the heavens instead of the earth. When the Dwarves reach a certain age, they are sent on a spiritual journey with the hallucination of the (New plant). The title of a vengr is determined by the outcome of this journey. Vengr is only given to those who have proven themselves above and beyond those who come back alive from this journey. If the dwarves return and are not titles a vengr, they are a lower class and usually work the mines, shops, and other jobs that the warriors do not. Of those who find themselves on the side of Koli instead of Zar, they believe that they were chosen by Koli to live out his legacy, but it is koli that selected them to take over their body. They would return with one or two orange eyes which is “a gift from Koli himself.” These eyes give them a specific power.  

Religion and Traditions:

A Dwarv that follows Balthizar The Forged are seen as the warriors of their people and are known as Vengr.

A Dwarv that follows Koli The Shadow are seen as the more spiritual of their people and are known as Kolites.

Dwarv do not pray to their gods, instead they offer sacrifices and offerings to please their gods. Anytime they see the northern lights they believe this to be a connection to the heavens and host a massive celebratory offering. This happens once a year, typically during the Years End Eclipse. If a Dwarv is with child on this night, then that person is treated like royalty. If they give birth and the child survives, they believe the year to be bountiful. The child is left inside of a celebratory cradle that is designed to hold up to 10 children born on this night. Any child that survives the cold of the night is believed to have been blessed by Koli himself, and if no child is born this night when the lights fade and the mist fades away, then it shall be a year of hard comings. These children that do not survive are seen as offerings to Koli and Balthizar to please them in hopes of turning the year in their favor. This festival is known as Dwarvenlag.

It is said that Balthizar forged the mountains and rolling hills with his bare hands. In return, the dwarves make sacrifices to Balthizar during the Yule Blot (A period of 12 straight nights from December 20th to Jan 1). Each Night they start with a small animal and work up to a human sacrifice. After every sacrifice, the dwarves feast, drink, engulf drugs and partake in orgies. They see it as a time to be reborn with one's self, fertilize farm lands, and sow seeds into the wombs of shield-maidens to breed stronger warriors to honor the gods.

Jeranhaust is the name of the festival that all Dwarv attend to celebrate the largest harvest of the year.

Dwarv Language:

fjandinn - enemy
brædurs and systirs - Brothers and sisters
frændi - friend
jævlir - fucker
Zarvengr - Warrior Lord
Dwarveng- Their language
Dwarvengr - Warriors of Zar
Dwarmyr - Chosen of Koli
Nogmyr - Nogmi who have been accepted into the Dwarv lifestyle.
Vænnleggjr - Hope Bringer
elskan mín - Love of Mine
Reginzar - Balthizar (God Zar)
Reginstalli - Vengrr word for Zarsgold
Draugr Dracomir - Dead Draconis
Myrkølese - Eclipsed One (Dwarv name for Koli)

Average Life Cycles:

Teen - 14 to 24
Young Adult - 20-50
Middle Age - 45-160
Elder 160-220 (Few live to be this age)

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dwarv do not believe in the common surname as no child is raised by their parent. Instead they are raised in a group of younglings until they come of age and are sent out for their naming when they reach puberty. The naming consists of a point of survival and those that return are given a title based on their accomplishments and other circumstances.
Arakus the Mighty, Yrsa the She-Bear, Myrah the Wind Singer


The Dwarv came into existence when the rest of the common races of the gods set foot in Lyorion. They were an adventurous race who set out to see all corners of Lyorion and wanted to learn what it had to offer. They settled with the gnomes and humans in the city of Cyril while carving trails into the unknown world. They eventually found a beautiful settlement to the far north called Stoneheim and began to build up its inner structures. It started with a massive long house that would be used for meetings, gatherings, festivities, law and order, and much other things that would bring their people together to keep comradery high. They would often need supplies from the gnomes and humans from the lands in the south so the races found a trade settlement called traverse crossing to trade their goods without traveling endlessly. The dwarves never kept to themselves as they wanted to befriend everyone and explore everything. Following the emergence of the Draconis within the lands, the Dwarv soon found themselves unable to properly defend their land from the likes of the Draconis and were soon enslaved by them. For many years this just meant they were left to live their lives how they pleased as long as they provided treasure and food to the scaled monsters. The formation of the Draconis Legion that consisted of the Draconis and Elfar, the Dwarv were now forced into worse servitude. A small band of dwarves that were working in the Knarvik Mines located in a strip of low kept mountains to the south of Draconis Peak. They ventured south to a new found settlement called Rose Lake and formed an alliance with the gnomes until they could build up the strength to reclaim their home and free their people.

Historical Figures

Balthran Axehold who lead the expedition to the north to find their home of Stoneheim. It is said that he slayed a great beast and found a stone that housed mysterious magical powers. He shattered the stone into 5 pieces and shared them amongst his companions Revna the War Tooth, Hildar the Bold, Bryna the Slayer, and Ulfhild the Wild Hunt. He wanted himself as Lord and the other four as Jarls to have a trophy to show their victory over the great beast. Balthran would become the lord of the dwarves and rule in Stoneheim. Revna would rule in Revnastad, Hildar would rule in Hibora, Bryna would rule in Skardal, and Ulfhild would rule in Norstrom.

Common Myths and Legends

Dwarves always tell tales of trolls that linger deep in the mountains and come out to watch the Yule Blot for the 12 nights before returning to their holes and being exposed by the sun. No one has been able to slay a troll to prove they exist.
Skali River is the river that flows through the void and into Zarhalla in Dwarvengr Beliefs.
 Balthran the Axe Hold




Balthizar The Forged
Koli The Shadow
80-160 Years
Average Height
4 Foot